Today is Mehrgan, the Persian festival of autumn that honors the goddess Mehr, the spirit of love, friendship, and commitments. Altars to Mehr are decorated in bright colors and include bunches of dried marjoram, an herb associated with Venus and Aphrodite and often used in happiness and love charms.
To honor Mehr and ensure happiness in the coming year, fashion a poppet of her to keep in your home. Wash and dry a generous bunch of fresh marjoram. Form a head, arms, and body by tying off sections with brightly colored thread. As you craft the poppet, invoke the goddess's spirit: "Sweet Lady Mehr, bless us with your loving kindness. Bring happiness and plenty to our home." Hang the poppet where your family congregates for meals. When the marjoram has dried completely, use it to infuse soups and other comforting recipes with Mehr's autumnal magic. |
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