As I prepared for the publication of my eighth book, A Feral Church: a Guided Journey to Find Magic, Kinship and the Goddess, lists were made of swag to be ordered (buttons, stickers, t-shirts), bookstores to be contacted, media to be courted and informed. In addition to all those details—and dozens of others—there was the end of my personal touring season for 2024 and the homely tasks of emptying some of the rain barrels and putting the garden to bed. All these fell by the wayside when Hurricane Helene made landfall in September and swept up the Southeast to devastate my homeland in the southern highlands of the Appalachian Mountains. First, let me reassure you that I and ...
If you're anything like me, you get a lot of satisfaction from being a witch. It fills your spirit, and lifts your heart, and helps you find your place in the universe. And if you are anything like me, you are also so busy and overwhelmed trying to keep up with Life and All the Other Stuff, you hardly ever find the time to actually work on your Witchcraft practice, even though it is important to you and makes you feel better. Never fear, I have an easy solution. One of the ways I have found to integrate a small daily practice into my life is to use one of the many 365 Day books that are out there. I have a bunch of different ones, some of them featuring goddesses, some with short ...
Want to make your magick more powerful? Connect it more deeply to yourself and who you are. Regardless of your tradition or magickal methods, the more you can personalize the work you do and make it resonate with your deepest self, the more potent it will be. If you're an LGBTQIAP2S+ person, one way you can personalize your magick is to celebrate your queer identity in your practice. Here are six practical ways you can do that: 1. Create, Find, or Buy Meaningful Magickal ToolsWork with magickal tools with which you feel a connection. When selecting or creating a tool, pay attention to where the materials came from and what they mean to you. For example, I have an athame with a wooden ...
Prayer is the most important ritual form in Ancient Hellenic religion. Ancient Greeks were polytheists and understood themselves as being in relationships with the Great Ones who they called the Theoi—the Gods. These relationships were both individual (between an individual and one of the Theoi) and collective (between society and one of the Theoi or groups of Theoi). Many rituals are about creating, strengthening, or restoring the healthy bonds of relationship between humans and any of the many spiritual beings. Sometimes the prayers ask divine beings to intercede, such as in a healing or mystery initiation. Because there are many Gods, the ritualist must specify for whom the ...