Posted Under Health & Healing

Healing Body, Mind & Spirit

Zen Stones on the Beach

In my professional life as a Satellite Communications Systems Engineer, I learned very quickly to discard what does not work, and also what does not have direct practical application. What I did not know at the time was that my technical background and writing ability would prepare me perfectly for a new career as an energy healer.

Several years ago, my life took a 180º turn when I left the technical world and was drawn very strongly toward hands-on energy healing techniques. But it wasn't enough to just read about them and intellectually understand their principles—I had to get in there and actually experience the sensations of energy healing before my logical mind could be convinced that something was actually happening.

When I was introduced to Reiki and felt energy moving consistently and repeatedly, I knew I was experiencing something, but didn't fully understand what it was. My left brain had to know what was happening, and how and why. Such is the plight of engineers! But when I took a step into the healing world and received my first Reiki attunement to see how it felt from the other end, I found it simply amazing and wondrous!

Soon I was led to experience other forms of energy healing as well, and became trained in Healing Touch techniques, Bioenergy, Polarity Therapy, Reflective Healing, and several others that focus on healing the physical body. At the same time, I was presented with opportunities to explore forms of healing that deal with the higher vibrational energy bodies in our aura.

Upon becoming a Certified Hypnotherapist, another world opened up. I then began to explore modalities that focus on the emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of our being: Past Life Regression, RoHun Transformational Therapy, advanced meditation techniques that lead one into the higher dimensions, and Spiritual Regression.

As I experienced all these healing modes both as a healer and as a receiver, I knew that one of my purposes for this lifetime was to provide this knowledge to others as well. And I finally realized why, for more than twenty years, I had been carrying around a small wall plaque with a quote from Richard Bach's Jonathan Livingston Seagull:

It's good to be a seeker.
But sooner or later you have to be a finder.
And then it is good to give what you have found,
A gift into the world for whoever will accept it.

Healing Body, Mind & Spirit has in it knowledge everyone can use. It can be used in everyday life to take away pain and accelerate healing after injuries. It can also be used to understand how to release mental and emotional pain and the negative patterns and habits that cause them. And finally, it provides practical tools on how to remove the blocks that keep us from understanding our true spiritual nature and awesome potential. The late Rev. Paul Solomon said, "We are all child gods, growing up to be like our Father." The sooner we understand this within all levels of our being, the sooner we can evolve through even higher levels on the road back to our Creator.

I sincerely hope you enjoy reading this book, and that it opens up new vistas for you as well!