This simple potion will help you guard and preserve your health during the final weeks of winter. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a sturdy mug. Add a large spoonful of honey, ½ teaspoon grated fresh ginger, and a sprinkle of red pepper flakes. Fill with near-boiling water and add a cinnamon stick as a swizzle, stirring sunwise (clockwise). Sip your tonic while it's very hot, imagining the benefits of the lemon (vitamin C), the honey (antiviral properties), the ginger ...
Use this spell to manifest a physical resource. Find a bare patch of ground and use a stick to scratch the shape of a pentacle into the dirt. Invite the four elements and the spirits of the land to enter into the space of the pentacle. Open your mind and extend your awareness into the surrounding environment. Do you sense any spirits that dwell there, any spirits tied to the land, any guardians or keepers of the location? If so, acknowledge them and express your respect and gratitude, then tell ...
It is the last full moon before Samhain. The veil is thin and we are able to feel the presence of our beloved dead more than ever. Tonight would be perfect for charging a bundle of herbs dedicated to communicating with the ancestors. The following herbs have associations with protection, divination, and the sacred dead: apple leaves, cinnamon, mugwort, eucalyptus, bay laurel, willow, rosemary, mullein, lavender, clove, and marigold. Gather what you can find (fresh or dried is fine) and wrap ...
For this spell you'll need a pen and paper, a jar with a lid, about a cup of coffee beans, and a nail. Write down what habit you want to break on the paper, then add it to the jar. Put the coffee beans in one at a time, saying:Counting beans makes you history. When all the beans are in the jar, insert the nail (point down) into the beans and put on the lid. Any time you feel the habit you want to break starting to overcome you, grab the jar and shake it, saying:I counted the beans. You no ...