While spring's energy pushes us forward, this Posy Potion gives us a few minutes to sit and mindfully cultivate our mental and emotional gardens. Choose a tea blend that includes either hibiscus (relaxation, love, dream magic) or jasmine (prosperity, love, dreams). Let the tea steep so you have a strong, flavorful infusion. Sit with your mug of tea in place where you won't be disturbed for twenty minutes. As you drink your tea, imagine a cottage-style garden, with a profusion of plants and ...
On this day we celebrate the life and legacy of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and inaugurate the 47th president of the United States. Using a fireproof dish or candleholders, light one green candle for healing and one blue one for peace. Recite and meditate on these words from Rev. King's "I Have a Dream" speech, delivered on Aug. 28, 1963, at the Lincoln Memorial: Even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. ...
Occasionally in life, it becomes necessary to let go of some aspect of ourselves. Maybe you are holding on to habits that no longer serve you. Perhaps your way of thinking has become outdated and your beliefs don't align with how you see your future. This spell uses a lock of your own hair. Hair has long been seen as a place where people carry their energy and life force. All you need is a cast-iron cauldron or fire-safe bowl and some matches or a lighter. Place a lock of your hair in the ...
November is National Pomegranate Month. Whenever I see or taste a pomegranate, I instantly think of the Greek goddess Persephone. When she was taken to the Underworld, she ate six pomegranate seeds, which tied her to staying there for half the year. As the fruit often shows up in markets in late fall, it's another reminder of Persephone's journey to the Underworld. Soon winter will be upon us, but life will return in the spring. I always purchase a couple of pomegranates—one to eat and ...