Poetry comes from the spirit. It offers a way to see the world a little slant, to make sense of the mystical. It also plays a major role in magic. Most spells include elements of poetry. So do many rituals. This is because the mechanics of poetry, like rhyme and alliteration, provide more traction for moving energy, the same as they give that little "aha" in your head when you hear them. You can celebrate World Poetry Day in a variety of ways. Read a book of poems. Look through your collection ...
To gain insight into a simple yes-no question, get a piece of paper, a pen, stick or cone incense in a holder, and a lighter. Draw a straight line down the center of the page. On the left, write "no," and on the right, "yes." Find a place indoors where no direct wind or draft will impact the incense smoke. Place the incense holder on the line in the center of the page. Light the incense, and as the smoke begins to billow, ask your questions out loud or in your mind. The direction that the smoke ...
The relative permanence of stones provides a vehicle for remembering and honoring the ephemeral (think: tombstones). If you have a garden or potted plant, you can include a stone as a touchpoint for helpful spirits. This can be a simple unadorned stone, or you can use paint pens to decorate it, using waterproof sealant to protect the design. Hold the stone in your palm, close your eyes, and feel its weight and temperature, bringing your awareness to the physicality of stone on flesh. Then ...
Here is an amulet to assist you in being successful in all you do, but especially in education, legal matters, and religious or spiritual callings. Perform this ritual when the Moon is in Sagittarius—before it moves into Capricorn at 6:09 p.m. EST. Here is what you will need: A whole nutmeg nut A nail or needle for carving A small red cloth bag with a drawstring top, or you can use a piece of red cloth 7 inches square and some string Personal identifying materials: hair, fingernail ...