Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

Subject: Health and Healing

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A release of emotionally-charged material. This may happen during ritual or during hypnotic trance and can consist of levels ranging from extreme sadness and unhappiness to crying, all the way to violent convulsions.
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The fibrous tissue that connects the calf muscle to the heel. 

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A form of traditional Asian medicine, probably derived from Indian Ayurveda, that is based on the theory that balanced energy within the body produces health and a lack of balance produces illness. This energy flows through certain paths, called meridians, and that this energy can be enhanced or reduced to balance the overall energy through the application of pressure on certain points along the meridians. It differs from acupuncture in that insertion into the skin of fine needles is not used.

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Part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and dating back to at least 200-300 B.C.E., it involves inserting very fine needles into specific points of the body. The basic idea is that there are energy pathways in the body known as meridians, and that by stimulating certain points on the meridians with the needles, the body’s energy (qi, pronounced “chi”) can bring balance to the body. The points may also be stimulated with the fingertips, and modern practitioners also use electrical and ...
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The Anterior Fornix Erotic zone is an area in the vagina opposite the G-spot which is sexually highly responsive in many women.

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1.  A technique where a client, while in hypnosis, goes back to an experience or event that occurred earlier in their life.

2.  A hypnotic state in which the subject experiences past events that occurred in the present lifetime.

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A name given to mistletoe by druids due to the many medical properties of that herb. Warning: DO NOT use mistletoe without training, as it is toxic. Do not let your pets eat it.
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Amazonite is a light, aqua-green stone with white mottled flecks. The rock typically originates from the New England States and Colorado. It is composed of potassium feldspar, and is a green variety of microline. The name is derived from amazonstone, from the Amazon River. While amazonite is found in Brazil, it is not found by the Amazon River! It is a sacred stone highly valued and used extensively by the ancient Egyptians. Amazonite is cooling and soothing to your mental state. This stone ...
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Amethyst is a regal violet gemstone with whitish stripes. The purple color comes from the presence of manganese during its formation. It is a form of crystallized quartz, composed of silica. It is found mostly in Brazil. Amethyst is a radiant gemstone, meaning that its energies are expansive. It is said that when you meditate with amethyst you are helping the Earth, because the violet ray will help to transform the entire world into a better place. It is the most highly valued stone in the ...
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The loss of memory. Can be caused by a wide variety of means. Frequently occurs during hypnotic trance either as the result of suggestion or a spontaneous occurrence.
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A group of almond shaped nuclei located within the temporal lobes of the brain. The amygdala is involved in the processing of memory and emotional reactions. 

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Anything—including a behavior, smell, or thought, but especially a herb or drug—that reduces the desire for sex or the ability to perform sexually.
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Complete insensitivity to pain. Often used during surgery and dentistry to make the experience more comfortable and reduce shock and bleeding, making recovery faster and more likely. Although forms of anesthesia were in use in ancient times, the first well-documented modern use of anesthesia was recorded by Dr. James Esdaille. In the mid-1800s, he performed hundreds of surgeries in India using Hypnosis for Anesthesia. He became quite famous and people from all over came to him. When he brought ...
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1.  The archetypal feminine aspects found in all males.

2.  (Psychology – Jungian) The Woman in every man. In Jung’s psychology, it is mythic ideal of the feminine that a man projects on to women. It manifests in fantasy, romance, sexual behavior, the estrogen hormone, and in feminine energy.

3.  (Eastern Thought)  A siddhi or magickal power developed through Tantric techniques, it is the ability to shrink to the size of an atom.

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1.  The archetypal masculine aspects found in all females.

2.  (Psychology – Jungian) The Man in every woman. In Jung’s psychology, it is mythic ideal of the masculine that a man projects on to men. It manifests in fantasy, romance, sexual response, the testosterone hormone, and in masculine energy.

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Apache tear drop is a form of black obsidian. It is a calming translucent stone, found in Arizona and other parts of the US. It is composed of feldspar, hornblend, biotite, and quartz. It was formed by rhythmic crystallization that produces a separation of light and dark materials into spherical shapes, and is a form of volcanic glass. There is a haunting legend about the Apache tear drop. After the Pinal Apaches had made several raids on a settlement in Arizona, the military regulars and some ...
See Also:  Apache Tear Drops
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Sanskrit for “breath,” prana refers to the universal energy that flows through the body’s web of non-physical channels known as nadis, the three most famous being the Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna. Different breathing patterns known as pranayamas can increase and direct this energy, leading to the simplification that prana and air are the same or that prana is in the air. In the traditional system, there are five different forms of prana: Prana: Moves inward. Governs all types of ...
See Also:  prana
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A common practice used with hypnosis where it is suggested to a hypnotized person that their arm will levitate by itself. Used to judge if a person is hypnotized and the depth of the trance. Can also be used to help induce hypnosis.
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The use of the scents of plants, primarily derived from their volatile oils including essential oils, to produce changes in body, mind, and/or spirit. Although experimentation in this area has existed for thousands of years, including the use of incense in magical rituals and scents for healing, it was a French chemist, René-Maurice Gattefossé, who coined the term in 1928. He had become interested in the use of essential oils for healing after he severely burned his arm and plunged it into ...
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An experience in a dream, vision, trance, hypnosis, etc. where you observe things from a first-person perspective, as if seeing it through your eyes. The opposite of dissociated.

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Within spontaneous astral projection, the therapeutically planned encounter with long-term growth barriers with the intention of dismantling them.

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The specific initiation ritual that is given to students of Reiki. The attunement process effectively clears the body, energy channels, and aura, and seeds them for the healing Reiki energy.
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One of the two major styles of suggestions given to a person who is hypnotized. Also known as paternal suggestions, they are characterized by being direct, commanding, and forceful. They tell the hypnotized person exactly what to do. Opposite of Permissive suggestions.
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1.  The part of the nervous system that controls and regulates the functions in the physical body such as the heart muscles, digestive functions, hormone production and normal body operations.

2.  The "lower intelligence" that safely runs the body functions without conscious awareness.

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Aventurine is a pleasing dark green stone with a metallic iridescence or spangled appearance. It is a compact quartz stone, composed of silica with some impurities. It is found in India, China, and Brazil. It is said to bring luck and adventures in love and games. It makes an individual independent and original. It has a binding and healing force, and is good for skin diseases and improving the complexion. At one time it was used to cure nearsightedness. It is helpful for the etheric, ...
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A system for creating behavioral change that involves giving undesired stimulation in response to an undesired behavior, such as giving an electric shock every time a person inhales on a cigarette in the hopes that the pain (shock) and behavior (smoking) will become associated leading to ceasing of the behavior in order to prevent the pain. Many consider this to be ineffective and unnecessary.
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A compound of Sanskrit words meaning “knowledge of life,” it is a word used to describe the complex ancient healing systems of India. Techniques used include breathwork, massage, needling, herbs, surgery (until banned in 250 B.C.E.), nutrition, and the use of certain minerals. The basic underlying concept is that people are based on blends of three different energies (similar to the two-fold Chinese concept of yin and yang), and when these energies are out of balance (the balance is ...
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The complex of "feelings" that defines the way we perceive reality. Also see "Feelings" and "Operating System." Belief is also described as "Faith" that filters our perception of reality as defined by religious institutions. 

Suggested Reading – Braden: The Spontaneous Healing of Belief, Shattering the Paradigm of False Limits

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1.  The use of external devices, most often electronic in nature, to help a person gain conscious control over mental and bodily functions that are usually thought of as automatic and not controllable by the conscious mind, such as the pulse rate and brainwave pattern.

2.  The use of instrumentation to measure the effects of various mental processes including imagery and suggestion on such biological functions as brainwave patterns, finger temperature, and galvanic skin response.

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The genetic constitution of the physical body, to include dominant and recessive genes. See Cosmic Genotype.

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Three repeating cycles in everyone’s life that begin at birth. The physical cycle has 23 days, the emotional cycle has 28 days and the intellectual cycle has 33 days. The cycles go through high and low points. Low points are called “critical days” and you are advised not to do things associated with the cycle on those days. Days when two or three cycles are critical are especially serious. Although the existence of human cycles has long been recognized and accepted, the validity of ...
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Bloodstone is a green, opaque stone with spotted red flecks. It is a member of the cryptocrystalline quartz group, and is composed of silica. Bloodstone belongs to the general group of chalcedony and is found in India, Australia, Brazil, China and the US. Bloodstone contains deep earth-green and a deep, blood red. Together these create a powerful cleanser for the physical body. It is an important purifier for the kidneys, liver, spleen and blood. In times past, bloodstone was used to stop ...
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Blue lace agate is a beautiful, pale sky blue stone with concentric markings. It is a cryptocrystalline quartz stone. Agate is a banded chalcedony, the bands having been formed by rhythmic crystallization. Agates are found as nodules or geodes in siliceous volcanic rocks. This stone comes from southwest Africa. Agate strengthens the power of the Sun in your astrological sign when you wear it. It helps you stay well-balanced. It sharpens the sight, illuminates the mind, and helps you ...
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Using an external stimulus such as a steady, repetitive tone or drum, to help the brainwaves synchronize to a frequency known to get specific responses.
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Acronym for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. This is the currently popular term to describe all non-allopathic forms of healing, ranging from the laying on of hands and acupuncture to Reiki and hypnotherapy.
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Carnelian is a translucent orange-red stone. It is a cryptocrystalline quartz, composed of silica. It is found in India and South America. In ancient times carnelian was thought to still the blood and soften anger. It is a gem of the Earth, a symbol of the strength and beauty of our planet. It is good for people who are absent minded, confused, or unfocused. It strengthens the voice and helps one become more eloquent and charitable. Carnelian carries the stories and records of our Earth and ...
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Located on the surface of the cell, they receive messages or signals from the environment or field and communicate that information to the cell which in turn, triggers a corresponding response within the cell.
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1.  A chakra is a spinning vortex of energy created within ourselves by the interpenetration of consciousness and the physical body. Through this combination, chakras become centers of activity for the reception, assimilation, and transmission of life energies. Uniting the chakras is what we experience as the "self."

The word chakra comes from the Sanskrit word for "wheel" or "disk" and originated within the philosophy of the ancient yoga systems of India.
2.  Wheel of light or spinning disc. The energetic organ located at various plexuses throughout the body and work to revitalize the physical body and the energy field.
3.  Pronounced “Chak-rah” with a hard “ch” as in the word “chalk” or “Kahk-rah,” these are power centers in the aura related to organs or glands in the body. The chakras are not in the body per se; they are actually whirls, vorteces, circles, or lotuses that psychics can see in the aura.
4.  Sanskrit. "Wheel, Vortex, or Whirlpool." Psychic centers located in the aura functioning through the etheric body that exchange particular energies between the physical body and the personality, and the higher sources of energy associated with the planets, the Solar System, and the cosmos. They are interfaces between Mind and Body. There are seven traditional "master" chakras and dozens of minor ones located in such places as the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, joints of arms and legs, ...

5.  Disk or wheel. Chakras are energetic centers in the body that can be used as a kind of inner roadmap in Tantric practice. Dr. Mumford defines a chakra as, "a whirling vortex of energy, the meeting point between the body and the mind."

See Also:  Chakra
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A golden yellow variety of peridot. It supposedly can help prevent fever and madness.
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Although having a name similar to Chrysolite, Chrysoprase is completely different. It is a form of chalcedony (considered by some to be the most valuable form of this stone), a member of the quartz family. It is generally a translucent bluish-green or apple-green. It is claimed to improve vision and bring joy.
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Natural cycles of arousal and sleep.
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A person whose gender, as defined at birth, anatomy, and self-identification all match. Compare with transgendered. 

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The term “clinical,” often seen in advertising, simply means something has been done with people rather than by other means, such as in a test tube. Clinical hypnosis (or clinical hypnotherapy) generally refers to the practice of hypnosis and suggestion to help people change or eliminate unwanted behaviors. Clinical hypnosis is usually performed in an office (a “clinic”) designed for this function.
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A cluster of nerves residing at the base of the spine. 

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The tailbone. The coccyx is comprised of the three to five vertebrae below the sacrum, at the very base of the spine. 

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(CBT) Any number of processes including hypnotherapy, in which cognitive therapy (psychotherapy) and behavioral therapy are combined. The objective is that by making positive changes in the emotional state (feelings, beliefs, etc.), it will generate positive behavioral outcomes.
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A seeming simultaneous happening.

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The idea that colors can have an effect on healing. Techniques can include visualization, breathwork, colored lights, etc. Different systems have either very simple and generalized ideas of how colors have an effect (i.e., red increases energy) to certain shades of color having very specific effects on organs, organic systems, or illness.
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A technique used in hypnosis that consists of repeating suggestions while a person is in trance. Compounding may be done by using the same words or in different ways. The goal of compounding is to encourage the acceptance of the suggestions.
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A cloth or similar material soaked in some form of liquid, often infused with herbs or other medicines, and applied to the body for healing. In its simplest form it is be used to apply pressure, heat, or cold to an affected area or wound, as when stopping bleeding.

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A desire to do something that is so strong most people cannot prevent themselves from doing it. Even if it is against their conscious desires, they will still do the action. Usually requires outside assistance to overcome.
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That half of human consciousness that operates during waking hours.
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A suggestion given to a hypnotized person to overcome or “counter” a current belief. Counter-suggestions may even be used to replace deep core beliefs.
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Crazy lace agate, also known as Mexican agate, is an attractive, white, opaque stone, patterned like a beautiful, multicolored paisley cloth. It is a cryptocrystalline quartz, found in Mexico. In ancient times, this agate was worn to placate the gods, and to give courage. It will sharpen your sight, help the eyes, illuminate your mind, allow you to be more eloquent and give vitality. It keeps the wearer well-balanced and serious. Lace agate strengthens the Sun in its wearer, and improves the ...
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The part of the mind that under normal conditions critically analyzes all information that is received by the mind through the senses (and via self-talk). In hypnosis, the Critical Factor is bypassed, allowing the client to accept suggestions that are within the client’s moral compass.
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A crystal is a solid material with a regular internal arrangement of atoms. Because of this orderly composition, it may form the smooth external surfaces called faces that allow us to see into the crystal when it is clear. Most all stones are made in part of silica. The presence of this silica is what gives crystals their luminosity and crystal clearness. Crystal is brittle—as we are—and as such is a reflection of ourselves. As we shatter our being, it is seen to be rigid and crystalline in ...
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A form of oral sex in which the clitoris and labia are stimulated with the mouth and tongue. 

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1.  The shape of upper lip, a reference to the Roman God of love, an implicit recognition of the erotic appeal of that body part. 

2.  The shape of upper lip, a reference to the Roman God of love, an implicit recognition of the erotic appeal of that body part. 

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A scale used by some hypnotists to determine the depth of hypnotic trance. This scale measures thirty effects that are achievable at different levels of hypnosis.
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One of several systems for determining the depth of a hypnotic trance. Developed in the early 20th century by two hypnotists, it has thirty levels ranging from relaxation to “negative visual hallucinations” (not seeing something that is there).
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Another name for Death Wish.

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Term used by Sigmund Freud and now in psychological and general use meaning a drive or desire endings, often involving motivations for self-destruction and a wish for death. The death wish counters the drive for sex known as the libido. It is believed these conflicting desires or drives result in psychological problems.

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A state of mind where a person feels unassociated with their environment or simply doesn’t care to participate with the world outside of them. Although generally an undesired state of mind, it can be used during hypnotherapy to allow a person to safely experience in their mind events that were painful when originally experienced in order to help a person release unwanted feelings and emotions (and their resultant behaviors) associated with that original experience.
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An analysis to determine the cause of a situation. Most often, the term is used in relation to healing practices. Virtually every healing technique has it's own form of diagnosis. Often, the methods of coming to a diagnosis, and the diagnosis itself, do not seem logical in a system other than the one in which it is used. Thus, the pulse diagnosis used in traditional Chinese medicine and the determination of the cause of an ailment within Chinese medicine often makes no sense to a person trained ...
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The use of the fingers to produce sexual arousal. 

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A sex toy used for penetration; dildos are most often designed to evoke the penis. 

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An experience in a dream, vision, trance, hypnosis, etc. wherein you observe things from a third-person perspective, as if observing yourself through another person’s eyes. The opposite of associated.

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Current expression replacing the now obsolete phrase “Multiple Personality Disorder.” When a person suffers from DID, he or she loses contact with their individual personality or ego state, and allows other egos to temporarily become the primary personality. The switch from one state to another is usually triggered by some external or internal stressor. Contrary to movies, novels, and poorly-trained people licensed in fields that are not explicity psychological in nature (such as ...
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A technique used by hypnotists, NLP practitioners, and salespeople to get you to do something. It provides more than one option for you giving you the appearance of free will, but the choices are only the ones that are desired by the therapist or salesperson. For example, “Do you want to stop smoking now or next week?” A famous sales double bind is, “Will that be cash or charge?”

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An ancient Greek word that originally meant "female slave," but now generally means a type of midwife with expanded responsibilities. Usually a woman, a Doula gives mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual support to entire families during the prenatal, birthing, and postpartum period. A non-medical assistant, Doulas also function as pregnancy and birthing coaches. 

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The belief that there are natural energy paths that run through the earth. These paths can be detected in a variety of ways such as through dowsing. It is believed that ancient cultures placed objects such as standing stones or even temples at points where the paths converged. In the West, these lines of energy are often called Ley Lines. In the East, sciences developed around the study of these paths. In India, it was called Vaastu (or Vastu). In China, Vaastu evolved into Feng Shui. ...
See Also:  dowsingfeng shui
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See Grounding.
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The practice of remaining at the edge of orgasm for prolonged periods. Not to be confused with edgeplay, a term used by the kink community to refer to boundary pushing activity. 

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Although hypnosis is falsely seen as a form of sleep, it is more accurately a state of intense, singular focus. As a result, although it is common to have someone “wake” from hypnosis—even hypnotists will use the expression—it is not technically accurate. It is more appropriate to say that a person emerges from a hypnotic state and returns to regular awareness.

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Peptides that generate relaxed feelings in the body.
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A certain figure with seven points. According to the writings of Caucasian mystic G. I. Gurdjieff and his followers, it is the emblem of the Sarmoun Brotherhood, an ancient occult order active in the Middle East. Usebe by Gurdjieff as a symbolic structure of existence in his teaching, it remained little known until Claudio Naranjo, a student of the Chilean esotericist Oscar Ichazo, began giving seminars on the subject in Berkeley, California, in 1970. The particular interpretation of the ...
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A category of tissue found in the genitalia, nipples, and nose. Erectile tissue becomes engorged with blood during sexual arousal. 

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Parts of the body that are particularly responsive to sexual touch. 

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Essential oils are created by distillation; plant material is heated, and the molecules that evaporate into steam are captured. These oils are mixed, blended in a base of vegetable oil, and rubbed onto the body or added to ritual baths for magical purposes.
See Also:  essential oils
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Deriving sexual pleasure from showing off or being watched by others. 

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One of the most famous—and least understood—aspects of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. When a person first thinks about something, their eyes will instantly dart to the left or right and either high, low, or to the middle. This can indicate whether the memory is visual or aural and whether they are actually remembering it or creating it in their minds. This has been called a type of lie detection, but that is inaccurate. For example, merely because someone is creating a visual thought ...
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A form of non-traditional healing associated with prayer, belief in a deity, or use of techniques proscribed by a superior power.

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An object gazed at by a subject to induce hypnosis. In a hypnotic induction that uses fascination, this object can be anything from a spot on the wall to the archetypal swinging pocket watch. Today, the fascination method of hypnotic induction is not as widely used as in the past.
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Oral sex performed on a penis (or sex toy). 

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A form of orgasmic response in which fluid, probably produced by the Skenes glands (which some anatomists now call the female prostate), is expelled through the urethra.

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People who have agreed to share sexual fluids and are not using safer-sex protocols. 

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Sexual stimulation that usually precedes intercourse and is intended to build arousal. The term reflects the prevailing cultural assumption that anything short of genital intercourse is a mere precursor to the main event. 

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Practitioners of this form of healing hold that when a person believes themselves wronged, they will feel emotions such as anger, hurt, rage, and resentment. While these emotions may initially be justified, holding on to them can result in a variety of mental and physical problems. As an example, some people will not forgive a parent for the way that parent treated them decades ago, and even long after the death of the parent. The only person these emotions harm is the person who does not ...
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A powerful hypnotic technique for rapidly inducing deep levels of hypnotic trance. This technique was discovered by hypnotherapist Dave Elman, who noticed that every time a patient came back to him, he was able to induce a deeper level of trance. He wondered if he could get the same results by rapidly inducing hypnosis, bringing the person out of hypnosis, and repeating several times. Today, many hypnotists use this process, fractionation, to get deep trance phenomena quickly.
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Most commonly, the highly sensitive part of the penis, where the foreskin connects with the glans, just below the opening of the urethra. The area remains sensitive in those who are circumcised. Frenulum generally refers to a small piece of tissue that connects body parts or holds one in place. Thus, the frenulum of the tongue is the tissue at the base of the tongue that attaches it to the floor of the mouth. Other body parts, including the labia minora, the clitoris, and the upper and lower ...
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A fast-paced style of lovemaking that usually has achieving orgasm rapidly as the goal. 

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Rubbing the genitalia on an object or body part for the purpose of sexual arousal. 

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A sexual response that may include but is not limited to the genital area. See also Energy Orgasm.

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1.  Named after the German gynecologist Ernst Grafenberg who researched the area just inside and on the dorsal side of the vagina. When stimulated it swells (which may or may not be physically experienced) and continued stimulation can result in intense pleasure and orgasm, and even female ejaculation. It has been claimed that it is part of the "female prostate" of Skenes glands or urethral sponge. It was identified in ancient Asian books and recently Neo-Tantrics have taken to calling it the ...

2.  Not a spot at all, but an area of erectile tissue including the para-urethral glands, which surround the urethra and become engorged with fluid during sexual arousal. It feels like a ridge of rougher textured tissue, and it is located three to four inches inside, on the anterior (front) wall of the vagina. 

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Types of stones given value by their beauty of color, clarity, and shape. The term is usually attributed to those stones of color that are not clear quartz by those who use such stones for mental, physical, or spiritual healing and attunement. Each gem is associated with various qualities or powers determined by historical attributions (amethyst, for example, is said to prevent drunkenness), color magic, or modern research and experimentation.
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Types of stones given value by their beauty of color, clarity, and shape. The term is usually attributed to those stones of color that are not clear quartz by those who use such stones for mental, physical, or spiritual healing and attunement. Each gem is associated with various qualities or powers determined by historical attributions (amethyst, for example, is said to prevent drunkenness), color magic, or modern research and experimentation.
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The way a person self-defines—as male, female, neither, both, or some other category. This may or may not be congruent with biological sex or genitalia. 

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Also known as genetic recall, the belief that certain memories are located in, or attached to, the genes. Therefore, it is possible to recall the events of past lives and of genetically related ancestors.
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The head of the penis or clitoris. 

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Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer. An acronym that is widely used to describe people who do not identify with the conventional model of heterosexuality. 

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One of the techniques used by hypnotists to relieve pain. The method is to induce a trance and then create deep anesthesia in one hand. This anesthesia is then sent to the area of the body that is painful. It should not be attempted without the referral from an M.D., as pain may be hiding something more serious than just the pain.
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A person who has the skill to heal. Often used to describe a person with non-allopathic (i.e. Western) healing skills such as Reiki and Acupuncture.

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The process of having, maintaining, or returning both a minimal balance and appropriate operating functions of all aspects of the body, mind, and spirit. Many people seek to optimize this balance and the functions rather than keep them at their basic appropriate levels. The most common system for doing this is known as allopathic medicine, the techniques used by licensed MDs. Derived from medieval forms of healing, this form of medicine deals with disease in one of three primary ways: ...
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Anyone who studies and/or practices herb magic or herbal medicine.
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Technical term used to describe the situation when one person hypnotizes another, using any of a variety of means.
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The cultural tendency to define heterosexual behavior as normal, thereby marginalizing all other forms of sexual expression. 

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A brain structure located in the medial temporal lobe. The hippocampus is part of the limbic system and is the part of the brain that governs spatial memory and navigation. Damage to the hippocampus can interfere with the ability to form new memories. 

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Derived from the word holism, itself derived from the Greek word holos, holistic is a term often applied to healing techniques. It refers to the concept first presented by Aristotle in his work, Metaphysics, that "The whole is different from the sum of its parts." In holistic healing techniques, the whole of a person is seen as more than just a collection of individual bones, organs, etc. Humans are seen as complex systems. Holistic healing techniques treat the entire system and not just a ...
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Homeopathy is a medical science that uses the energy pattern of natural substances to mimic illness and stimulate healing. It is based on two principles: “Like Cures Like” and “The Minimum Dose.” The first principle, “Like cures like,” means that any substance which can produce symptoms in a healthy person can cure the same symptoms in a person who is sick. For example, when you chop onions it produces the symptoms of watering eyes and burning nose. A remedy made from onion can cure ...
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1.  Fearful of non-heterosexual people and acts. 

2.  Although the exact translation of the term means “fear of a person who is homosexual” or “fear of homosexual acts,” the significance of the term has expanded to include prejudicial actions or feelings about people who are not heterosexual.

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A system of psychological intervention that combines the use of hypnosis with Freudian psychoanalysis.
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A name given to the science of using hypnosis in combination with dentistry.
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Although the exact meaning would be “like hypnosis,” this term usually refers to a light hypnotic state.
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Person who uses hypnosis, suggestion, and allied techniques to help others achieve changes in behavior.
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1.  The use of hypnosis combined with techniques such as suggestion and metaphor to help a person achieve behavioral changes. It should be noted that a person trained in how to hypnotize others—a skill that is relatively easy to learn—can quickly hypnotize most people. However, learning how to help a person make desired changes in his or her life can take years of training. Hypnotherapy has some outer similarities to Stage Hypnosis used for entertainment, but has many differences and should not ...

2.  The use of hypnosis for therapeutic purposes.

See Also:  Hypnosis
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An almond-sized area of the brain located just above the brain stem. The hypothalamus regulates the autonomic nervous system and the pituitary gland, linking the nervous and endocrine systems. It controls body temperature, thirst, hunger, and circadian rhythms. 

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From the Greek for uterus. Hysteria was believed to be a psychological disorder until 1980, and for most of that time it was considered to be specific to women. Symptoms were said to include conversion of psychological stress into physical symptoms, emotional volatility, and self-dramatizing behavior. In the nineteenth century, the term was applied to what now is commonly called sexual dysfunction. 

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A nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century term for female orgasm. Inducing it was seen as a way to relieve the symptoms of "hysteria." Doctors would "treat" their patients using mechanical or manual pelvic massage. 

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One of the three parts the mind that form the structural model in Sigmund Freud’s description of the psyche. The id is described as the basic, instinctual drives, including the libido. It is associated with the unconscious. In Transactional Analysis it is associated to the Child aspect of the psyche. The other parts are the Ego and Super-ego.

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Involuntary muscle movement. Ideomotor responses come from the unconscious. As a result, they may be used by hypnotists to judge responses from the unconscious when a person is deeply hypnotized.
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A category of BDSM that uses the sensations triggered by spanking, flogging, punching, and other forms of striking to build sexual arousal and/or induce an altered state of consciousness. 

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1.  A natural form of learning, most often occurring during infancy and early childhood, wherein a person discovers how to do something. Speech is usually learned as a child through imprinting.

2.  A G∴B∴G∴ practice of "imprinting" an imagined symbol by concentrated visualization and seeing the image on a body part—almost like an imaginary tattoo.

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Also called “disguised hypnosis,” a method of inducing hypnosis even though the person being hypnotized doesn’t realize that he or she is entering hypnosis.
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1.  A technique used to help a client enter hypnosis.

2.  The procedures preliminary to the actual hypnosis session, starting with relaxation of the body and calmness of mind, focus on the established intention of the session, and the development of a concise statement of that intention as accomplished.

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A medical diagnosis system that claims there is a reflective map of the body found in the iris of the eye, and by examining the iris it is possible to diagnose conditions of the body. This system is considered questionable by many.
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Strong, regular pulsed single tones used to open the mind for change by causing the brainwaves to synchronize to the tempo of the beat, a tempo that is known to have certain qualities. A modern technological version of listening to steady drumming.
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Jade is a soothing green color. It is an avocado green gem, with darker mottled flecks of green in it. This variety of jade comes from Wyoming. It is composed of sodium aluminum silicate, and because of its felt-like structure, it is very tough and resistant. The name goes back to the time of the Spanish conquest of Central and South America and means "piedra de ijada" (hip stone), as it was used as a protection against and cure for kidney diseases. Jade is the prince of peace and ...
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The direct translation of this term is "spray the wall." It refers to the practice of the Batoro people of Uganda where adult women teach younger women to ejaculate. Younger women are not considered eligible for marriage until they have mastered this technique. While female ejaculation is a popular theme in adult movies, and there have been books explaining the physiology of female ejaculation (including Eve’s Secrets by Josephine Lowndes Sevely), some scientists still debate the nature ...
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Exercises of the pubococcygeal muscles, named for gynecologist Arnold Kegel, who "discovered" them in the 1950s. Exercising the PC muscles was well known among Tantric and Yogic practitioners long before Kegel made his "discovery."

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The sense that pertains to awareness of the body’s position and movements. 

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1.  Kundalini is a concept often spoken of in relation to the chakras. Mythologically, Kundalini is a serpent Goddess who lies asleep at the base of the spine, coiled three and one half times around the first chakra, awaiting unfoldment. When she is awakened through any of a number of techniques, she unfolds and rises through the center of the body, piercing and wakening each chakra as she goes. When she has risen to the top or crown chakra, then all of the chakras have been opened, and a person ...
2.  The union of the masculine and feminine principle. The manifested power of the universe which resides in all humans, resting at the base of the spin in muladhara.
3.  The Life Force rising from the base of the spine, the Muladhara chakra, and animating the body, our sexuality, the etheric body, and passing through the chakras to join with its opposite force descending through Sahasrara chakra to open our higher consciousness. Kundalini manifests as a transforming force centered in the Base Chakra and operating within the body and driving evolution, desire, sex drive, growth, and individual development. It exists on all planes in seven degrees of ...

4.  An energy that is said to reside at the base of the spine. Awakening the Kundalini is one aim of Tantric and Yogic practices. Kundalini literally means coiled, and it also has the implication of a pot. One way to understand Kundalini is to think of it as sexual energy. Another approach would be to define it as the life force that resides within all human beings. 

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A person specializing in hypnosis and hypnotherapy without having studied or being licensed as a medical professional. May have superior knowledge and training in the area of hypnotherapy as he or she specializes in just this knowledge.
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A healing technique, sometimes religious in nature, where the healer puts his or her hand on or near the body of an ailing person.

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1.  Archaic term for a healer, such as a doctor. Some early doctors believe that there were “evil humors” in the blood, and by draining the blood you could remove the evil humors that caused disease. Sometimes, leeches were used in this process.

2.  A small, worm-like creature with a sucker that allows it to attach to its victim and consume its blood. Groups of leeches can consume enough blood from a single source to cause death. As mentioned, leeches used to be used by doctors to drain small amounts of blood from people in order to remove “evil humors.” Today, leeches kept under sterile conditions are again being used for a variety of reasons, their bite producing an anticoagulant, a vasodilator, and a local anesthetic. Some ...
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Term used by Sigmund Freud and now in psychological and general use meaning the desire for sex. Originally, Freud thought libido was an actual, physical energy, similar to Kundalini, and that blockages to the energy resulted in psychological problems. On a practical level, however, he could not encourage his patients to seek sexual encounters. So he changed the concept of libido from energy to a desire. Since blockages in the energy could cause problems, Freud needed something that would block ...
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A group of brain structures, including the hippocampus, thalamus, hypothalamus, and the amygdala, that control basic emotions and drives. 

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Earlier in the twentieth century, books which gave advice on how to mentally or spiritually please your husband or wife. More recently, books which describe techniques of sex, including a variety of positions for sexual intercourse.

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Sexual self-stimulation. 

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1.  One of the channels or pathways of energy that run throughout the physical body. Practitioners of Eastern medicine work with meridians and the flow of energy to promote healing.
2.  Energy channel located in the aura or energy field.

3.  Etheric level channels of energy within the body.

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Franz Anton Mesmer (1734–1815) was a Freemason and physician. His studies led him to conclude that there was a “magnetic fluid” that permeated the universe, including humans. If the fluid were unbalanced in humans, disease, sickness, and ill health would result. A Jesuit Priest named Maximilian Hehl (or Hell) had similar ideas and used magnets to heal people. He gave Mesmer some magnets and the doctor produced amazing cures with them. Mesmer supposedly forgot the magnets one time and ...
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1.  A healing system created by Franz Anton Mesmer. Also known as the use of animal magnetism, it was discovered that similar results could be obtained through the use of suggestion while a person was in a trance, what is known as formal hypnotism. This has caused people to mistakenly think that hypnotism and mesmerism are synonymous. In actuality, mesmerism is closer to forms of energy healing such as the laying on of hands and Reiki.
2.  Modern science first became involved in hypnosis with the work of the Austrian physician Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815). Mesmer developed a theory called "animal magnetism" using magnets as healing tools to influence what was believed to be a magnetic field surrounding the physical body. The practice, which became known as Mesmerism, included passing a magnet (or at times a twig of wood) over a wound to stop bleeding that resulted from blood-letting. An investigation conducted by a French Board ...
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The founder of the system of Reiki.
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American psychiatrist (1901–1980) whose theories and techniques revolutionized approaches to psychotherapy and hypnotherapy, resulting in the modern acceptance of hypnosis into psychotherapeutic practice.  He used indirect hypnotic inductions that did not seem to be hypnotic in nature at all, and made suggestions that were permissive rather than authoritarian.

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It is only recently that science has recognized that there is somewhat of a two-way street between Mind and Body. Both are far more complex than earlier perceived and more intimately connected through energy and hormonal exchanges. With this recognition, we have the beginning of "mental healing" where visual images are found to influence the body. And, with meditation or hypnosis (and self-hypnosis, of course), imagined exercises and movements were found to result in muscular ...
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Understanding that the brain does not produce consciousness but receives it, filters it, and modifies it based its own conditioning. The physical brain is readily modified through its environment and cultural conditioning—including education and religious and social teachings to deny the paranormal experience.

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Moonstone is a translucent, light toned gem of many hues, or else is colorless, with a milky-blue sheen. It is the most important gemstone of the feldspar group. It is composed of potassium feldspar. Feldspars are silicates of aluminum and either potassium, sodium, or calcium. It comes from Ceylon or Brazil. Moonstone is a receptive stone. It helps you to balance and soothe your emotions so you don’t have to react from an emotional state. It helps your Higher Self control your emotions so ...
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The Chinese name for mugwort. Used in several forms of Asian medicine.

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A technique of traditional Asian medicine, often accompanying acupuncture, where the herb moxa (mugwort) is burned in special ways next to or even on the skin.

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A disease that infects sheep and cattle. Highly infectious, the word literally means “death” and was used during the Middle Ages with that meaning. It was believed that a need fire could cure it. In some regions of England, the word means “curse,” especially a curse place on livestock or the land itself.

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A system of treating the body with manipulation instead of drugs.
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A drug or herb that causes drowsiness, sleep, or a coma-like state. Metaphorically, anything (a speech, book, TV show, etc.) that results in such a state. Some people mistakenly believe that hypnosis is a narcotic. However it induces focus, not sleep.

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The mucus membranes inside the nose.

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A form of complementary medicine. It relies on the body’s natural ability to heal itself, aided by a program that includes exercise, a healthy diet, etc.
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The connection between one part of the nervous system and another. 

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A set of techniques involving the use of language, observation, and understanding the functioning of the mind that allows practitioners to achieve excellence.
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Title of a book by Scottish surgeon James Braid wherein he describes the use of induced trance for therapeutic purposes. Neurypnology, or "nervous sleep," also introduced the use of the term "hypnosis."

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Ointments are made by combining the appropriate herbs or other ingredients with beeswax or fat. Magical ointments are usually applied to the body.
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Hair-like filaments of the olfactory nerve that hang down into the nasal cavity and carry odors to the nerve for processing in the brain. The only part of the nervous system that is directly exposed to the environment. 

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The components of the brain and nervous system responsible for the sense of smell. 

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Archaic term for hypnotist.
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Pertaining to the oral stage of [human] development. 

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A region of the frontal lobes of the brain. Much remains to be learned about the orbitofrontal cortex, which is involved in planning, decision-making, and sensitivity to reward and punishment. 

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A neurotransmitting hormone that influences orgasm, bonding, anxiety, and maternal behaviors from childbirth to breastfeeding. 

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The part of the nervous system that governs rest, relaxation, salivation, the production of tears, digestion, and excretion. See also Sympathetic Nervous System.

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A technique that may be used in hypnotherapeutic and NLP therapeutic interventions. Although the mind is actually unitary, it can be conceived of as having multiple aspects, or "parts." During the therapy, a part that is responsible for an undesired behavior or belief is asked to come forward. It may be simply integrated into the personality or it may be asked to change the instructions it is following to better help the body, mind, and spirit of the person it believes it is protecting.

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The pubococcygeal muscle group located at the pelvic floor and running from the pubic bone to the tailbone in a figure eight around the genitals. The health, strength, and endurance of these muscles are important in both male and female sexual response. In the male they help produce strong erections and orgasmic control. In the female they are useful for increasing pleasure and helping the orgasmic response. Exercising them consists of tightening or squeezing them. 

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The muscles and connective tissue that lie at the bottom of the bowl created by the hips. The pelvic floor supports the bladder, intestines, and uterus. 

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A sparkling, pale-green stone, it also appear in lime, yellowish-green, olive, or darker hues. Some attributions include general healing, increasing strength, and preventing nervousness.
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A location on the body about half-way between the anus and genitals. On the male, there is an indentation in this location. Pressing firmly on this location (corresponds to the circulation/sex #1 location in Chinese acupuncture) creates a physiological response preventing ejaculation. Repeated physical use of the spot (sometimes called the "million dollar point") can result in mental control of ejaculation. Without ejaculation, it is possible for males to have multiple orgasms.

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One of the two major styles of suggestions give to a person who is hypnotized. Also known as maternal suggestions, they are characterized by seeming to give the hypnotized person the option of accepting or not accepting the suggestion. They are often more metaphoric than direct. Opposite of Authoritarian suggestions.
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Petrified wood, also known as fossilized wood, is a gray-brown conglomerate of muted tones. It can have light brown, yellow, red, pink, and even blue to violet colors in it. It is a microcrystalline quartz and a member of the chalcedony family. The organic wood is not really changed into stone, only the shape and structural elements of the wood are preserved. It is found mainly in the southwest US. Petrified wood is very earthy, and will assist you in becoming grounded and balanced. If you ...
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The groove that runs from the base of the nose to the top of the upper lip. From the Latin for love potion. 

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A gland that is housed in the sphenoid saddle or sella turcica at the base of the brain. It is connected to the hypothalamus. It produces a number of hormones and controls the functioning of the entire endocrine system. 

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From the Latin for “I will please,” a medicine or practice with no scientifically-known medical effect, but is effective in healing nonetheless. Sometimes called a “sugar pill,” it is believed that the mere suggestion that it will help causes the body to respond as if it had an active, medically effective ingredient. Some reports have shown that placebos can be effective, as much as 35 percent of the time, but others claim that the placebo effect does not exist at all.
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Changes that occur in the connections between the synapses of the neurons. Plasticity gives us the ability to change behaviors and beliefs.
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One of the most famous and valuable phenomena of hypnosis. A Posthypnotic Suggestion is a suggestion that is given to a person while he or she is hypnotized, but not acted upon until they are brought out of the hypnotic trance.
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A moist collection of items such as items such as various herbs and medicines, spread on a piece of cloth and placed on the skin. Often warmed, it is most commonly used to treat an area that is painful, aching or inflamed. Often used directly on cuts or wounds. A poultice is also a porous object, such as a sponge, that contains a solvent and is used to remove stains from stones such as granite or marble.

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Popular in the 17th century, this was a remedy used by doctors treating soldiers. According to the instructions for making it, you should first obtain six to eight ounces of Roman Vitriol (copper sulfate, CuSO4, now used to destroy algae in lakes, ponds, reservoirs, etc.). Next, grind this up (using a mortar and pestle) and use a fine sieve to sift it when the Sun enters Leo. Finally, you must keep it in the light during the day and make sure it stays dry at night. The curious thing is that ...
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1.  Sanskrit for “breath,” prana refers to the universal energy that flows through the body’s web of non-physical channels known as nadis, the three most famous being the Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna. Different breathing patterns known as pranayamas can increase and direct this energy, leading to the simplification that prana and air are the same or that prana is in the air. In the traditional system, there are five different forms of prana: Prana: Moves inward. Governs all types of ...
2.  Vital life force akin to Ki or Chi.
3.  Chi, the Force, the Power. The universal life-force flowing throughout the universe, and locally emanating from the sun as vitality absorbed from the air we breathe and the food we eat. It can be visualized as flowing into the body as you inhale, and then distributed throughout the body as you exhale. Prana is also considered as one of the "seven elements:" Prana, Manas (mind), Ether, Fire, Air, Water, and Earth, corresponding to seven regions of the universe. In Hebrew Kabbalism, Nephesh (the ...

4.  Most commonly used to mean the breath. Prana is understood as the energy that surrounds us and pervades the universe at all times. Another way of understanding Kundalini energy is to recognize it as each individual's highly concentrated dose of inborn prana.

See Also:  apanaudanasamanavyana
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The front of the brain, including the orbito-frontal cortex. It plays a central role in complex cognitive functions, the expression of personality, and social behavior.

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The issue a person tells a therapist, such as a hypnotherapist, as to why he or she is seeking help. Often, a beginning hypnotherapist will try to deal with that issue, assuming it is the actual problem. However, a presenting problem may actually be a symptom of a deeper problem. For full alleviation of the deeper issue(s), a hypnotist may have to use other techniques (such as regression) to find the actual cause. Otherwise, the hypnotherapy may not be as successful as desired.

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In psychology, projection is the attribution of qualities or feelings you have to another person.
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A gland located at the base of the penis. The prostate surrounds the neck of the bladder and the urethra. While it is a gland, it also contains muscle tissue, and is surrounded by nerves. It plays an important role in, erection, arousal, and orgasmic response; not only does it produce prostatic fluid, which comprises 20-30% of semen, its smooth muscles pulse during orgasm and play a significant role in expelling the ejaculate. 

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Any of a variety of forms of healing using psychic powers. Examples include Reiki, laying on of hands, etc.

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The supposed ability of certain healers, especially in the Philippines, to use paranormal ability to perform surgery without anesthesia, antiseptics, or tools. There was usually blood and the “surgeon” appeared to put his hand in the person and pull out “tumors” or other problems. Unfortunately, the techniques were often faked and people needing surgery didn’t receive it, leading to fatal results. The expression, however, became popular and some people refer to any ...
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A system used to help a person evaluate persistent unconscious ideas that have effected his or her behavior. It was created by Dr. Sigmund Freud to get the same results as hypnotherapy without the need for hypnosis and taking far more time—often years—as compared to a few sessions of hypnotherapy. Main methods including talking, interpreting dreams, and evaluating unconscious errors in language, commonly called “Freudian slips.” Psychoanalysis (also known as “Freudian Analysis” or ...
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A combination of two Greek words, psyche, the mind, and somatic, of the body. A psychosomatic disorder (now technically called a psychophysiologic illness) means a physical disease caused by or aggravated by some mental cause ranging from stress and mental conflicts to internal or external suggestions. It is often used to describe an illness when no physical cause can be found. Although the cause may be mental, the manifestation is physical and should not be confused with either faking illness ...
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The pubic bone is not actually a single bone. Instead, it is the front of the pelvis, where the left and right bones meet. It lies just above the genitals, well below the crest of the hips. 

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The muscles that form a part of the pelvic floor, also known as the "Kegel Muscles" or "PC Muscles." Learning to work these muscles in various ways is a key part of many Tantric and Yogic practices. More generally, exercising them is very important for urogenital health, in both men and women. 

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1.  A form of healing based on frequency. Different diseases are said to have certain frequencies for their treatment. A radionics box uses dials to set up the proper frequency, although the dials are not connected in a way that would allow an electric current to use them. To link to the patient, a drop of blood, a lock of hair or even a photograph is placed on or inside the box. The treatment is claimed to work either next to the patient or at very great distances. There are questions as to the ...
2.  The theory that posits that every shape has a specific effect that can affect its environment. Talismans, magic tools, etc., which are made according to the principles of radionics, are clearly more effective. The field known as Radionics became prominent in the 19th century. The practitioners of this field believe that every shape has a special effect on the environment. This effect may be psychological, physical, etc. A cube, a pyramid, and an octagon (for example) each have a specific ...
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Rapid Eye Movement (REM) in which the eyes demonstrate dramatic activity during deep sleep. Once thought to be necessary for dreaming, REM was later recognized as marking merely one of the phases of sleep in which dreaming occurs.
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Often confused with Chinese Acupressure, reflexology—the use of pressure on parts of the foot to help problems elsewhere in the body—has predecessors that date back to ancient Egypt. However, modern reflexology is directly related to Zone Therapy, created by Dr. William Fitzgerald in the 19th century. If you draw parallel vertical lines down the length of the body following certain rules, you form vertical zones. Problems in a zone can be alleviated by pressure on the foot, especially the ...
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A technique used in NLP where the practitioner gives a client new insights by reinterpreting something for the client. For example, if the client says, "I'm lazy," the reframe might be, "So you're saying that you're so effective and get things done so quickly that you have lots of spare time."

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(1897–1957) Psychiatrist who originally followed Freud, and then departed from Freud’s orthodoxy. Introduced the concept of Orgone or universal life force and noted how it was related to sexuality. Israel Regardie practiced Reichian therapy.
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1.  A form of “Universal Life Force Energy” which is similar to, but has different qualities from other forms of this energy such as Chi, Ki, or Prana. It is used mainly for healing. The system was made available by Mikao Usui who discovered it while searching in Buddhist scriptures to discover how Jesus was able to perform healings. One of his students, Dr. Chujiro Hayashi, taught Hawayo Takata who opened a clinic in Hawaii, is credited with introducing Reiki to the West, and is the source of ...
2.  Spirit guided energy or life force used to promote healing.
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Rhodonite is an attractive rose pink stone with black veinings. It is composed of manganese metasilicate. The name comes from its color (Greek for rose). It is found in Canada, Mexico, and the US. Rhodonite is good for mental unrest and confusion, anxious forebodings, and incoherence. It fends off unwanted influences from the etheric planes. It is good for psychically sensitive people who would prefer to be left in peace. It relieves anxiety, stress, promotes mental balance, and mental ...
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Rose quartz is a gentle, pale to medium pink translucent form of quartz. It comes from Brazil. This stone has a soft and useful frequency, and does not conflict with any other stones. It is an important stone for the heart chakra, and for giving and receiving love. It helps to dissolve all burdens and traumas that have burdened the heart. Rose quartz assists in understanding and dissolving problems so the heart is better able to know love. As its presence is felt by the body, sorrows, fears, ...
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Rutilated quartz is clear quartz with threads of titanium dioxide (gold filaments) running through it. Much of this stone comes from Brazil. It is also called needle stone, or angel’s hair. Rutilated quartz energizes, rejuvenates, and balances the system. It raises your vibrations, increases clairvoyance, and strengthens thought projections. This gemstone helps the body in the assimilation of nutrients, helps the immune system function more effectively, slows diseases of aging, and prevents ...
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A term used by some Neo-Tantric practitioners to designate the trigger for energetic excitation within the human body. For women this spot is associated with the so-called G-spot. For men it is at or just below the prostate gland at the root chakra.

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A technique used by some Neo-Tantrics, it involves a direct massage of the Sacred Spot in a male or female. As this is an internal and perhaps the ultimate personal massage, it can be used to recall and overcome both physical and psychological wounds as well as awaken and release orgasmic energy.

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1.  The lower back area of the body where the triangular shaped sacral bone sits. Also the location of the second chakra.

2.  The sacrum is usually comprised of five bones in the lower spine that start to fuse in adolescence and have usually become fully fused in young adulthood. These are the spinal bones that pass through the pelvis. The sacrum lies between the bones of the lumbar spine, above, and the coccyx, below. 

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Sexual practices intended to reduce the risk of spreading or catching sexually transmitted infections. Most commonly this involves the use of barriers—condoms, dental dams, and gloves—for activities in which exposure to sexual fluids would otherwise occur. 

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Sanskrit for “breath,” prana refers to the universal energy that flows through the body’s web of non-physical channels known as nadis, the three most famous being the Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna. Different breathing patterns known as pranayamas can increase and direct this energy, leading to the simplification that prana and air are the same or that prana is in the air. In the traditional system, there are five different forms of prana: Prana: Moves inward. Governs all types of ...
See Also:  prana
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Among hypnotists, a script is a written monologue that contains overt or metaphorical suggestions for a hypnotist to give a hypnotized person in order to obtain desired changes in behavior, attitude, thought patterns, etc. Among beginning hypnotists, it is common to memorize or read a script. This "one script fits all who have the same problem" has limited success. Experienced hypnotists uses scripts as a guide to coming up with their own individualized suggestions.

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1.  A shaman is one who helps people in their dealings with the other worlds. These other worlds are the realms above, beyond, and deep with the experiences of our lives. These are the realms of the spiritual, psychic vision and pure, natural Earth energies. In shamanism these worlds were traditionally represented as the upper world of the sky, or spirit levels, and the lower worlds of Earth and Nature.
2.  A family of traditions whose practitioners focus on voluntarily entering altered states of consciousness in which they experience themselves, or their spirit(s) interacting with other entities, often by traveling to other realms in order to serve their community.
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A Japanese bodywork technique that focuses on energetic flows, akin to [Chinese] acupressure.

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Smoky quartz is a translucent grayish/brown quartz with natural irradiation. This form of quartz will initiate movement of the basic, primal forces of your body, allowing you to express your physical self better. Smoky quartz will lend a person a sense of pride to be able to walk the Earth and inhabit a human body. It is very helpful for those of an earthy nature, and when worn as an amulet it can induce mental clarity and stimulate physical energy. It also protects and strengthens one while ...
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Snow quartz is a delicate, translucent white form of quartz. It is a member of the chalcedony family, and is made of silica. It is a cryptocrystalline quartz and is found in Brazil, US, and Mexico. Snow quartz helps us to have a focus of purity in ourselves. It helps for clarity of mind, and activates the crown chakra. It shows us our personal identification with the Infinite, the oneness with God. It represents peace and wisdom. It is a stone that has the power to act as an insulator for all ...
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Snowflake obsidian is a striking black, lustrous opaque stone with grayish/white bold markings, much like the beautiful patterns of snowflakes on a black background. It is a form of volcanic, amorphous, siliceous glassy rock. This form of obsidian is found in Utah. Snowflake obsidian is said to sharpen both the external and the internal vision. It is one of the most important “teachers” of the New Age stones. It is the warrior of truth, and shows the self where the ego is at, and what it ...
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Sodalite is a deep, rich blue stone with white inclusions. It is composed of chloric sodium aluminum silicate. It is found mostly in Canada and Brazil. Sodalite is said to prolong physical endurance, and is used by athletes. It is said to help create harmony within the inner being and to stop conflict between the conscious mind and the subconscious. It is good for those who are oversensitive and reactive, allowing a person to shift from emotional to rational thinking. Sodalite helps clear away ...
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A muscle release technique based on the premise that muscular restrictions harbor emotional problems.
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In common use it means “sleepwalking.” Among hypnotists it means one of the deepest levels of hypnotic trance.
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An ancient shamanic healing technique. The basic concept is that some illnesses are caused by a missing part of the soul. The shaman would enter an altered state of consciousness and travel to the patient’s past or to an alternate reality or “world,” find the missing part and ask it to return to its proper place, resulting in healing.
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The sinus that lies at the top and back of the nasal passages, just below the sphenoid saddle, which houses the pituitary gland. Chanting a mantra properly sends vibrations through the sphenoid sinus and into the pituitary.

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The fifth woman made a doctor in the US, she got into trouble for promoting birth control. She ended up going to India and learned about the physical actions of Tantra. She brought back the technique of prolonged intercourse without orgasm as a means of birth control. Her book, entitled Karezza, was published in 1896. The concepts have influenced many sex magick practitioners.
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That half of our consciousness that operates when we sleep. The subconscious mind is the origin of hunches, intuition, and psychic awareness.
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An idea, concept or fear introduced into one’s belief system. It may be introduced either when we are very young, by a person of authority, or during a traumatic experience.
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One of the three parts the mind that form the structural model in Sigmund Freud's description of the psyche. In mystical terms, the super-ego is the higher self. It "punishes" a lack of following one’s higher goals with feelings of guilt. It is associated with the unconscious. In Transactional Analysis it is associated to the Adult aspect of the psyche. The other parts are the Id and the Ego.

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The part of the nervous system that is responsible for the "fight or flight" response. It complements the parasympathetic nervous system, and the two must be functioning harmoniously for sexual arousal and orgasm to take place.

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Abbreviation for Transactional Analysis.

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A modern, non-religious and scientifically researched version of Laying on of Hands. Developed by Dora Kunz and Dolores Krieger, it assumes that people are complex fields of energy and that we each have the natural ability to enhance healing in others.

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A brain-wave state characterized by deep relaxation.
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Tiger eye is a beautiful, golden-brown shiny stone which appears lifelike due to its chatoyancy, or silky luster. It is a crystallized quartz, made of silica. It is found mostly in Africa. This stone has been worn through the ages to avert the evil eye and help prevent eye diseases. Tiger eye helps people gain insight into their own faults, and to think more clearly. This stone is helpful for greater spiritual understanding. It helps develop courage and inner strength, and gives one a sense of ...
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Tourmalinated quartz is a clear form of quartz with silver filaments and threads of black tourmaline running through it. Much of this stone is found in Brazil. Tourmalinated quartz is good for dissolving fear in oneself. It can aid in eliminating negative conditioning patterns we have experienced in our lives. Use of this type of quartz kept near the body and meditated upon is said to increase mental awareness and enhance psychic ability. It soothes the central nervous system, and helps to ...
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(TCM) The practice of Eastern medicine, including acupuncture, herbs, and other treatment therapies.
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The logic of a hypnotized person that allows for the acceptance of concepts they would not normally accept. This is possible due to the bypassing of the critical factor during hypnosis. There are limits to trance logic, however, as a hypnotized person will not do things that go against their ethics.
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Developed by psychiatrist Eric Berne and commonly called T.A., Transactional Analysis is a system of psychotherapy that integrates therapeutic techniques of cognitive, humanistic, and Freudian analytical therapies. It is perhaps most popularly known for its simplification of the Freudian concepts of the id, the ego, and the super-ego, which are respectively called the child, parent, and adult. These terms have been adopted by some "pop" psychologists.

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A form of psychology that examines the spiritual aspects of human experience. Topics usually studied in this system include spiritual self-development, peak experiences, trance states, and mystical experiences. Although complementary to parapsychology, it is not the same. Parapsychology investigates the objective reality of paranormal phenomena while Transpersonal Psychology investigates the spiritual meaning of such phenomena. In some ways Transpersonal Psychology overlaps with mysticism.

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Sanskrit for “breath,” prana refers to the universal energy that flows through the body’s web of non-physical channels known as nadis, the three most famous being the Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna. Different breathing patterns known as pranayamas can increase and direct this energy, leading to the simplification that prana and air are the same or that prana is in the air. In the traditional system, there are five different forms of prana: Prana: Moves inward. Governs all types of ...
See Also:  prana
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The nerve that runs along the ulna (one of the bones of the forearm.) The largest unprotected nerve in the body, it produces a sensation commonly called, "hitting one's funny bone" when directly bumped. 

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Unikite is a combination of salmon pink feldspar and green epidote, and is an opaque stone. It is named after the Unikite Mountains between North Carolina and Tennessee, where it is found. The pink in unikite speaks to the heart chakra to awaken the love within. The green lends it healing qualities to any hurts which have been sustained. The pink in unikite is a deeper shade of pink and is more grounding than that found in rose quartz. This stone has a leveling affect, and helps to balance the ...
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The tube that stretches from the bladder to the genitals, and through which one urinates. 

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One of the nerves responsible for orgasmic response. It is also referred to as the pneumogastric nerve. It regulates heart rate, peristalsis, and sweating, and because it does not reach the lower body through the spinal column, some people whose spinal cords have been severed can still experience orgasm when it is stimulated. 

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A medication that causes vasodilation and thereby improves erectile function. 

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A philosophy characterized by the existence of a life force in all living things.
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The external uro-genital area of the female. 

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From the Saxon wes hal meaning “be of good health.” It was customary in England to toast family and friends at midwinter with some sort of alcoholic beverage. Wassail can also refer to just the alcoholic beverage.

Wassailing is an English midwinter custom of going from house to house with a large bowl containing ale and other ingredients as a way to wish friends and neighbors good health in the coming year. This evolved into the modern custom of Christmas caroling.
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