Posted Under Paganism & Witchcraft

The Element Purification

Incense Stick and Tea Light

To begin, open all windows and doors to allow negativity to easily vacate your house. The act of opening up your house at the very least replaces the stale air with fresh. It is also part of the ritual of purification and is symbolic of your intention to clean the house. Fresh air and sunshine also help sweep and burn away negativity.

As with most magical deeds, household purification must be backed up with physical work; thus a purification of the house begins with scrubbing the floors and washing the windows. Because like attracts like, dirty, unkempt houses—with no order whatsoever—practically invite disturbing vibrations. Even if your home isn't scrupulously neat, it's in order if you know where everything is.

While cleaning the house, see yourself washing away all the sorrows and problems that have accumulated there. Even if you are unable to see or sense them, imagine their presence anyway. See the dirt in the water (on the sponge or mop) as containing that negativity. Immediately dispose of such contaminated water outside. After vacuuming, remove the bag, take it outside and replace it with a fresh one.

Once the house is physically clean, you are ready to start the magical purification.

The Element Purification
This rite utilizes the powers of the four elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water) to cleanse the home. At a time when you are alone in the home, or in the presence of family members or housemates, assemble on a table the following items:

  • A bowl or flat dish of salt
  • An incense burner (censer)
  • Frankincense (or any other sweet-fumed incense sticks, cones or powder)
  • A white candle
  • A bowl of clean, pure water

Light the incense and candle. Stand before the table and open yourself to your home. Feel its energies. Really tune in to any impressions you receive.

After a moment, hold you hands over the assembled tools and say something like the following (feel free to improvise):

I charge you, tools of the elements,
To sweep my house clean of all ill and bane.
This is my will, so mote it be!

Take the dish of salt and, moving clockwise around the house, throw a pinch of salt into each corner of every room, saying the following or similar words:

By the powers of Earth, I cleanse this house!

In your imagination, see the salt burning away negativity as you sprinkle and toss it. Your purification will be as strong as your visualization.

Also throw pinches into cupboards and closets, through open windows and doors, into attics and basements, and in the garage.

Next, set the salt down and pick up the censer. While incense smokes, carry it on the same route you used with the salt. Holding it before open windows and doors and in the corners of each room, visualize the smoke clearing away all negativity and evil. Say the following at regular intervals:

By the powers of Air, I cleanse this house!

Once you have walked through the whole house, return the censer and take the lit candle on the same route. Again, visualize, moving clockwise and holding the flame before windows and doors, seeing it shining forth with magical power, burning away negativity. Every so often say:

By the powers of Fire, I cleanse this house!

Finally replace the candle on the table and take up the bowl of water. Sprinkle water throughout the house in every corner and exits and entraces. Toss some drops at an through windows. See and know that the water is washing away ills with a tidal wave of magical power. Say the following:

By the powers of Water, I cleanse this house!

Set the bowl on the table and stand for a few minutes in the house. It should feel calmer, more peaceful, fresh and clean. If not, repeat the ritual.

Close the doors and windows, and, if time permits, leave the salt, incense, candle and water together on the table until the candle burns itself out and the incense is reduced to ash.

Excerpted from The Magical Household by Scott Cunningham and David Harrington

About Scott Cunningham

Scott Cunningham practiced magic actively for over twenty years. He was the author of more than fifty books covering both fiction and non-fiction subject matter; sixteen of his titles are published by Llewellyn Publications. ...

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