Posted Under Dreams

Dream On It: What Your Dreams Want You to Know

Dream Symbolism of Bed in the Sky Woman Dreaming

Yes, nocturnal dreams are strange and may often feel utterly incomprehensible, but there is always method in their madness. Once you learn this method, you'll find that your dreams are your ultimate reality check. They are your most devoted friend, the one who stands by you regardless, refreshingly honest and always there for you.

The pressures of daily life can sometimes be too much to resolve when you are awake. The answers, leaps of faith, and creative connections you need can often only be found when your logical mind is sleeping, and your intuition is unleashed in your dreams.

You are always your own best adviser, but sometimes it takes a whole lot of self-awareness and self-belief to get the message through. Working with your dreams can fast-track you to that game-changing self-awareness and trust, especially when other self-help tools have failed.

The simple truth is that your greatest inspirations, Eureka moments, personal realizations, and self-healing leaps don't always happen when you are in a state of flow, or when you're meditating, or even when you're in the shower. They happen all the time in your dreams. I'm sure at some point in your life you have been told to "sleep on it," but what this really means is, "dream on it."

The best is always yet to come when you fall asleep, and waking up with dream recall is an everyday miracle that can always be relied upon to raise your vibration. And your awareness.

Understanding the wisdom of your dreams can heal your life.

If Your Dreams Could Talk
If your dreaming mind could talk to you right now in words rather than feelings and symbols, here are some fragments it would want you to imprint on your heart.

Your dreams want a committed, long-term relationship with you.
Your dreams long to be recalled, noticed, and taken seriously by you. They want to enter a full-blown relationship with you. Whenever you ignore or dismiss them, they feel directionless, purposeless, invisible, unloved, and alone.

And, your dreams don't just want a one-night stand! They want a long-term commitment. It frustrates them when you are all in for one dream and then forget about them the next night. Every night they appear like a long-running TV series you need to tune into again and again for the next thrilling instalment of yourself. They are in this with you forever!

The more you love them, the more they will reward you.
When it comes to dreams, as with anything in life, the more you put in, the more you get out. If you cherish all your dreams and make even the seemingly trivial and mundane ones feel special, in return they will o?er you ever-increasing revelations.

What you dream is what you attract.
Your dreams symbolically reflect to you your current relationship with yourself. This is important, because what you think and feel about yourself is the reality you are likely to create and attract in waking life. In this way, every dream reminds you that you and only you choose what you feel, think, and do. You are the creator of both your reality and the dreams powering it.

The power is always within you.
Every time you give your power away to the expectations of others or your happiness and self-worth rest on material outcomes, whether those be money, popularity, or status, your dreams will send you a clear and present warning, either through an anxiety-themed dream or through lack of dream recall, that you are heading in the wrong direction.

Your dreams love solving puzzles.
Every dream you recall is sharing with you a potential solution to your waking challenges. Whatever the challenge, your dreams will get to work on your behalf, o?ering brainstorming solutions. Nothing is o?-limits. All you need to do is trust them.

What you choose to believe and therefore dream about is what becomes true for you.
Your dreaming mind accepts what you choose to think and believe as truth (even if that is an unconscious choice) and reveals that truth clearly to you. If you choose to believe you are unlovable, this is what you will see in both your dreams and in your life. Knowing this reminds you that your thoughts and dreams are unlimited and intertwined. Choose to incubate di?erent dreams and this will impact your thoughts. Choose di?erent thoughts and this will influence your dreamscape.

Your dreams don't judge or belittle you.
Your dreams accept you for who you are. Their intention is never to judge, criticize, or belittle. They understand that you are a work in progress and on an endless learning curve. They understand that many of your damaging beliefs are not your own—they have been imposed on you since you were a child, by parents, teachers, friends, colleagues, society, your job, and others. Your dreams simply want you to become aware of these self-limiting beliefs so that you can let those limitations go and rediscover your own identity.

The fact you are reading this article is a sign that you are ready to know the truth about yourself and to empower your life from the inside out. Your dreaming mind is noticing and loudly applauding you!

Your dreams show you that what you feel about other people is within you.
Recognizing that the people who appear in your dreams are often symbolic representations of your own inner fears or aspects of yourself that you need to face or embody reminds you yet again that nobody in your waking life has any power over you unless you give it to them.

Every dream you have is trying to encourage you to take back your own power.
They remind you that your power is always in the now. Your dreams and waking life are interconnected. You don't stop being you when you dream, you just enter a di?erent state of consciousness. Your dreams are fiercely current, always problem-solving your present reality, and the implication this creates for your potential future.

And contrary to what you may believe, dreaming of your past isn't about the past, it's always about what's going on for you now. Your dreaming mind is simply using symbols from your past to alert you to similar patterns surfacing in your present.

How you think is how you dream.
Your dreams reflect your thoughts and feelings about yourself. Often you aren't fully aware of limiting mindsets in your waking life, but you can see them clearly in your dreams.

This point is so important that your dreaming mind never tires of restating it, often through recurring dream themes. Your dreams reveal, in a symbolic vision, the unconscious beliefs that create your thoughts. They shine light on the deepest part of you, o?ering you an opportunity to become aware, understand and then change unconscious limitations and therefore the present they are creating and the future they are attracting.

Not recalling your dreams is another way they speak to you.
Unless there are medical reasons or you su?er from a sleep disorder (and if that is the case, talk to your doctor as soon as you can), if your dream recall is consistently poor, your dreaming mind wants you to restore balance in your waking life.

Inner peace comes when there is a balance between the external and the internal, the logical and the intuitive. If you can't recall your dreams, there may be too much focus on your waking life, on the material "stu?" or on what is happening outside you. You need to find balance by consciously connecting to your inner world through journalling, daydreaming, listening to music, reading fiction and poetry, drawing, dancing, spending time in nature, or simply reflecting on the mystery of life.

The more creative and empowering your dreams, the more your self-love will grow.
Self-love is the journey of all our lives. Dream work is the ideal place to start if you, like many people, struggle to think positively about yourself, however many a?rmations you do. If you don't believe in or love yourself, it makes it harder for others to do so, because like attracts like. Understanding the healing magic of your dreams and approaching them with an earnest desire to understand them better can help you start to fall in love with yourself from the inside out. And when that happens, you become an unstoppable force.

Your dreams help you let go.
Your dreams want you to know that letting go isn't a loss. It can feel beautiful, like watching the glorious colors of leaves falling from autumn trees. Releasing but not forgetting the past—because forgetting means you are destined to repeat it—is how you learn and grow.

Sometimes letting go is simply forgiving. Not forgetting but forgiving. Often the thing you find the hardest to face and forgive in yourself and others appears as the dominant recurring theme of your dreams, because it's the thing you most need to let go of.

Your dreams want many things for you, but most of all they long for you to release yourself from what holds you back so you can learn and grow.

Your waking reality is a mirror of your inner world.
People tend to treat you in waking life the way you treat yourself, and night after night your dreams remind you of that life hack. When you fully understand this, your dreams will shift to higher and more creative levels.

You are more than your body and mind.
Whatever happens in your waking life, within you there is something deeply mysterious and creative that can rise above and be untouchable. This is the deepest part of yourself that isn't defined by the material, your body or even your mind. It is the most authentic part of you, revealed to you night after night in your dreams—your soul, for want of a better word.

Dreams want you to love yourself just the way you are.
Your dreaming mind wants you to know that when you understand, love and accept yourself in the present moment, just the way you are, then your waking life will heal. It wants you to replace self-reproach with self-compassion, because then you can move away from those repetitive dreams of falling, drowning, and silent screams to a whole new multiverse of flying, dancing, space, and other infinite expansive dream potentials.

Ah, with this newfound knowledge fresh from this intimate conversation with your night vision, what dreams for you, dear reader, may come!

Now you have heard the clear and present voice of your dreams calling out to you, the scene is set. Time now for the night light to shine directly on you and your always astonishing dreams.

Are you ready for your Dream Cure? Are you ready to continue this deep conversation with your dreams and begin the first lesson of your night school?

Are you ready to unlock the door to your dreams, engage with the illuminating power of your night vision and allow it to do what it does best: heal your life?

About Theresa Cheung

Theresa Cheung (United Kingdom) is a Sunday Times bestselling author and dream decoder. She has a degree from Kings College, Cambridge, and is the author of numerous titles, including The Dream Dictionary from A to Z. ...

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