Posted Under Paganism & Witchcraft

Hexing Scarcity: Banishing Money Blocks with 4 Magical Richuals

Coins and Candles for Money Magic Spell


Money. What do you feel and think of when you come across this word in a conversation or when you have to manage your finances? Past me would ignore it because if I didn't, the negative $200 in my bank account and a mountain of debt on my credit cards would stress me out. It took me a long time to "face" my money. There were no adults who taught me how to invest, save, and earn money, so my pattern for a long time was just to spend, spend, spend, and not save. I never had enough, and my life was not where I wanted to be.

Luckily for me, my first magical mentor taught me money magic. I did my first ritual at 16 and was able to manifest the money for my rent (I moved out at a young age) and to fix the broken air conditioning in my car. It was an astonishing moment when the exact amount of money that I needed to fix my car arrived in the mail from an old job I had forgotten about. This was when I really believed in magic. Scratch that; this was when I believed that money magic would work for me.

From then on, I didn't want to be a broke witch anymore. I wanted more and to live a better life, so I dove deep into money and wealth magic. And what I've discovered in the 20+ years of studying magic, energy, mindset, and richuals (rituals for wealth and money) all surrounding wealth has led me to living my richest life. I'm not a millionaire, but from where I was before, wow, do I feel wealthy! Now I can travel the world, eat at fancy Michelin-star restaurants, and treat myself to that new Gucci bag I've been eyeing. I've even been able to quit my job and make a living by being of service and helping other spiritual entrepreneurs expand in their magical craft and build the businesses of their dreams.

It wasn't an easy journey, and it didn't happen overnight; it required a lot of commitment to my magic, my spiritual path, and my mindset, as well as taking scary actions getting out of my comfort zone. The big shift came when I stopped thinking about and being in lack. I stopped wanting things and chasing after money. Instead, I tapped into who I wanted to be, got super clear about my life, and I became it. In my book, Wealth Witchery, I teach you about the four realms of manifestation: the mental realm, energetic realm, emotional realm, and physical realm. I teach you how tapping into each realm can help you manifest more wealth (or really anything that you want) consistently and more quickly. To align all the four realms to what you desire, you can use magic and richual to shift your mindset and energy.

If you are ready to shift into a wealthy witch mindset right now, here are some powerful richuals that you can do immediately to banish scarcity and start being a money magnet. I know you deserve to have more money and to be wealthy because you are a compassionate and heart-centered healer or witch who will use your resources to help make our planet better. Use the four richuals below to help you amplify your wealth magic.

Money Alchemy Jar
This richual will turn your fears and blocks into action and wealth. This practice is a great place to start if you have some deep money blocks, like I did. Start here if you are ignoring looking at and dealing with your money, or if you are new to money magic. It is always a good idea to clear blocks first and make room energetically for what we want to bring in.

Write down all of your fears on a piece of paper and put it into a jar. If you don't know what fears or blocks you have, here are some common ones:

  • I'll lose my magic if I charge for my magical or healing work
  • If I get rich, I will be greedy
  • Money is the root of all evil
  • If I get wealthy, people will judge me
  • If I want to make more money, I have to work harder
  • I have generational money trauma and poverty (okay this might be true, but you can definitely clear it and alchemize this energy into gifts)
  • I'm not worthy of earning money
  • I'm not good enough

Each morning or evening, add a coin or bill to the jar, saying, "I transform my fears and blocks into fortune." Do this for 40 days; then take the money and donate it to charity to create a flow of abundance.

Enchanting Your Bank Account
This richual requires you to look at your bank account, yes. It's a great practice for those witches who are ignoring looking at their money because the current balance might not be what you want. When I started doing this—paying attention to my money and loving on my money—my business started to take off. What we give our attention to is what we attract, right? So, let's pay attention to the money we want.

First, rename your bank account with a magical name like, "The Overflow Account" or the "Wealthy Witches Fund." Make sure to stay away from names like, "For a Rainy Day," because then we are focusing on a scenario where we are saving for something, usually bad, happening. Instead, we want to focus on the energy of money always coming in and supporting us in our experiences.

Every day, look at your bank account and say, "Money loves me, and I love money. My bank account grows more and more every day." Really feel this, though; don't just say it to say it. Say it with feeling.

A physical action you might want to take is to start growing the energetic container of your bank account by bringing in more money. Set a goal that feels reachable. For example, if you only have $1,000 in your bank account, maybe next month you will increase that to $1,200, and then to $1,500 the month after. Take baby steps. This also means that you might have to either earn more money or watch your spending. Whatever you decide, make sure that you are happy with what you are doing. When I worked four jobs, it was hard, but I still enjoyed where I worked.

Bonus magic: To amplify your money magnet energies in your bank account, charge your debit card under the new moon with green aventurine.

Closing the Scarcity Portal
To step into our new wealthy self, we must fully release our old identities of always having financial struggles or being capped at how much we can make or save. This quick richual physically, mentally, and energetically shuts scarcity out and welcomes prosperity.

  • Write down your scarcity story. Jot down limiting beliefs like, "Money is hard to earn" or, "I'm not good with money."
  • Rip it up into tiny pieces, symbolizing the breakage of old patterns.
  • You can flush it or burn it. By flushing the pieces down the toilet, you are washing scarcity away. If you burn it, then you are transforming lack into power with fire alchemy.
  • When you have done the flushing or burning, stand in a doorway with the door open, and invoke: "I now slam the door on scarcity. It no longer has access to me." Then slam the door shut with intention.
  • Now imagine how much money you have in your bank account, how you are using the money, how your wealth is supporting you, and all the details of a beautiful day in your rich life. When you have seen it and felt it, open the door and step through, affirming: "I step into limitless abundance. Wealth and prosperity flow to me now."

Overnight Money Attraction Richual
This is one of my favorite richuals because after I teach it, so many of my clients and friends come back to me and tell me that it works. I had a client who had just lost her job and came to LlewellynCon to hear my free presentation. She did this richual and received the first clues to her spiritual and wealthy purpose. My client ended up opening her online business and manifesting the money to work with me privately; within 8 months, she made six figures, and in two years went from 5,000 followers on Instagram to 90,000. That was the big win story. Many other people have told me about their small wins, such as unexpected money and clients flowing in the next morning after they did this.

You will need something that you can use to make money. So, if you do stuff on your computer or your phone, those would be the best devices to use. If you have a tip jar or cup, you can use that. If you own a shop and have a register, that would be the best portal for your money to come through.

  • Get a citrine crystal. Big or small, whatever you have. The client whose big win story I shared said she spent her last $10 on a citrine crystal, and it still worked.
  • Before you sleep, put your citrine crystal on your money portal object. (One friend with whom I shared this, who didn't even do magic, put it on her phone overnight and the next day she made $10,000 in sales.)

I don't think any of these people had any expectations about what was going to happen. So, I'm going to say something I usually don't recommend with other richuals and manifestations: you don't need to be specific in what you want to manifest. The most important thing here is not to go into the lack, the scarcity, the "I need it" energy. Instead, feel into how fun it would be to receive, and then just relax.

I hope you do these four richuals and get incredible results. Again, it's not about being wealthy now, it's about taking one step at a time on your magical path. Then, suddenly, you will be there before you even know it. It doesn't matter what you've done in the past or what you weren't taught in the past. It's the present moment that matters; this is the time where you can start to choose differently and where you can start creating a future that you desire. Money is just energy and a resource we use in this world. Focus on what you are going to do with the money and how it brings you more joy, love, and fun.

If you want to create a powerful daily wealth practice and create more money miracles, then perhaps my book, Wealth Witchery, would be aligned with your goals. Inside the book, you will receive deep teachings about the four realms of manifestation and truly understand how to manifest more money and prosperity. There are wealth richuals for all the money things you can think of, along with a practical Wealth Scripting practice where you can write your dreams into reality. If you try out these rituals and something amazing is manifested, please message me on Instagram @pamelaunicorn. I would love to celebrate your wins with you! Here's to your magical wealth and more happy money flowing into your life.

About Pamela Chen

Pamela Chen is the author of Enchanted Crystal Magic and creator of Witchling Academy Tarot and Tarot of the Owls. She also works as a business, wealth, and money manifesting coach. She helps high-achieving, powerful ...

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