Posted Under Astrology

The Astrological Art of Relationships

Astrology and Relationships

You're probably familiar with the typical approach of astrology to relationships—this sign is compatible with these signs, and incompatible with these ones. Pretty discouraging if you happen to be involved with someone you "shouldn't!"

Happily, a skilled and friendly astrologer has dispensed with these misleading oversimplifications and written a book that shows how anyone can have a positive relationship with anyone else, based on a real understanding of all the planets in the birth chart.

In Astrology & Relationships, David Pond guides you through a full range of the personality factors that the planets and signs reveal about you and anyone else you care about. He also presents exercises and strategies for the healthy expression of all of your energies, both on a personal and interpersonal level.

Using Astrology & Relationships, you'll also be able to:

  • Look up your planets in their signs. Discover your natural essence, relationship needs, and areas that need improvement
  • Understand the meaning of each planet (in each sign) for the people in your life
  • Activate your Mercury to refine your communication skills
  • Pump up your magnetism through Venus
  • Learn to balance your expression of power through Mars
  • Empower your dreams and goals with Jupiter

In the following excerpt, Pond describes one of the many possible birth chart features.

Venus in Aries: Your Magnetic Make-Up
The spark of Aries is born right out of the self as instincts. Your values are deeply rooted in the instinctual, and you might not even be able to consciously identify them. They are just part of who you are. You do value independence, for yourself and for others, thus you need relationships that honor this.

What sets you apart from others is your willingness to jump into activity on a moment's notice—you are an exciting person! When you turn on the charm, others experience you as sunny, spirited, and lots of fun. You are action-oriented, restless with routine, and need a relationship that explores something new—forever.

You go after what you want with total conviction and then can leave with just as much fanfare when the thrill is gone. The person who surrenders too quickly does not hold your attention, as you enjoy the chase.

This placement leads to a very idealistic nature concerning love, and with your spirited nature, there is no reason your ideals cannot be attained. Others enjoy spending time with you as you seem to bring a quality of being alive to all that you do.

With the Venus in Aries need for constant newness in life, this could work out in one of two ways for relationships. One, a lifelong series of short, intense relationships. You do tend to attract dynamic individuals. Enjoy them while they are exciting and fresh, and as soon as routine sets in, end it and go on to the next exciting person. The modern world does not judge this as much as in ages past, so this could work.

Or, if you found yourself in a relationship that you want to last, it is going to be up to you to keep the relationship fresh with constant new growth.

Areas to Work On
Difficulties in relationships arise over your impatience. Aries seeks immediate action and you tend to want what you want, and want it now. Others can even consider you selfish and inconsiderate, as the Aries impulse comes right from within. This makes it very difficult to truly understand the needs and values of others.

Cooperation is essential in relationships and, for this to occur, you must first develop sensitivity for others. Developing diplomacy as the balance point to your enthusiasm helps others to share your excitement. Your endurance will get tested if you wish to establish long-term relationships.

Understanding Venus in Aries in Others
These people most value spontaneous involvement with life and often crave a lifestyle with a tremendous amount of activity. They most appreciate direct, up-front dealings, so save your tact for others—Venus in Aries prefers your gut level, in-the-moment response every time.

They like to be surprised by spontaneous opportunities and bore of routine rather quickly.

Very idealistic in love, they love the newness of romance. To keep their interest and maintain a long-term relationship, you will always have to find new avenues of expression.

These individuals will have no difficulty knowing what they want in any negotiations with you. However, you might have to remind them of your position, or the agreement will turn out decidedly one-sided.

You may periodically need to completely pull away to avoid being consumed with the intensity of their life. When you want to be with someone who can enjoy the moment and always find something exciting to do, these are the people to call.

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