Occasionally in life, it becomes necessary to let go of some aspect of ourselves. Maybe you are holding on to habits that no longer serve you. Perhaps your way of thinking has become outdated and your beliefs don't align with how you see your future. This spell uses a lock of your own hair. Hair has long been seen as a place where people carry their energy and life force. All you need is a cast-iron cauldron or fire-safe bowl and some matches or a lighter. Place a lock of your hair in the ...
Before a big family gathering, perform this spell to keep things smooth and drama-free. Take a small bowl and fill it halfway with water. Add a pinch of sugar, a pinch of dried lavender, a pinch of dried rosemary, and a pinch of dried chamomile. As you put all the ingredients together, allow yourself to feel peaceful and calm. Allow this to infuse your mixture. As you visualize the bowl glowing with a soft blue light, use the first two fingers of your dominant hand to mix these ingredients ...
In every moment, we're viewing ourselves and the world through a particular lens. Like a pair of glasses, our lens can become smudged by family patterns, cultural conditioning, and other biases. Regularly "cleaning our glasses" aligns our individual sight with a more expansive spirit point of view. With spirit sight, we're able to see previously hidden options in life, free ourselves from the harsh perspective of the inner critic, and more. Sit comfortably where you won't be disturbed. Close ...
Divination comes in many forms. One especially well suited for autumn use is capnomancy, or divination based on smoke patterns. The color, shape, and behavior of the smoke send messages. You can do this type of divination with incense, a pile of burning leaves, a bonfire, or whatever you prefer. (Take standard precautions for working with fire.) Once the flames die down, examine the smoke. Watch how it flows through the air, forming shapes. Smoke that rises smoothly predicts easy times ahead, ...