Today is Rosa Parks Day, celebrated in honor of the acclaimed civil rights activist on her birthday. To evoke the qualities of courage, fortitude, and self-confidence exhibited by Ms. Parks, hold a hematite crystal in your dominant hand (the hand you write with) while raising your athame (ritual blade) aloft. State firmly: I am confident! I am brave! I have tenacity! Add any other qualities you wish to embody. Visualize yourself surrounded by golden light. Keep the hematite stone on your ...
This ritual will help you cope with those last-minute holiday nerves. Perform it first thing in the morning. Begin by standing and facing east. Ground and center, then say:I will watch my words, I will watch what I say,I am perfect calm, I am perfect peace,Today and every day. Still facing east, raise your power (dominant) hand and visualize a blue light streaming from it. Begin to turn clockwise, still seeing the blue light. When you return to your original position, lower your power hand. ...
To perform a simple but effective scrying ritual, get any bowl or good-size mug from your kitchen cupboard. Fill the bowl or vessel approximately halfway with water. Next, use your intuition to grab a cooking oil of your choice, and pour a small amount in the vessel, making sure it covers about half of the water's surface. Fetch a fancy spoon and one powdered cooking herb of your choice. Sprinkle a dash of the herb on the surface of the water. With notebook and pen in hand, go to a ...
It's here, it's here! It's officially Witch season, although for many of us, our practices are not a hobby or only honored during one season of the year. For many of us, we Witch proud every day! However, one can't help but get caught up in the vibes of October. I always say, "We Witches kick it off!" On this day, honor a Witch who has gone before you or influenced you in a positive way. For this spell you will need: A white candle A fireproof candleholder A red rose Salt Place the ...