February is known as the month that deals with affairs of the heart, and with today being Friday, it is also a day associated with love. We can utilize these properties to produce a wearable fertility charm. This could be a charm to birth in the traditional sense or it could represent the birth of an idea. Whichever path you choose is fine, but make sure your intention is clear. You will need some clay to shape your charm and a cord to create a bracelet or necklace to wear. The charm you mold ...
You'll need a jar or box and slips of colored paper. Consecrate the container by holding it as you intone:I charge this vessel as a multiplier of options, all in accordance with the highest good, harming none. Visualize it filling with divinely intelligent energy. This spell is incremental, so to begin, choose a situation and brainstorm ideas for changing it. Get creative, even if some ideas seem a little far-fetched. Choose your favorites and write them on individual slips of paper, adding ...
Sometimes the weight of the world can start to impact the flow and energy of our hearts. It's easy to have a broken heart from the troubles around us, whether they affect us personally or not. Taking some time to clear out our heart's energy and offer ourselves comfort and healing can be a powerful process. For this spell you will need access to a bathtub and the following ingredients: 1 cup salt ½ cup milk (or milk alternative) A pinch of dried damiana A bag or stocking A ...
This full moon spell will help boost your psychic awareness and magickal power. Using a marker or eyeliner, draw a circle to represent the moon on your forehead and on the back of each of your hands. Anoint your pulse points with coconut oil or olive oil. Bask outside in the moonlight in a comfortable position. Invite the moon's energy to enter your body. Envision the circles you drew on your body opening up like gateways to let in the lunar tide. Feel the moon's power within your body, and ...