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Spell: A Teatime Spell

Color of the Day
Incense of the Day
December is the twelfth month of the year, its name derived from the Latin decem, meaning "ten," as it was the tenth month of the Roman calendar. Its astrological sign is Sagittarius, the Archer (November 23 - December 22), a mutable-fire sign ruled by Jupiter. Winter settles in, with this month being cold, yet filled with mirth. Although the Winter Solstice is the official start of the season, it also marks the return of the Sun and, even though we won't notice it for a few months, the days are growing longer. In many cultures, this has traditionally been a time for celebrating with friends and family, enjoying music and giving gifts. The Romans celebrated Saturnalia during thes month, one tof the origins of Christmas. Other winter holidays such as Hanukkah and Kwanzaa are celebrated with fests, candles, and other bright decorations that remind us of the continuing cycle of life - the grat wheel of the year keeps turning. Yuletide evergreens, such as pine trees, and garlands and wreaths of holly, symbolize that despite the bleak appearance outside, the land is only sleeping and will return with vigor in spring. Stars are used to symbolize the diving spirit and also to represent the Sun - whose glowing gift of light gives us life. As one year ends, so another begins, amid a sparkling and icy winter landscape. December's Full Moon is call the Snow Moon.

The making and drinking of tea is a ritual enjoyed worldwide. And on this day the Japanese celebrate the tea ceremony. This teatime spell will help alleviate stress. If you can, brew loose tea for this ritual. Select a tea suitable for your magical purpose.
Here are some examples:
Black tea will attract prosperity.
Jasmine will draw love or prophetic dreams
Masala chai will aid in protection.
Choose a time when you won't be distrubed and brew your tea according to the directions. Use a pretty cup and a nice napkin. Serve cookies if you wish. Above all, make it a special time of day. As you pour your tea, savor the aroma. As you sip your tea, feel your spirit absorbing its magical energy. Let the warmth of the tea melt away your worries. Now your spirit is magically charged.

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