Any time you'd like to encourage peace and harmony in your home, neighborhood, or workplace, use this spell. If possible, light two white candles in the area. If it's your neighborhood, put the candles somewhere outside. If you're unable to use candles-due to workplace regulations, for example-use a clear quartz cluster (if you don't mind it being seen) or a small clear quartz point (if you want to keep it hidden). Use both the candle and the crystal if you wish.
Visualize the harmony you seek. Imagine a tense situation being resolved or noisy neighbors being quiet. Chant the following (for the workplace, change the last line to Workplace be at peace): "With goodwill do I intend To see the harmony increase. No disturbance to offend- Home and neighborhood in peace." Allow the candles to burn out completely. Leave the crystal in place as long as desired. |
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