Posted Under Paganism & Witchcraft

Dragons: Mythical Partners in Power


So you've been thinking about magic and its role in your life. Maybe you'd like to take your interest in magic to a deeper, more profound level. Maybe you're ready to experience magic that is creative, loving, laughing. Or maybe you're ready for both of these things. If you are, then you are ready for D. J. Conway's Dancing with Dragons.

Why is it that so many stories have been written and tales told about a creature that never existed? How can children give vivid descriptions of something they have never seen? Imagination? The immature illusions of a creative mind? Or could it be that the freedom allowed us in childhood and in storytelling connects us to the energy of a species that really does exist, and has interacted with mankind throughout history?

It would certainly seem so, as dragons have a real part in our timeless legends and cultures. Throughout the world, the dragon and serpent have always been strong symbols of life energy. Priests of Egypt and Babylon called themselves Sons of the Serpent-god or Sons of the Dragon. The Welsh word for dragon, Draig, was used to denote a leader or a hero. The Chinese have long known the dragon and its power, and it is still a prominent feature in Chinese art and celebration. This intimate connection allowed them to see dragons as an entire species, which they divided into more than twenty subspecies, each with its own characteristics and purpose. Pretty complex for a meaningless fantasy, wouldn't you agree?

Dancing with Dragons is special because it doesn't just tell us the "what" and "why" of dragon magic—it also tell us the "how." D. J. Conway has a special love for dragons, and has sought out their meaning and purpose throughout her lifetime. Included in Dancing With Dragons is a complete explanation of the different kinds of dragons and their specific purposes, along with effective rituals for invoking each. There are dragons that rule each of the elementsair, fire, water, earth, light, and dark. There are guardian dragons as well as dragons for chaos.

Along with each dragon purpose comes a personality, with specific likes and dislikes that are included. The types of spices and herbs each dragon energy prefers are listed. The oils, colors, stones, and event times each dragon personality functions best with are given in this book. A "dragon script" for symbolic writing in a gateway language is even included for effective interactions.

In days of old, dragons were pictured at the edge of maps to denote unknown territory. Most took it at that, and turned back when they got to the edge. Then there were the few who were compelled by that fine line, and the curiosity of what lay beyond. They couldn't help wondering what it was these dragons were guarding. They wanted to know the unknown, and had the faith to go where they have never been before. Thankfully, these seekers have existed throughout time, mapping new horizons for the rest of humanity. These are the souls that dance with dragons.

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