The Qliphothic Sentinel of Ayin, the 26th Path on the Tree of Life. His number is 237. His name should be uttered in the key of "A."
The second of the Six Seniors found on the Enochian Watchtower of Air, Jupiterian in nature. This name is intersected by the 43rd, 45th, 53rd, and 56th Governors. By Gematria it equals 149, a Prime Number.
(?–624 c.e.) Sent to England to convert the people by Pope Gregory I (after whom we have the Gregorian Calendar and Gregorian Chant). Among Pagans today he is best known for receiving a letter from the Pope known as Epistola ad Melitum, which told him to integrate Pagan customs and sites into Christianity.
A person who believes he or she was abducted by extraterrestrials. Often, such a person does not have immediate recall of either the abduction or the events preceding, during, or immediately after the experience. The memories are triggered through chance events or during trancework such as hypnosis. Sometimes confused with contactees.
Literally "to swear away from," (from the Latin Ab, meaning "away from" and jurare, meaning "to swear"). To abjure means to banish or exorcize.
Although commonly used to mean washing yourself or a ritual wishing, among alchemists it means to wash away what is impure through repeated cleansings, that reducing the matter you have to a pure state.
A mixture of four parts olibanum, two parts storax, and one part lignum aloes. If the last ingredient is unavailable, then cedar, rose, or citron will suffice. These must be turned to fine powder. Although many sources give frankincense as another name for olibanum (and that's what you get when you buy it), they are actually two different species of the genus Boswellia in the Burseraceae family. Due to their similarity, however, either can be used.
The formula for this scented oil comes from The Book of the Sacred Magick of Abramelin the Mage and is mentioned in Crowley's The Book of the Law (Liber Al). It is made from eight parts cinnamon, four parts myrrh (described as being in the form of "tears"), two parts galangal, and seven parts olive oil.
The coldest it can get at which most known physical activity ceases. 0°K on the Kelvin scale and as −273.15°C on the Celsius scale, and −459.67°F on the Fahrenheit scale. At temperatures very close to absolute zero, matter exhibits quantum effects such as superconductivity and superfluidity. The esoteric significance is that here energy still exists in matter sometimes called “Dark Matter,” and where Intentional Consciousness is still dynamic.
An alchemical term for a small vessel. It either means a vessel that simply holds vinegar (acetum) or a small cup that holds as much as an eggshell.
Alchemical term for vinegar. May also mean sour wine.
The name, meaning "River of Woe," of one of the five rivers in Greek mythology that surround Hades. The other four rivers are the Cocytus ("River of Wailing"), the Lethe ("River of Forgetfulness"), the Pyriphlegethon ("The Fiery River"), and the Styx ("The Hateful River").
The fibrous tissue that connects the calf muscle to the heel.
Alchemical term for red coral. Although it may seem odd to differentiate this type of coral, red coral is a substance that is associated with the planet Mars in ancient Tantric or Indian Astrology. Since some Tantric systems also involved alchemy, it may show that Western alchemy is linked to the systems of India.
"Consciousness activation in the three lowest natural kingdoms is an unconscious and automatic process which gradually becomes a conscious one in the human kingdom. In higher kingdoms it is the result of self-initiated consciousness activity."
Laurency, H.T. The Knowledge of Reality, 1979, The Henry T. Laurency Publishing Foundation
A form of traditional Asian medicine, probably derived from Indian Ayurveda, that is based on the theory that balanced energy within the body produces health and a lack of balance produces illness. This energy flows through certain paths, called meridians, and that this energy can be enhanced or reduced to balance the overall energy through the application of pressure on certain points along the meridians. It differs from acupuncture in that insertion into the skin of fine needles is not used.
Code used in spells and recipes by Pagans, ancient doctors, alchemists, etc. going back to the Greek Magical Papyri. It means Dogstooth Violet or Plantain.
A neuter term meaning brother or sister through affection rather than blood. In the occult Order of the Astral Star, an Adelphon is the title for members in the first degree. It is associated with the Fire of Earth in the Sephirah Malkuth (In the Golden Dawn's coloring, the russet colored quarter of Malkuth using the Queen Scale of color).
Literally, the "Exempt Adept." In the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a title given to people who have reached the 7° of the Order. Initially, the 5th and 6th degrees each had four sub-degrees. In many modern versions of the Golden Dawn, the sub-degrees are ignored and as a result of passing tests, members move directly from the 5th to the 6th, and 6th to the 7th.
Literally, the "Greater Adept." In the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a title given to people who have reached the 6° of the Order. Initially, the 5th and 6th degrees each had four sub-degrees. In many modern versions of the Golden Dawn, the sub-degrees are ignored and as a result of passing tests, members move directly from the 5the to the 6the, and 6th to the 7th.
(Sanskrit) literally “First” and “Sons of the Fire Mist,” an alternate name referring to the Upper Manifestal seventh plane up from the physical level.
Alchemical term for water that has had a red-hot iron inserted into it.
The Anterior Fornix Erotic zone is an area in the vagina opposite the G-spot which is sexually highly responsive in many women.
2. An affirmation should be carefully planned, and written in very concise form. When spoken, aloud or silently, believe it and feel it – adding emotion to give it energy. An affirmation is communication with the subconscious, stating your particular goals. The most effective use of affirmations is to change your “Belief System” (which see) that filters incoming information.
In Astrology, an archaic term still used by some astrologers to describe a planet that has challenging aspects (such as squares, oppositions, and quincunxes) linked to it.
During the life between lives we are progressively empowered to use past life experiences as critical growth resources to accelerate our evolution through next life planning.
A type of silica, primarily chalcedony, known for their bright colors and clear layers that appear to be lines. Magically, it is a stone of strength and protection. It is believed to strengthen the intellect. It can also be used to cleanse and stabilize the aura and supposedly can bring invisibility.
The name of the ancient God of fire found in spiritual traditions from India.
Transliteration of the Hebrew word for "love." Sometimes transliterated as ahavah. Via Gematria, a form of Kabalistic numerology, it equals 13, also the numeration of the Hebrew letters in the word for "one." As the Kabalah holds there is only one deity, the number one represents God, and since the numeration of the letters in the word equal the numeration of those in "ahevah," this is taken to prove that God is love.
A Kabalistic method of Biblical interpretation and system for making codes. See Temurah.
Aikido is a martial art that relies on harmonious movements and minimal muscular effort to resolve conflicts.
The 16th letter of the Ogham tree alphabet, representing the letter A and meaning "fir."
Fir trees signify a higher, more powerful perspective. Consequently, Ailm gives insight and the potential for great wisdom. It is an indication that you are progressing and will shortly be able to see ahead much more clearly than before.
2. (Sanskrit) “Command Center.” Primarily known the “Brow Chakra”.
2. (Sanskrit) See Spirit. The fifth element of Spirit or Ether, one of the five tattvas or elemental forces—the others beingAir, Fire, Water, and Earth, which are derived from Spirit. It is symbolized by an indigo egg shape, and is associated with Vishudda, the throat chakra. It manifests as sound, but is not sound. It is all-pervading Space without dimension. Compare to the alchemical “Quintessence.”
Suggested Reading: A Chakra & Kundalini Workbook, by Dr. Jonn Mumford.
Although this means a "sharp-pointed stone," to alchemists this referred to aconite, a poisonous herb that grows on rocks.
According to some authorities, this refers to an oven used by alchemists. Other authorities of alchemical terms say this simply means charcoal.
A Greek word meaning avenger, it was used as a title of Zeus in His role as the avenger of evil deeds, especially killings within a family. Later, the name was given to any spiritual entity that would punish wrongful human behavior. Still later, it became an insult similar to the concept of a scoundrel. In Christian terms, Alastor was a generic name for certain evil spirits, and specifically for a possessing spirit. Some have referred to it as the “evil genius of a house.”
A dwarf, sometimes called the King of the Dwarves, found in Old High German myths. In French he is called Oberon.
3. The art and science of creating medicines from plants and minerals for healing physical and psychic diseases, thereby restoring the alchemist to a state of perfect harmony. These medicines can be either liquid, such as the Elixir of Life, or solid, such as the Philosopher’s Stone. Alchemy is also known as the Royal Art.
Alchemy 1977 is famous around the globe for their stunning gothic artwork and steampunk accessories. Fans of this iconic brand will recognize and appreciate the powerful and seductive images in this extraordinary tarot deck. This captivating mix of art from world famous gothic illustrators ranges from traditional horror to lush supernatural scenes to medieval fantasy.
Tarot deck by publisher Fournier.
One of the three Greek Erinyes or Furies along with Megaera and Tisiphone. She is the Greek goddess of war and death. She was the daughter of Gaea impregnated by the blood (?) of Uranus resulting from Cronus’ castration of Uranus.
A form of divination. A circle of letters of the alphabet is spread out and a chicken is placed in the center. A question is asked and the bird indicates letters that form words and reveal the answers.
An early Greek goddess, daughter of Helios the sun, and Rhode. She was worshipped as a heroine on the island of Rhodes.
The 15th rune of the Elder Futhark, representing the letter z.
The primary meaning of the Algiz rune is protection. The sign itself looks like a splayed hand, and is reminiscent of Tyr's hand which he sacrificed in order to bind Fenris the wolf.
2. An altar is really a work bench holding your magickal tools. Usually it is placed at the center of the circle or working area. Sometimes it may be moved to face any of the four corners. Traditionally it is composed of two equal size cubes, one on top of the other.
2. Wakefulness and sleep are the two most familiar states of consciousness. Others include dreaming, meditation, trance, hypnosis and self-hypnosis, hallucination, astral projection, etc. ASCs can be induced by sleep deprivation, chanting, fasting, ecstatic dancing, drumming, sex, psychedelic drugs, and conscious self-programming. Once you’ve been "there," it is easier to get there again.
Alchemical term for cinnabar, the bright red ore from which mercury is derived.
The food (or some say drink or a special substance) on which the Greek gods lived.
(175?—242) A Greek philosopher from Alexandria, Egypt; little is known about him. However, he founded the school of Neoplatonism in Alexandria and is thus considered one of the founders of that system. There are no records of his writing, and we know of his teachings through his students, especially Plotinus.
2. Examining the caul that sometimes covers a newborn’s face is said to reveal the child’s future.
Greek sea goddess. Originally the wife of Poseidon, she was later downplayed to merely being his consort and later to being merely symbolic of the sea. Her son was Triton and her daughter Rhode.
2. Literally, that which is against death; the nectar of immortality. In classical Tantric sex rituals, commingled sexual fluids that are consumed by the practitioners. Some Neo-Tantric teachers refer to female ejaculate as "amrita."
3. Usually a physical object of metal or stone that has been deliberately crafted to represent and be additionally charged with particular energies believed to inspire or stimulate corresponding energies in a person carrying or wearing the amulet. Most often, the material is associated by traditional correspondences, and then is shaped or inscribed with symbols likewise derived from correspondences. The amulet may be activated and its energies transferred by prayer, manipulation, or magical use
A group of almond shaped nuclei located within the temporal lobes of the brain. The amygdala is involved in the processing of memory and emotional reactions.
Also known as Venus Anadyomene, her name means ”she who rises from the sea." She is a famous representation of Aphrodite, the sea-born Greek goddess of sexuality.
2. Sanskrit. "Unstruct Sound." Primarily known the Heart Chakra.
Using the mouth and, especially, the tongue to stimulate the anus.
Title given to those who followed the teachings of Ammonius Saccas. They received this name because they used analogies and correspondences when they interpreted myths and symbols, much as many occultists do today.
2. Commonly translated as bliss, but it can also mean happiness, joy, or sensual pleasure.
A Greek personification of the abstractions “destiny,” “necessity,” and “fate.” She is often shown holding a spindle and is seen as the dictator of fate and circumstance. As the Orphic mystery religion grew, Ananke fell in importance, eventually replaced by Eros as a force opposing both fate and death.
In astrology, a name given to the 29th degree of any sign; it is sometimes called the degree of fate. When a planet is in the anaretic degree of a sign (especially the Water signs of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces), spiritual qualities (including intuition, intuitiveness, psychic abilities, and empathy) associated with the planet and sign are enhanced.
Greek word meaning “rise up” and referring to the concept of the resurrection of the dead. However, it is also used to mean the point in an initiation ritual where the candidate moves from the old life to the new life, reborn as an initiate in a new existence.
A tradition found in many religions, that features the veneration, honoring, or worship of deceased relatives. This may be a relative in a blood line or of an important person to the tribe.
The belief that aliens landed on Earth thousands of years ago. Some contend that this ancient beings helped humanity develop and even evolve. Others claim they used early humans for their own ends.
She was a princess in ancient Greece. In punishment for her mother’s bragging, she was chained to a rock to be a sacrifice to a sea monster. Her future husband, Perseus, saved her. She may have been a pre-Hellenic moon goddess seen as being under attack by the demon of darkness. The myth was so popular it was converted into the legend of St. George and the Dragon.
Another name used for the Greek Pandora. This name means “She who sends up gifts” implying food plants.
On an astrological horoscope, the "angles" are the lines formed by the ascendant (0 degrees), the I.C. (Latin for Imum Coeli, "bottom of the sky," at 90 degrees), the descendant (180 degrees), and midheaven (270 degrees). These are considered to be important points in a chart and are said to represent Cardinal qualities.
2. (Psychology – Jungian) The Woman in every man. In Jung’s psychology, it is mythic ideal of the feminine that a man projects on to women. It manifests in fantasy, romance, sexual behavior, the estrogen hormone, and in feminine energy.
3. (Eastern Thought) A siddhi or magickal power developed through Tantric techniques, it is the ability to shrink to the size of an atom.
The “Soul of the World.” There has been a dual usage for this phrase:
1) As the World Mind or Global Consciousness, divided into spiritus mundi or world vital force and corpus mundi or the world physical body;
2) The divine essence that permeates everything, also known as Astral Light, Prana, Animal Magnetism, Spirit.
2. Etheric, or life, energy that, like Reich’s Orgone, is present in all animal life. It can be concentrated, stored, transferred and projected by magical practices—essentially the use of a trained imagination. It formed the basis for many of the practices of Mesmerism, considered by some to be an early forerunner of Hypnotism.
Expression used to describe what appears to be psychic or paranormal abilities in non-human animals. Sometimes represented by the term, “Anpsi.”
Individual animal awareness is primarily physical and emotional, but sharing in the mental substance of the species Group Soul. It is generally believed that accumulated mental activity leads individual animals to transmigrate into the human kingdom—but only those animals such as Cats, Dogs, Elephants and Monkeys that have been in close and constant association with human “owners.”
2. (Psychology – Jungian) The Man in every woman. In Jung’s psychology, it is mythic ideal of the masculine that a man projects on to men. It manifests in fantasy, romance, sexual response, the testosterone hormone, and in masculine energy.
A concept relating to reincarnation. When a soul is ready to reincarnate, it will announce itself, often to the woman pregnant with the soul’s future body. Sometimes, however, another person—such as the future child’s father or other relative—will have the announcing dream. Implies that the soul of a person does not enter the body at inception.
An experience that cannot be explained by currently accepted Western scientific theories.
Phenomena found in the natural world that cannot be explained by currently accepted Western scientific theories. Also known as Fortean phenomena (named after the famed collector of reports of such phenomena, Charles Fort), an example would be a rain of frogs.
1. The fourth rune of the Elder Futhark, representing the letter A.
The meaning of this rune is mouth, and as such usually indicates the spoken word, the taking of advice, or the acquisition of wisdom.
2. This is the fourth rune of the futhark. Whereas Thurisaz represents the forces of chaos, Ansuz represents order, the defenders of which, in our mythology, are the Aesir.
I know a fourth one: it will free me quickly If foes should fetter me fast With strong chains, a chant that makes Fetters spring from the feet, Bonds burst from the hands.
--HavamalA title for the Greek Hera meaning “flowering one.”
The rejection of socially established morality or religious laws.
(Sanskrit) “Parentless.” Alternate name for the Submanifestal, the sixth level up from the physical
The Tattwa of elemental Water. It is symbolized by a silver crescent with the horns pointing upward as if a container.
Something that excites or produces sexual arousal.
Egyptian Bull deity whose line continued even when that of the Pharoahs failed. Apis was the most important sacred animal in ancient Egypt and was the only such animal never shown as a human with an animal’s head. Probably originally a fertility god.
An enormous disaster. The name comes from the last book of the Christian Bible and is from the Greek where it actually means “revelation.” That book has the revelations of St. John resulting from visions. Those visions describe the violent end of the age. Highly symbolic, numerous interpreters give different versions of the meanings of the book.
Greek word that means “to become divine” or “to ascend to a divine level.” Originally described the way a king was made divine in some ancient religions. In France and England this may have led to the belief in the Royal Touch (which see).
Early Christians changed the meaning of the word to mean that a person or group could partake of the divine nature and not that they could become divine.
3. A projection of one’s image that is seen by another. Unlike Astral Projection, the appearance is mostly spontaneous and does not involve the projector entering into a trance state. Apparitions are often connected with a personal crisis or intense interest in the other person. Sometimes the apparition is coincidental with the person’s death.
A phenomenon in which sensory perceptions are associated with inner, subjective impressions.
The aptitudes and capabilities you demonstrate. Many self-improvement classes give you new aptitudes that augment your "Application Programs."
2. The appearance of an object as if moved from another location by psychic means. It is believed to involve the dematerialization and then rematerialization of the object.
Archangel-focused inspirational deck of twenty-two cards.
A form of the Tantric deity that combines the male Shiva with the female Shakti in one iconic form. Visually, the deity is divided vertically, with one half showing physical male characteristics and the other half showing female characteristics. The name is Sanskrit for "The Lord who is Half Woman."
The Half Lotus Posture. In this modified version of the Lotus Posture, only one foot is placed atop the thigh when the legs are crossed.
An area on the coast of Dahomey (currently known as the Republic of Benin). It is from this area where the people often called aradas. This is also the source of the term Rada, a name for some of the oldest rites of Voodoo or Voudoun. The rites and rituals of this form of Voodoo are traditionally considered positive and beneficial.
A remote site of Edwards Air Force Base about 95 miles north of Las Vegas, Nevada. Known to the CIA as either Groom Lake or the Nevada Test and Training Range, it is used to design and test advanced aircraft. Many people believe it houses alien space ships that are being reversed engineered for their technology. Others believe it houses either the bodies of dead extraterrestrials or even living aliens who are giving the U.S. technological secrets.
The Greek notion of excellence associated with the fulfillment of a purpose or function. It meant courage and strength in the face of adversity and was considered an aspiration for all people.
Daughter of King Minos of Crete, she aided Thesus in overcoming her half brother, the Minotaur. Bride of Dionysus. She may have been a Great Goddess of Crete and “Mistress of the Labrynth” or even a Snake Goddess.
A Hebrew word that means “fierce lion.” In the Jewish Bible, it is associated with a king of Eliasar. Much later, it was the name given to a fallen angel controlled by Satan in Milton’s famous poem Paradise Lost, first published in 1667.
A person who interprets omens to predict the future.
A form of numerology, especially one that uses the number of letters in a name.
As described in the Christian Bible, the final battle between good and evil marking the end of the world. It is a "mythical reality," an image that challenges us to resolve.
2. Sanskrit. "Seat" or "Postures. Generally referring to any the postures or exercises taught in Hatha Yoga that provide a stable base for the body so that sensations do not disturb concentration.
This term for highly spiritual beings who are non-physical yet interact with humans originated with Blavatsky and the Theosophists. Other terms include "Elder Brothers" and "Mahatmas." Some believe they were once humans who, through spiritual development, no longer need to incarnate. This makes them similar to the Buddhist concept of the Bodhisattva.
A strategy combining imagery of a pyramid and self-affirmations to promote psychic empowerment.
Suggested Reading: Slate, J. & Weschcke, C. Psychic Empowerment—Tools & Techniques, 2011, Llewellyn.
A square stone block. In Freemasonry it represents the Mason and his spiritual advancement. There are two kinds, the rough ashlar and the smooth ashlar. It is also symbolic of the alchemical Philosopher's Stone, a representation of inner transformation as a result of spiritual work.
"Eight-limbed." The eight stages of Patanjali's Yoga:
Yama: control
Niyama: observance
Asana: posture
Pranayama: breath control
Pratyahara: sense withdrawal
Dharana: concentration
Dhyana: sustained concentration, and
Samadhi: universal consciousness with total psychological and physical integration.
Literally, "the gesture of the horse." Ashwini Mudra is the intentional pulsing of the anus. This practice is very important in many Tantric routines, since it is a powerful way to raise energy within the body. It is also reputed to have a wide variety of health benefits.
Remember that your Personal Human Consciousness is modeled on the Body of God. The Powers of the Universe are yours to learn and earn. You do have the Power, but you have to learn it, understand it, believe it, use it, and—above all—have faith in its reality.
A demon, some say a king of demons, most famous for his appearance as the evil character in the apocryphal book of Tobit. Asmodeus also appears in Talmudic legends and has been known as the "King of Nine Hells," one of the "Seven Princes of Hell," and as a lust demon who perverts sexual desires.
One who aspires to something. It frequently is used to describe a person who seeks or aspires to membership in an occult order or, once a member, seeks to move to a higher level in that order. In the occult Order of the Astral Star, "Aspirant" is the title of someone in the "zero degree" of associate membership. It corresponds to Earth of Earth in the Sephirah Malkuth (In the Golden Dawn's coloring, the black colored quarter of Malkuth using the Queen Scale of color).
The aspiration of the student (we are all students) towards growth and the attainment of Initiation should be a burning flame like a lover’s desire for his beloved.
Although it means theft and larceny, when it comes to Spiritualism the word "asport" means something removed from a séance room by unknown means. It's the opposite of an apport, and is often found in a nearby room. One famous medium who made possessions of her sitters disappear was Eusapia Paladino.
Code used in spells and recipes by Pagans, ancient doctors, alchemists, etc. going back to the Greek Magical Papyri. It means Coltsfoot.
2. The World of Action. The fourth and lowest of the Kabbalistic worlds corresponding to the material level, the world of sensation, the dominion of Primordial Earth and its four elements. Assiah pictured either on the Tree of Life as Malkuth only, or as a fourth Tree of life below the other three.
Suggested Reading – Regardie & Ciceros: A Garden of Pomegranates
An experience in a dream, vision, trance, hypnosis, etc. where you observe things from a first-person perspective, as if seeing it through your eyes. The opposite of dissociated.
Connection and relationship between similar items such that thought about one calls up others. It is not the same as “correspondence,” which occurs at the universal macro level whereas association is generally related to personal and human experience. It is often used in dream interpretation.
3. Letters, words or symbols are written on each of a dozen “knuckle-bones” (an ancient form of dice), and then cast upon the ground. The future is determined by the symbols that fall face up, and by their relative position. See also cleromancy.
An astral projection procedure induced by hypnosis to survey past life experiences and retrieve those particularly relevant to current needs.
Each body or vehicle is inclusive of the one “beneath” it in the familiar scheme of levels of consciousness. With basic aura seeing, each higher vehicle’s aura extends further beyond the skin of the physical body in this sequence: physical body, etheric double, astral, mental, and causal vehicles for a total of four. Higher vehicles are not perceptible by ordinary clairvoyance.
The essential goal of astral projection is to extend awareness beyond the limitations of the physical brain to become fully conscious on the astral plane. Moving beyond single body limitation to multi-body consciousness our horizons become infinite.
The fluid stream of psychic energy used to convey telepathic messages in the Astral Telepathy System.
Within spontaneous astral projection, the therapeutically planned encounter with long-term growth barriers with the intention of dismantling them.
An out-of-body induction procedure specifically designed to promote astral travel. to the spirit realm.
Suggested Reading: Beyond Reincarnation, by Joe H. Slate, Ph.D.
An imagery and relaxation procedure for inducing out-of-body travel.
A procedure designed to arrest sleep and induce Out-of-Body travel to designated destinations.
The unique cosmic structure underlying each person's individuality as a conscious entity.
Through astral projection and increased awareness, we accelerate our growth and gain understanding of the nature of our existence.
2. The "substance" of the Astral Plane that responds to It is approximately equivalent to Ether, Mana, Vital Fluid, etc. holding the impressions of thought and emotion and feeling, forming memory.
Suggested Reading – Regardie & the Ciceros: The Tree of Life – An Illustrated Study of Magic
Like astral sex, astral love and romance are emotional and emotion is the substance of the astral plane.
The astral body—in contrast to a constructed thought form—is a non-physical replica of the physical body and can be used as an organizing matrix perceived to be ideally healthy. Upon re-engagement with the physical body, health images can be transferred for healing and rejuvenation.
A procedure designed to acquire outer growth resources available only through Out-of-Body interactions with higher astral planes.
A procedure designed to muster PK resources during the Out-of-Body state, and focus them on specific health or fitness goals.
Methods of therapy that occur while having an out-of-body experience.
2. A phenomenon in which the astral body disengages from the biological body to consciously experience distant realities. See Out-of-Body experience (OBE).
A psychotherapy procedure structured specifically to extinguish deep-seated fears by traveling Out-of-Body to re-experience their origins.
Anything on the physical plane is replicated on the astral plane in non-solid astral substance that responds to feeing and thought.
Every physical action has an astral reaction, and nearly everything sexual is accompanied by emotion, the very substance of the astral plane. Love and Romance are likewise emotional, and these three are mostly associated together and function through the exchange of magnetic and electrical energies that engender excitement, pleasure, and built the magical potentials fundament to Sex Magick.
1. Instead of physical substance the astral world has its own unique substance that some writers refer to as “emotional” because it is the foundation for our emotional consciousness just as the physical substance is the foundation for our physical consciousness, and the mental world substance is the foundation of our mental consciousness.
A range of energy/matter substance of lessening density as the range of vibrations increases.
2. A generic term used to describe the malleable or "plastic" substance that comprises the astral plane.
An Out-of-Body induction procedure designed to facilitate Out-of-Body astral scanning of multiple planes.
1. A technique to examine the physical plane while having an out-of-body experience.
2. A procedure designed to induce Out-of-Body clairvoyant scanning.
A system for communicating without physical contact that involves being out-of-body.
A nine-step Out-of-Body induction and telepathic sending system.
Astral projection programs specifically designed to tap into the therapeutic possibilities of the out-of-body experience drawing upon the resources of higher astral planes.
An Out-of-Body induction procedure that introduces Out-of-Body walking as a figurative, multi-directional phenomenon.
In Astral Walk, a stage in which the astral body disengages the biological body. See: Astral Walk.
Suggested Reading – Slate, J.H. & Weschcke, C.L.: Astral Projection for Psychic Empowerment, 2012, Llewellyn
In the ancient Greek myth, Atalanta was abandoned by her father who wanted a son, nursed by a bear and raised by hunters who tought her to fight and hunt. She took an oath of virginity to Artemis, and later was famed for being in foot races in which no man could outrun her to earn her as a bride.
Scientifically, the reappearance of a recessive genetic trait after multiple generations where there was a lack of such an appearance. In some shamanic and magickal practices, practitioners have a goal of causing such characteristics to re-emerge, bringing back primal aspects of their being.
A Greek word meaning “ruin, folly, delusion.” It referred to the actions of a hero who actions lead to death or downfall, usually because of hubris. A goddess of this name personifies this concept.
A person who believes there are no Gods. Although among some self-described "skeptics" atheism includes the lack of belief in anything not fitting into 19th-century materialistic philosophy, there are some people today who would note that this simply does not allow for the belief in ultimate deities. It can allow for the belief in other non-material things including spirits, ghosts, survival of the personality after death, and magick.
Greek goddess of warfare, civilization, wisom, crafts, justice, strength. Patron goddess of Athens.
Commonly called a "lost continent" in the Atlantic Ocean, Atlantis is veiled in myth and speculation with little in the way of supporting fact. Occultists have speculated about a superior civilization in Atlantis escaping before it sank into oblivion to establish the Egyptian and other advanced civilizations, giving their peoples a head start in magical wisdom.
2. (Sanskrit) The Upper Superessential level of reality and consciousness. Also the vehicle of the Second Self.
2. The Higher Self or Soul that is eternal.
(Sanskrit) The Upper Superessential level of reality and consciousness.
Focused awareness. Concentration. To "pay attention" is a conscious choice to limit perception and the work of consciousness to something specific.
The principle of attraction involves believing yourself worthy and already in possession of those things you want. It functions best when used as a goal in our Self-Empowerment through Self-Hypnosis technique, which fully mobilizes your inner resources and leaving no doubt of your success.
2. The first and highest Kabbalistic world, the divine world of the Archetypes. The domain of Primordial Fire. It corresponds to Kether, Chokmah and Binah.
2. Greek term meaning The Higher Ego or Individuality of Man; the “Father in Heaven.”
Noun: One who performs divination.
Verb: To perform a divination.
5. The human aura is the body’s external energy field which is a manifestation of the internal energy system’s central core.
In 1908, Dr. Walter Kilner invented aura goggles involving screens of dicyanin dye by which he could perceive the ultra-violet part of the field around the body that he termed "The Human Atmosphere" in a book of that title he published in 1911.
Alchemical term meaning "Gold of the Philosophers," a code for lead.
2. The "lower intelligence" that safely runs the body functions without conscious awareness.
Often an aspect of astral projection, autoscopy refers to the ability to see oneself from a position outside the body. It may refer to seeing the astral double or, upon projecting, to seeing one’s own physical body.
In contrast to asleep, being awake supposedly says we are alert and perceptive to sensory input and the ongoing functions of ordinary consciousness. Nevertheless, self-observation will clearly show that there’s more to being awake than having your eyes open! It’s somewhat like having a dimmer on your light switch. Learn to turn up the intensity to become fully awake.
2. Divination with an axe. Toss it in the air in an open area. If it lands with the blade in the ground, note the direction in which the handle points for the answer to your question
2. In astrology there are six axes formed by signs directly opposite each other in a natal chart. They are:
Relating the interpretations of the axes can add depth to a chart analysis.
The primal or archetypal Mambo (Voudoun high priestess). She is sometimes called Grande Ai-Zan or Ayizan Velekete. Ayizan, with her husband Loco, guards religious traditions, initiation, and healing powers. She is also the priestess for the revering of parents and ancestor worship. Ayizan is the Loa of commerce and trade. Her colors are yellow, gold, and white.
2. The universal “medicine” that is the living spirit.