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Spell: Fool’s Fish Spell

Color of the Day
Incense of the Day
Color of the day: Gray
Incense of the day: Carnation

Because April 1 was the old day for the celebration of the New Year in France, it is often said that the name April's Fool derives from the fact that those who continued to celebrate on this day after the date was changed to January 1 were referred to as fools. However, no one knows for sure how this holiday originated, and in fact, in modern France one who falls victim to an April 1 prank is called Poisson d'Avril, or "April Fish." On this day, French children fool their friends by taping a paper fish to their friends' backs. When the "young fool" discovers this trick, the prankster yells "Poisson d'Avril!" It is more likely that this holiday is related to the ancient days of merriment called Hilaria in Latin. In ancient Rome, the popular cult of the mother goddess Cybele and her consort, the vegetation god Attis, were celebrated with several holidays. On each day of these holidays, a
part of these figures' myth was retold. On March 15, Cybele was said to find Attis and fall in love with him. On March 22, because of a love triangle between Attis, a young nymph or another lover, and Cybele, Attis' young lover is lost to him. He is driven mad and emasculates himself under a pine tree. On March 24, "The Day of Blood," Attis was said to die, and his followers would go into morning by fasting and flagellating themselves. On March 25, Attis was reborn and then returned to Cybele. His followers celebrated with Hilaria. There was feasting and cheerfulness, and anything which promoted laughter was permissible. It is easy to see the connection between these ancient fertility cult days and modern April Fools' Day. They are related to the transition from the death that was winter to the new life that is spring. This is a time to renew oneself with meditation and then lightheartedness and fun.

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