Posted Under Astrology

Using Astrology to Live Your Best (Love) Life

Astrology Chart with Quartz Crystal and Candle

There are three planets in astrology that indicate the kind of love we seek as well as the kind of partner we need; these planets are the Moon, Venus, and Mars. Broadly, the Moon rules emotion and fulfillment, Venus rules love and romance, and Mars rules passion and sex. Your birth chart can tell you which zodiac sign these planets were in at the moment you were born. This is important because each planet's energy manifests differently depending on that zodiac sign's characteristics. Your Moon, Venus, and Mars placements influence the way you give love, receive love, and desire love.

To discover which signs these planets were in at the moment you were born, go to a website (such as astro-charts.com) and enter your date of birth, place of birth, and time of birth. An exact time of birth is essential for an accurate birth chart. However, if you do not know your time of birth, you can likely still determine your Venus and Mars signs, because these planets move relatively slowly. Run a chart for 12:00 a.m. using the date and place of birth, then run a chart for 11:59 p.m. using the date and place of birth. As long as Venus and Mars remained in the same sign, you now know your Venus and Mars signs even without knowing your time of birth. This same approach can be used to determine your Moon sign, though the Moon changes signs every two and a half days. If you were born on a day that the Moon entered a new sign, even knowing the time of day you were born can make a big difference in determining your Moon sign.

Being familiar with your birth chart is incredibly useful. In fact, this knowledge benefits you and your loved ones. When looking at your own Moon, Venus, and Mars signs, you deepen self-awareness and learn more about the kind of partner you need as well as the support that is most meaningful for you. This can be very validating, especially if you have felt unfulfilled in previous relationships, and it can help you find the courage to advocate for your needs and desires. If you are dating or in a relationship, you can use information about a partner's Moon, Venus, and Mars signs to better support them. This information can be adapted to benefit the platonic relationships in your life as well. While you can—and should—study your birth chart in depth, a basic understanding of the ways these planets behave in each sign is all you need to positively impact your love life.

Understanding how your Moon, Venus, and Mars signs impact your life does not have to be complicated. In the following sections, I have provided keywords that correspond with each planetary placement. These keywords can be used as an introduction to astrological concepts, or they can be used as a quick reference guide as you utilize astrology in everyday life.

Moon Signs
Your Moon sign indicates what you value most in romantic relationships. Use the following section to fill in the blanks: My Moon sign is _____, and I need a partner who honors my desire for _____.

Aries Moon: Spontaneity, play, and levelheadedness
Taurus Moon: Touch, stability, and familiarity
Gemini Moon: Banter, frequent communication, and novelty
Cancer Moon: Sensitivity, tenderness, and involvement
Leo Moon: Loyalty, playfulness, and independence
Virgo Moon: Reliability, structure, and refinement
Libra Moon: Truth, harmony, and teamwork
Scorpio Moon: Honesty, intensity, and depth
Sagittarius Moon: Humor, adventure, and wisdom
Capricorn Moon: Security, commitment, and effort
Aquarius Moon: Friendship, selflessness, and deviation
Pisces Moon: Empathy, consideration, and protection

Alternatively, you could use this section to learn more about a love interest: Their Moon sign is _____, and they need a partner who honors their desire for _____.

Have current or previous partners aligned with your Moon sign's desires? In the future, how could you use this knowledge to choose your ideal partner or, if you are already in a relationship, how could you use this knowledge to develop your relationship? How can you honor your Moon sign's desires in everyday life, with or without a partner?

Venus Signs
Venus, the planet of love and romance, influences the kind of support you need in your platonic and romantic relationships. It also indicates how you approach love: Do you fall head over heels or proceed with caution? Every Venus sign has its benefits and challenges.

Use the following section to fill in the blanks: My Venus sign is _____, and in my romantic relationships, I am most compatible with a partner who is _____.

Aries Venus: Direct, flirtatious, and confident
Taurus Venus: Rich, predictable, and motivated
Gemini Venus: Witty, intelligent, and independent
Cancer Venus: Understanding, emotionally intelligent, and brave
Leo Venus: Passionate, affectionate, and introverted
Virgo Venus: Easygoing, put together, and open to feedback
Libra Venus: Conflict averse, idealistic, and even-tempered
Scorpio Venus: Devoted, trustworthy, and patient
Sagittarius Venus: Silly, curious, and optimistic
Capricorn Venus: Hardworking, future-focused, and mature
Aquarius Venus: Kind, accomplished, and radical
Pisces Venus: Compassionate, dreamy, and assertive

You could also use this section to learn more about a love interest: Their Venus sign is _____, and in their romantic relationships, they are most compatible with a partner who is _____.

Have your current or previous partners aligned with your Venus sign's preferences? Do you typically seek out partners who have these characteristics, or do you push them away? How could you use this knowledge to heighten the existing compatibility in your relationship? How could your honoring your Venus sign increase your own self-love?

Mars Signs
Mars, the planet of passion and sex, hints at what someone is like behind closed doors. Some Mars placements are very intense, while others are all bark, no bite. Your Mars sign indicates what you are willing to tolerate, how you fight, and what you are willing to fight for.

Use the following section to fill in the blanks: My Mars sign is _____, and I need a partner who respects that I crave _____.

Aries Mars: Power, drama, and forward movement
Taurus Mars: Being right, security, and solitude
Gemini Mars: Flexibility, freedom, and levity
Cancer Mars: Inclusion, unconditional love, and safety
Leo Mars: Encouragement, self-improvement, and being the center of attention
Virgo Mars: Efficiency, order, and acts of service
Libra Mars: Peace, contentedness, and words of affirmation
Scorpio Mars: Control, privacy, and physical touch
Sagittarius Mars: Knowledge, exploration, and a fresh perspective
Capricorn Mars: Success, financial security, and a big, happy family
Aquarius Mars: Unity, quality time, and progress
Pisces Mars: Acceptance, catharsis, and artistic expression

You could also use this section to learn more about a love interest: Their Mars sign is _____, and they need a partner who respects that they crave _____.

Have your current or previous partners impeded your ability to pursue what you most desire, or have they supported you 100 percent? How does your Mars sign impact the way you show up in relationships? How could you use this knowledge to ask for what you need? How do you ensure that your Mars energy is kept in check so that each relationship in your life has a healthy balance of give and take?

I hope you've enjoyed this basic introduction to love astrology. Yes, the Moon, Venus, and Mars are the most influential planets in love, but just like you are so much more than your love life, your birth chart has so much more to offer you. Utilize your birth chart as a guide to your most fulfilling life, from finding your perfect match to honoring self-expression to pursuing your destiny. If you want to learn more about how each of the inner planets impact you and your loved ones, check out my book, It’s All About Astrology, which is beginner-friendly and full of practical astrological advice for everyday life.

About Nicole Wells

Nicole Wells is a Virgo Sun, Pisces Moon, and Taurus rising. Five years ago, Nicole took her lifelong interest in astrology to the next level and began studying in earnest. Now, she shares her interest in astrology with ...

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