Posted Under Paganism & Witchcraft

Magic, Seven Days a Week

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Every day of the week, Sunday through Saturday, is a magical day. Each of the seven days of the week has its own magical correspondences such as deity associations, colors, crystals, and herbs. Each individual day also carries its own bewitching specialties. The trick is finding a way to apply these correspondences in a practical and fresh way to your Witchcraft.

You may feel like you don't have much room in your schedule to add to your magical practice. Between your job, hauling the kids to soccer practice, walking the dog, and doing the laundry you've got maybe twenty minutes to spare for magic—no problem. Magic doesn't have to be complicated to be effective. The most powerful works of magic are those that are simple, practical, and come from the heart.

And whether you are an old hand at the Craft or a new practitioner, you'll always feel the desire to learn something new. Taking a fresh and realistic look at the daily correspondences gives you an opportunity to expand your skills.

Each day of the week has its own magical associations. These energies, associated deities, colors, scents, crystals, herbs, and Tarot cards all have the same sort of vibrations. This means they work well together, in harmony with one another. Correspondences are much simpler to work with than you think. Learning to combine these various related items together in spell-work strengthens your magic and unifies the punch of your charms. As you begin to focus on daily correspondences, you'll understand that by working with these accessories in a new way, you are allowing yourself more creative ways to personalize your Witchcraft.

So, let's dive right in and take a look at all of the days of the bewitching week. Don't panic now, I'm not going to bombard you with huge correspondence charts, or expect you to memorize massive amounts of information. What I am going to do is try to inspire you to look at daily correspondences in a whole new, practical, and fun way. I want you to use your imagination and look around you to see what sort of accessories you may already have on hand—or growing in your own backyard. It's actually very simple when you break down the daily correspondence information and look at it from a different perspective. Sometimes, we all need some no-muss, no-fuss magic.

To do this, we start at the beginning. By taking a look at Sunday, our first day of the week.

Sunday: Sunday corresponds to the sun, our closest star. This day is full of wonder and all sorts of magical potential for success, wealth, and fame. Sundays are for personal achievements of any kind such as working towards a promotion at your job, seeking fame and wealth, or being acknowledged for a job well done. All of these goals fall under the golden influence of the sun. Some suggestions for Sunday enchantments would include:

  • Sitting outside at sunrise and calling on the goddess Brigid for illumination and inspiration
  • Wearing gold jewelry or clothing that is gold or sunshine yellow to pull some color magic into your life
  • Arranging a few sunflowers in a vase and empowering these "flowers of the sun" for fame and ambition
  • Gathering up the common marigold flower and scattering it's petals about to encourage prosperity
  • Baking up a batch of cinnamon rolls for the family and enchanting them for health and success
  • Snacking on a solar fruit, the orange, and enjoying the magical boost it brings to your life

Monday: This day of the week is dedicated to the moon and all of her magic and mystery. Mondays are for women's mysteries, illusion, prophetic dreaming, emotions, travel, and fertility. Some suggestions for Monday enchantments would include:

  • Getting outside and looking for the moon in the heavens. Sit under her light and absorb a little glamor. Call on the moon goddess Selene for practical help in magical issues.
  • Invoking the god Thoth for wisdom and insight
  • Empowering your silver jewelry under the light of the moon. Wear moonstone or pearl jewelry today to add a lunar and magical shimmer to your outfit. Be mysterious and subtle and wear moon-associated colors such as white, silver, and blue.
  • Working spells for safe travel with a simple moonstone
  • Gathering bluebells, jasmine, gardenias, or white roses to create a little garden witchery with the flowers that are associated with the moon
  • Setting up a lunar Tarot spell today to increase your psychic powers
  • Eating a lunar fruit such as a melon to be healthy, serene, and at peace
  • Brewing up a cup of chamomile or mint tea and enchanting it for sweet dreams and restful sleep

Tuesday: Tuesday is a Mars day, and just like the god of war, this is the time to tap into magics to call for strength and courage. This day of the week is for rebels and warriors. If you are facing a challenge of any kind, need a boost to your courage, or want to enhance your passions, Tuesday is the day of the week for you. Some suggestions for Tuesday enchantments would include:

  • Wearing the fiery colors associated with this day: scarlet, red, black, and orange. Don some of the more daring and bewitching colors of your wardrobe on Tuesdays and turn a few heads
  • Carrying a bloodstone in your pocket or wearing garnet-studded jewelry to reinforce your convictions
  • Working with protective and fire-associated plants such as the snapdragon, thistle, and holly to boost your shields and bravery
  • Burning spicy-scented energy-enhancing candles to add a little magical aromatherapy to your home
  • Cooking up a hearty meal featuring carrots, peppers, and garlic (all Mars foods and spices) to empower yourself for victory and success

Wednesday: Wednesdays are wild and wacky days. They are for communication, change, cunning, and the arts. This is a Mercury day, and just its patron god this day is full of contradictions, change, and excitement. Some suggestions for Wednesday enchantments would include:

  • Pulling a little Wednesday color magic into your life by wearing purples or orange
  • Carrying a multi-purpose agate with you and tapping into its various charms
  • Working with magical plants such as the fern for protection. This plant will also boost the power of any other magical plants with which it is arranged.
  • Incorporating lavender into charms and spells for transformation
  • Using the charming scent of lily of the valley to improve your memory, or working with the aspen tree for communication
  • Calling on Athena, patron of arts and crafts, for inspiration for a new project
  • Fanning out a Tarot spell to increase you creativity
  • Calling on Hermes on a Wednesday night to bring movement and good luck into your life

Thursday: Thursday is a Jupiter day. Here is the day of the week for prosperity, abundance, and good health. Thursday is "Thor's day." This Norse god gave the day his name and many of his attributes, including strength and abundance. Some suggestions for Thursday enchantments would include:

  • Wearing a regal and royal shade of blue to see how it affects your mood and your magic. Other colors for the day include purple and green.
  • Carrying a turquoise tumbled stone in your pocket to draw a little protective and healing energy your way
  • Incorporating honeysuckle blossoms and cinquefoil foliage into prosperity charms
  • Calling on Thor for abundance, or on the Roman god Jupiter for the ability to peacefully referee a fight
  • Adding a few oak leaves—which are sacred to these Thursday gods—to your charms to see how much better your spell works out
  • Casting a charm with wheat stalks for prosperity, and calling on Juno Moneta to bring wealth into your life
  • Baking up some whole wheat bread and blessing it for abundance. Be sure to thank the gods for your family and your good health.

Friday: Friday belongs to Venus, both the planet and its namesake Roman goddess of love. This day is sacred to many other gods and goddesses of love such as Eros, Venus, Aphrodite, and the Norse goddess that gave the day it's name, Freya. This day of the week is for magical topics such as love, birth, fertility, and romance. Colors for today include pink and aqua. Some suggestions for Friday enchantments would include:

  • Carrying a rose quartz with you today to send out some gentle and loving vibes to those crabby co-workers
  • Working a loving Tarot spell to charm a friend’s pregnancy with good health and safety
  • Working a little flower magic to enchant a single pink rose for friendship and inner beauty, and setting it on your desk. Or try empowering a red rose for passion and placing it in your bedroom.
  • Burning rose-scented candles to encourage the same effect. Call on Eros to "bring a passion for life" to your days.
  • Sharing a romantic snack with your partner. Feed each other ripe, red strawberries. Those strawberries are love-inducing food, and are sacred to many love goddesses, including today's patroness, Freya.

Saturday: This day of the week got it's name from the god of karma and time, Saturn. This day is obviously associated with the planet Saturn and is our last day of the week. Traditionally Saturdays are great days for protection, banishing a negative situation, and generally a good time to clean up any magical messes that you have been ignoring. Some suggestions for Saturday enchantments would include:

  • Wearing the colors of the day, black and deep purple. Here's your perfect excuse to be dramatic and witchy. Empower these dramatic pieces of your wardrobe for protection and strength.
  • Burning black candles to absorb negativity and burning purple ones to increase your magical wisdom and boost your spirituality
  • Adding a touch of garden witchery to your Saturday spells by working with the pansy (in black or purple of course), the morning glory flowering vine, or the cypress tree.
  • Carrying an obsidian, hematite, or jet tumbled stone in your pocket to reinforce your personal protection and to ward off bad vibes and sour feelings. You can also add these crystals to a candle spell on a Saturday night to really increase the punch of your spellcasting.
  • Cleaning your house and cleansing it while you are at it. Tap into those obstacle-removing vibes and the positive, concluding energies.
  • Closing up the final day of the bewitching week with a bang by calling on Hecate for protection and guidance.

Every day is a magical day. Just how enchanting of a day it turns out to be is completely up to you.

About Ellen Dugan

Ellen Dugan is the award-winning author of fifteen books, and is known as the "Garden Witch". A psychic-clairvoyant, she has been a practicing Witch for over thirty years. Well known for her candor and humor, she is a Master ...

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