The spring equinox is coming, so now is a great time to think about renewal and rebirth. Taking a hot shower with fresh springtime herbs is a fabulous way to bring in new ideas and energy. This is very simple to do. Gather a bundle of your favorite fresh herbs, such as rosemary, lavender, peppermint, thyme, or eucalyptus. Wrap the bundle in twine and let it hang from your showerhead. Start the water and let the steam bring out the essence and scent of the herbs. Step into the shower and feel ...
Pisces season is here, and it's all about getting in touch with your emotions, allowing yourself to feel deeply, tapping into your generosity and empathy, and connecting with your creativity. You don't need to have a Pisces placement to enjoy this spell. Being a water sign, I think a fun way to do this is to take a luxurious bubble bath and fill it with Pisces energy, allowing yourself to soak in all the dreamy vibes. I like to use a blend of essential oils associated with Pisces, such as ...
In today's fast-paced world of social media influencers, it's hard to feel like we are "enough" just being who we are. Today's spell is about reflecting on the things we enjoy about ourselves and putting them away to read at a later date. These "notes to self" can be anything—a good memory of when you were recognized for an achievement, a physical compliment, a compliment about your character, etc.—so get creative! Set up your space. Light a candle or incense, and focus on the best ...
With Imbolc coming in just a few days, I like to use this time to start doing a ritual cleansing of my body and spirit. To do this, I drink herbal teas. Today's herbal tea is made of two ingredients associated with the goddess Brigid: rosemary and dandelion root. Not only are they helpful in detoxifying the body, but they also promote the purification of the spirit. If you don't grow these herbs normally, a good option is to get these items at your local market. You can get the rosemary in the ...