Posted Under Astrology

The Art of Predictive Astrology


Early in my astrological career, I discovered predictive astrology to be the most challenging and exciting area. At that time, thirty plus years ago, there were very few good books on that segment of astrology. So I had to cautiously pursuit this avenue of astrology on my own.

Learning Prediction
To learn prediction, I carefully monitored the natal and progressed charts of about a dozen friends and relatives. The people I worked with were of different lifestyles and ages. I watched their charts carefully, touching base with them on a daily basis. I would predict such things as a good hair day, a quarrel, a day of high energy, a little gift, a nice compliment, etc.

Eventually I moved on to predict a romance, a business opportunity, marriage, divorce, and major events. I remember so well my very first prediction. One of these friends had not heard from a lover for about six weeks. After looking at her chart, I said, "I think he'll call next Thursday evening." Lo and behold, he did. I don't know which of us was the most excited.

Increased Accuracy
As my confidence and accuracy improved, I reached a place where, when I would see a client, I would tape record the session and give at least twenty dates of predictions of anticipated events for the upcoming year. This is what built my astrological career. My clients loved it and grew to expect this at each session every year.

This was during a period when predictive astrology was not really in vogue. Many astrologers tended to avoid predictive work. My students and clients, however, could not get enough of the predictive information.

An Averted Divorce
One of my most startling stories was about a lovely client of mine who I saw for many years. She was an abused wife of an alcoholic who had several children. She was quite desperate to leave the marriage but fearful of damage to her children. She was also quite concerned about the family's financial security. Eventually, she came to me quite ready to take the plunge and get a divorce. After studying her chart, I advised her to wait for a few months. I recall saying, "If you still feel the same way after October 28, then proceed." The first week in November, I received a letter from her thanking me for my advice. Her husband died suddenly on October 27. She avoided a messy divorce, disruption for her children, and financial loss.

Go to the Doctor!
I have always been very aware of the danger of creating self-fulfilling prophecies. It has always been my intent to predict to the client's greatest and highest potential. I frame the suggestions in a positive light. With a client several years ago who had serious health issues, I told him it was time for a lifestyle change. He needed to change his eating habits and exercise and, most importantly, see his doctor immediately and get a stress test. He had been a client for many years and trusted my suggestions. He went to the doctor the next morning and by that afternoon had successful massive open heart surgery.

What If an Element Is Missing?
People with a lack of air have trouble being objective and tend to internalize everything. People who lack water try to fill the emotional vacuum.

If a person lacks an element, he or she needs to develop the missing traits. Those who lack fire must develop self-confidence and an "up" approach to life, and find their own personal spirituality. People who lack earth need to develop practicality and do things to keep their feet on the ground. The remedy for a lack of air is to cultivate the ability to really listen to others and to learn objectivity by consciously putting themselves in he other person's shoes. A lack of water in the chart can be brought into balance by learning to touch, by consciously nurturing others rather than listening and solving problems only on a rational, analytical level, and by making a strong effort to really feel other people's pain.

About Carol Rushman

Carol Rushman has been a professional astrologer—teaching, lecturing, and doing private consultations—for over thirty years. Her clients include television personalities, movie stars, politicians, musicians, and ...

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