Have fun raising energy for this easy, no ingredients money spell. All you need is your favorite song that has the word "money" in the title, a way to play it, and a place to work your magic. Make sure the words of the song fit with having money and not losing it, as we want to be sending the right message out into the universe! Raise energy dancing to and singing your song. Give it your all and cut loose! You know what they say: dance like no one is watching. As you dance, imagine yourself ...
Today marks the Lunar New Year of the Wood Snake, traditionally a day to practice abundance magic. The Cantonese greeting of "Kung hei fat choy" loosely means "Wishing you success and prosperity." When my daughter was small, we went to new year celebrations in Toronto's Chinatown. Elders often gave my daughter delicate red and gold envelopes with folded money inside. Such delight on her face when she opened it! The Wiccan Rede teaches that what we send out returns to us threefold, so let's ...
Suspected witch Phyllis Money was acquitted on this day in 1694 in Westmoreland, Virginia. In her honor, perform a working for justice for yourself or for a worthy cause. Crystals associated with fairness include sapphire, red jasper, blue lace agate, and iron pyrite. Herbs believed to bring about justice are basil, mint, sage, and juniper. Choose one of these stones and one of the herbs and place them in a small cloth charm bag made of blue fabric. Light frankincense incense while ...
Sometimes abundance is more than your checkbook. People who seem poor often have hidden riches that are not merely financial, and people who seem fabulously wealthy are sometimes discovered to be poor at heart. Consider what Ebenezer Scrooge's night of lessons taught him. Next morning:He became as good a friend, as good a master, and as good a man, as the good old city knew…Some people laughed to see the alteration in him, but he let them laugh, and little heeded them; for he was wise ...