This simple potion will help you guard and preserve your health during the final weeks of winter. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a sturdy mug. Add a large spoonful of honey, ½ teaspoon grated fresh ginger, and a sprinkle of red pepper flakes. Fill with near-boiling water and add a cinnamon stick as a swizzle, stirring sunwise (clockwise). Sip your tonic while it's very hot, imagining the benefits of the lemon (vitamin C), the honey (antiviral properties), the ginger ...
The hearth is the center of your home. It may be a fireplace, a woodstove, a central furnace, or even your kitchen range. Wherever it is, it deserves a blessing. Begin by cleaning your hearth—a gesture of care and respect. Perhaps your fireplace or woodstove needs the chimney or flue swept and cleaned, and the floor in front of it swept or polished. A furnace may need its filter changed or vents vacuumed out, while your range might need to be cleaned and polished. Some of these are ...
We're in the depth of winter, with its long, dark nights and short days, and it's a perfect time to reflect on the light and dark within our own lives—the gratitudes and the disappointments. You'll need a black candle, a white candle, a saucer, matches, a fireproof bowl, a pen, and two pieces of paper. Write your disappointments on one piece of paper. What has not materialized as you had hoped? Who or what have you lost? What has caused you pain? On the second piece, write your ...
It’s the first day of Kwanzaa, and today celebrants honor the concept of unity. You can honor this day magically with a ceremony of unity for your family and ancestors. Prepare by creating a list or a family tree of your family members, as many as you know or can recall. You’ll also need a special cup or goblet, a beverage to be shared, family photographs, and a candle. Ask each family member attending to bring a favorite item that reminds them of the family. Gather your family ...