
How to Vibe with the Light

Woman Meditating with Sky Silhouette

Are you an empath, intuitive, or highly sensitive? Maybe you're not sure. Perhaps you have moments when you feel as if you are aware of another's feelings, know things without knowing how you know them, or are affected by stimuli that others don't seem to even notice. In the company of certain friends, family, or coworkers, your mood might suddenly change, you might feel tired or over-stimulated, or you maybe experience random intuitive insights and impressions. Sometimes outer things such as noise, smells, artificial light, and a variety of other common everyday stimuli feel uncomfortable or overwhelming. As an intuitive, empathic, or highly sensitive individual, your sensitivity to energy vibes can manifest in a multitude of different ways.

All living beings, within the natural world and the spirit realm, emit energy vibes. Sometimes the energy we feel, absorb, and interact with is beneficial and positive, but not always. For instance, we might feel another's goodness, the comforting warmth of the spirit realm, or the gentle spirit of a plant or animal. Many of us have also had the unpleasant experience of encountering energy vibes that feel uncomfortable or negative. Some feel the emotions of others, such as sadness or pain, as if it was their own. A wave of anxiety might unexpectedly come over us when a friend tells us about her new love interest. For no known reason we might worry about a family member even though they say they are fine.

When the energy vibes we experience are confusing and unsettling, we may try to avoid and control the energy that we feel and absorb. We might seek out techniques that will shield and protect us, like crystals, essential oils, herbs, affirmations, meditation, invoking white light, and creating boundaries with others. Yet, despite our best efforts, we may still take in negative and heavy energy vibes if we aren't vigilant in our awareness of the vibes we encounter. Although outer forms of protection offer some relief and safety, being fearful of physical and spiritual energy influences can increase our stress and concerns.

At the beginning of my career as a medium, empath, and intuitive, I did my best to employ different methods of protection from dark spirits and from the negative energy that sometimes clung to my clients. Over time I noticed that those who carried and emitted sad or heavy energy tended to have more challenges and difficulties in their daily life. There were others who felt like warm sunshine, and more often then not, things had a way of working out for them. I became aware that the energy that I attracted and absorbed wasn't just just determined by who and what I encountered. When I felt connected to high vibration divine energy, dark and heavy energy influences didn't seem to affect me. I had no fear of feeling or absorbing the lower, icky vibrations. Even during sessions that involved the work of releasing others from dark and harmful spirit attachments, I was safe. I had no need to employ other forms of protection. As I raised my vibration, the lower energy that I wanted to avoid fell away.

If you are an empath, intuitive, or highly sensitive, you might feel that you are at the mercy of the energy vibes of others. Even when you are in a positive and lighthearted mood you might find yourself absorbing the gloomy vibes of others. For instance, at a family get together or a party with friends you may find yourself feeling tired and worn out, even though you were enthusiastically charged up about the event before it began. Although you want to come and go without worrying about the energy vibes that you may encounter, you find yourself isolating and staying home. As much we might sometimes want to cease being empathic, intuitive, or highly sensitive, it isn't possible to just stop or cut away this part of who we are. However we don't have to take in the energy vibes that adversely affect us. It may seem that we don't have a choice, yet there is a way. We aren't meant to be an energetic sponge that absorbs harmful and detrimental vibes. Instead, as empaths, intuitives, and the highly sensitive we are able to fill our being with the high frequencies of pure divine life force energy and bring light into the darkness.

To become aware of what is keeping us bound to lower vibrations and fulfill our higher calling, we look to the universal law of attraction that states that likes attract likes. Applied to the empath, intuitive, and the highly sensitive, this means that the energy vibes of others that we attract are similar to our own. This doesn't necessarily mean that the feelings and emotions that we randomly and daily feel determine the energy we receive from others. Loving, positive, and kind people can feel and absorb dark and chaotic energy. Our energy vibe is not just made up of the emotions, moods, and thoughts of which we are conscious. Instead, our strongest vibe is centered in the emotional energy within us that we have repressed and stuffed away. The vibes that we attract are similar to our own unacknowledged stuffed away emotions and unhealed wounds. These are the ones that stick and continue to cling to us. It is what lies within us that we are not aware of that holds the most potent energetic power.

We all harbor past repressed emotions and unhealed wounds. Difficult and challenging experiences can feel overwhelming and we may not be able to fully feel and process our emotions. When we knowingly or unknowingly deny or push down our feelings, they don't dissipate and go away. Instead, they become embedded in our body and energy field and fade out of our conscious awareness. We might also stuff down our feelings because we judge them as bad and unacceptable. As spiritual people we might believe that we can only feel the good and positive and reject what doesn't seem spiritual. However, feeling such things as sadness, anger, frustration, and negativity doesn't make us less spiritual. Our emotions are teachers that can guide us in self awareness, creating healthy boundaries, making choices that speak to our heart, authenticity, and developing compassion for ourselves and others.

It is our vibe, not another's, that is essential for our wellbeing. When we feel our feelings, we are listening to our heart and our inner truth. This empowers us to continue to evolve spiritually. Feeling our difficult emotions doesn't mean that we act on them in ways that are harmful to ourselves and others. It is simply allowing our emotions to surface and having the courage and strength to feel them. When we feel our feelings they dissipate and no longer attract the difficult, confusing, and challenging emotions and energy of others. Once we feel and release our repressed and stuffed away emotions our vibrational energy frequency is able to rise into the higher realms of pure divine energy. It is through this higher frequency that we attract and manifest abundance and the positive and good in all areas of our lives. The law of attraction of likes attract likes is not meant to create confusion and misery, but to enlighten and free us.

To tune into and release your repressed and stuffed away emotions and unhealed wounds try this:

Pay attention to the feelings and vibes that you most often absorb and feel with others. For instance, notice when you repeatedly feel and sense such emotions as sadness, anger, negativity, depression, or loneliness in others. Become aware of how often you feel that another isn't being honest or you don't trust them or feel they are overwhelming, exhausting, or too intense.

When you feel have identified the energy vibes and emotions that you feel and absorb, ask yourself: Where in my body or energy field does this emotion feel the most intense? If you aren't sure, close your eyes and take a deep breath.

Starting at the top of your head, scan your body and feel where you are drawn. Then expand your awareness to your energy field about 12 inches from your body.

Place your hand on the part of your body or energy field where the emotion feels the strongest. This is where similar repressed emotional energy or unhealed wounds may be lodged. There might be more than one area within your body that is storing this energy. Place your hand on the area where the emotion feels strongest. If you aren't able to feel a specific location, place your hands on your heart or solar plexus.

Breathe and send love and compassion to this area. Ask for the force of love to flow through you.

Breathe long deep breaths and relax. Feel whatever surfaces and do your best to identify your emotions as they surface.

If you begin to focus on the situation, event, or person from the past who stirred up these feelings, breathe long deep breaths and exhale. When we consciously become aware of the breath we stop focusing on our thoughts and began to feel.

As you feel the feelings, say something like, "As I feel this emotion, it dissipates and goes into the light."

Continue to breathe and open your heart, mind, and body to the force of love. Let this love move through you and help you to release difficult and stressful emotions

When you feel as if you have done all that you can at this time, imagine white light filling you and attracting and manifesting your highest good in every area of your life. You are free.

It's best to repeat this short exercise often. It may take some to fully release the repressed emotional energy within our body and energy field. We also may unknowingly continue to stuff down our emotions, deny our feelings, and increase the emotional energy stored within.

Allow the rewards of raising the frequency of your vibe to the light flow in.