While many of us say “Blessed Be,” one member of my coven always says “Bright Blessings.” I love this saying, and decided to write a spell that carries the intonation and intention of the words. Bright Blessings I call upon us all. May you be bright and filled with might, May the good moon inspire psychic insight, May you be blessed and touched with grace, May the good sun shine brightly upon your face, May you be strong, grounded, and sturdy, ...
At this time of year, many of us are anxious for winter to end. Help end winter with this spell. You’ll need a small bare twig. Go to a place outdoors where you won’t be disturbed. Pick up a small bare twig off the ground. Tap the earth with it three times. Stand as you hold the twig and say: Earth Spirit, hear my plea. Arise, let darkness and cold flee. Enter every bud and blade of grass. Let the frosts and snows pass. Snap the twig in half and toss it aside. Walk away. The ...
I love Sundays. It probably started when I was a kid and my family ate Sunday dinner with my grandparents. The richness of roast beef and Yorkshire pudding mingles in my memory with the knowledge of my grandparents' love. Today, let's do a Sunday sweetness spell. It is your choice: you can choose either an activity that delights you or a special food treat—bonus points if it's sweet. Make time today to pause mindfully, take a few deep breaths, and savor the sweetness of that moment or of ...
One of the most cherished abilities of the witch is to manifest wishes by setting a strong intent. One celestial aid to this type of work is the new moon, which just so happens to be gracing us today. Dr. Bach's flower remedies encapsulate tiny portions of selected plants. The flower remedy we turn to today is fitting for the coming winter season—it is holly. This is one of the more beautiful and spiritually medicinal plants that exists. It is enveloped in rich traditions of folklore, ...