As winter begins to release its icy grip, water starts to flow. Ice turns to water. Frost oozes from the earth, brooks begin to flow, and rivers run again. Water, the giver of life on this planet, flows again. Without it, everything—and I mean everything—on this Earth would perish. The seed would not sprout, and crops would wither. We spend the first half of March in Pisces, the zodiac sign ruled by watery Neptune. This is a perfect time to honor the element of water. All you need ...
March arrives, and with it so do the winds of March. Long ago, magicians would release their spells and charms to the wind. To do this, you’ll need a strip of fabric and a marker. Write your wish on the fabric. Go to a shrub or tree and tie the fabric/wish around a branch. As you do this, say: Wind, carry my wish high above the ground, Beyond the horizon’s farthest bounds. Wind, carry my wish beyond where eagles fly, Beyond the clouds, beyond the sky. Walk away and ...
At this time of year, many of us are anxious for winter to end. Help end winter with this spell. You’ll need a small bare twig. Go to a place outdoors where you won’t be disturbed. Pick up a small bare twig off the ground. Tap the earth with it three times. Stand as you hold the twig and say: Earth Spirit, hear my plea. Arise, let darkness and cold flee. Enter every bud and blade of grass. Let the frosts and snows pass. Snap the twig in half and toss it aside. Walk away. The ...
At this time of year in many regions, ice is a powerful element. It can clog rivers or block harbors. This spell will help you block a bad habit with ice. You’ll need a small piece of paper, a pen, a spray bottle of water, and a small freezer bag. On the paper, write the habit you wish to block. Mist the paper with the water, then seal the paper in the freezer bag. Toss the bag in the freezer and allow the paper to freeze. When it is frozen, remove the bag from the freezer. Take the ...