Moving to a new place to live can be emotional, sentimental, and bittersweet all at the same time. When you are in the midst of a transformation, consider performing this blessing and farewell spell after the last box has been removed from your home. This is a way to say goodbye and release the energy of your living space. Stand silently in the room of your choice and reflect on the memories. Close your eyes and remember a magnificent memory in that space in the past. Think about the events ...
While spring's energy pushes us forward, this Posy Potion gives us a few minutes to sit and mindfully cultivate our mental and emotional gardens. Choose a tea blend that includes either hibiscus (relaxation, love, dream magic) or jasmine (prosperity, love, dreams). Let the tea steep so you have a strong, flavorful infusion. Sit with your mug of tea in place where you won't be disturbed for twenty minutes. As you drink your tea, imagine a cottage-style garden, with a profusion of plants and ...
While many of us say “Blessed Be,” one member of my coven always says “Bright Blessings.” I love this saying, and decided to write a spell that carries the intonation and intention of the words. Bright Blessings I call upon us all. May you be bright and filled with might, May the good moon inspire psychic insight, May you be blessed and touched with grace, May the good sun shine brightly upon your face, May you be strong, grounded, and sturdy, ...
When we do a spell, it can leave both physical and metaphysical residue that needs to be cleaned up. Getting rid of our magical messes can sometimes be tricky. The physical remnants can usually be burnt and the ashes buried, or the remains can be thrown in the trash. Make sure to clean the physical space first before doing this spell to remove the built-up magical residue. Since today is Saturday, it is the perfect time for banishing negative energies. Take some sweetgrass or sage incense or ...