As winter begins to release its icy grip, water starts to flow. Ice turns to water. Frost oozes from the earth, brooks begin to flow, and rivers run again. Water, the giver of life on this planet, flows again. Without it, everything—and I mean everything—on this Earth would perish. The seed would not sprout, and crops would wither. We spend the first half of March in Pisces, the zodiac sign ruled by watery Neptune. This is a perfect time to honor the element of water. All you need ...
Why is it that the coming of spring awakens in us the urge to clean and freshen our life spaces? Through cleansing, we sweep away winter's detritus and open ourselves to a purified sacred space and fresh inspiration. Select a broom, a small bowl, salt, and loose lavender petals. Mix salt and water in the bowl. Move sunwise (clockwise) through your dwelling, sweeping each space with your broom and sweeping toward the main door. As you sweep, envision negativity and past misfortunes being swept ...
At this time of year, many of us are anxious for winter to end. Help end winter with this spell. You’ll need a small bare twig. Go to a place outdoors where you won’t be disturbed. Pick up a small bare twig off the ground. Tap the earth with it three times. Stand as you hold the twig and say: Earth Spirit, hear my plea. Arise, let darkness and cold flee. Enter every bud and blade of grass. Let the frosts and snows pass. Snap the twig in half and toss it aside. Walk away. The ...
By mid-February, the Northern Hemisphere has a slew of dark, cold, short days, which feel like they will never end. We get the Winter Wearies. This spell will help lift the mood and remind us that spring is coming. Gather these supplies: A 7-day orange jar candle A knife (for carving) Citrus essential oil (My favorite is tangerine.) Matches Carve the sun into the candle. Dress the candle with citrus oil, visualizing the warmth and the light's return. Place the candle in the room where ...