The new year means new plans- often including a goal of frugality. To be frugal is to live sparingly and economically, with careful planning and little waste. In short, to be thrifty. In Horatio Alger's children's books, his heroes exemplified honesty, thriftiness, and hard work as a path to success. Since living frugally is easier said than done, try a little magic to help out. Work this spell during the waning Moon, when lunar energies draw inward. Use green ink (prosperity) to inscribe this charm into a pocket notebook, speaking it aloud as you work:
Each dollar and coin I hereby vow, Will purpose have, 'ere it leaves this house. Its reason sure, its path so swift, This dollar's goal will charge my thrift! Read the charm whenever you consider buying something, and keep a written account of everything you spend. With thrift comes prosperity! |
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