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1. The date of attributed by some to the completion of a particular cycle found in the Mayan calendar. Some people fascinated by this topic even give the date of December 21, 2012, as the end of this cycle. Although some people claim this is the end of the calendar and propose an apocalyptic end of the world scenario, most believe it will simply mark a major evolutionary step for the world where there will be major world changes. Interestingly, NASA predicts that the Sun will reverse its magnetic ...
2. Surreal Tarot deck by Marco Nizzoli with booklet by Barbara Moore.
3. A practitioner of folk magick, especially magick that deals with herbs. A cunning man was responsible for assuring good harvests, protecting against spells, curses, and the evil eye, and provide charms and medicines. Although the expression “cunning man” is most often used by anthropologists, similar terms “cunning folk” and “cunning women” are also used. The expression is considered synonymous with wizards, conjurors, white Witch, and “pellars.”