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Color, Gem, Oil, and Affirmation Correspondences for Awakening Your Chakras

Chakra Gemstones

Gemstones, color, and scent are universal languages and tools. Likewise, the use of color, crystals, and positive affirmations to awaken your chakras, the energy centers of your body, are powerful tools for bringing balance into our lives.

According to eastern philosophies, we have chakras within our energy field that are spinning wheels of light. These energy centers are responsible for regulating the functions of many levels of our being—the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies. There are seven main chakras, and each chakra has a color associated with it (as well as many gemstones and aromatic scents.)

It's empowering to use colors, essential oils, and gemstones with a positive affirmation. Use the affirmations with each color, chakra, and gemstone included for each chakra in your daily life.

  1. The first chakra is the Root Chakra. This energy center is located at the base of the spine and is responsible for our basic needs. This is where we store our vital energy for providing food, shelter, and water for ourselves. Money is also strongly associated with this center.
    • Its basic color is red.
    • A gemstone for the root is garnet.
    • Use vetiver or patchouli for grounding and prosperous thinking.
    • The Gem Spot Affirmation is: "I live life fully and completely. My passion for life fills me with joy and enthusiasm. I am strong and healthy. I take action and move forward. I am safe, secure and grounded."
  2. The second chakra is the Navel or Sacral Chakra. It is obviously located at our navel, just a few inches below our belly button. This is the center for reproduction and creativity; this chakra holds the energy to create and take action in our lives.
    • The color for this energy center is orange.
    • A gemstone for the navel is carnelian.
    • The essential oils of peppermint and orange are beneficial for activating and aligning this chakra.
    • The Gem Spot Affirmation is: "My imagination is active conjuring up creative ideas as I play and relax. I embrace fun times and trust in the relaxed flow of the day. When I relax great ideas jump into my consciousness!"
  3. The third chakra is the Solar Plexus. This center connects us with joy, personal power, self-confidence, mental clarity, and the ability to shine our light. While memories of the past may have reduced our self-esteem, likewise, this chakra stores kudos and praises received that raised self-confidence.
    • The color associated with it is yellow.
    • Gemstones for the solar plexus are citrine, amber, and golden calcite.
    • Use lemon, petitigrain, and bergamot oils with the intention to raise your self-esteem.
    • The Gem Spot Affirmation is: "I am powerful beyond belief. My magnificence shines through for all to see. It is safe for me to be powerful in loving ways! I have the courage to be all that I can be."
  4. The fourth chakra is the Heart Center, located in the center of our chest. This center is the bridge between the lower three chakras of the physical mundane world and the upper chakras of the spiritual world. This is the part of us where our true self resides, the love that we are. It is where and how we integrate that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience.
    • The colors for this chakra are green and pink.
    • Gemstones for the heart are green aventurine, pink tourmaline, and rose quartz.
    • Lavender is a perfect essential oil for this chakra (as well as for all the chakras). Other scents are rose and jasmine, which can be cost prohibitive.
    • The Gem Spot Affirmation is: "Compassion, kindness, and love are mine. I am tolerant of the differences between my beliefs and the beliefs of others. I am nurturing and accept nurturing from others."
  5. The fifth chakra is the Throat Center. This center is obviously located at our throat and provides us our ability to communicate and express ourselves. This is not exclusively our verbal expression, but also the way we express ourselves in the world, whether through writing, speaking, singing, cooking, or however else we may express who and what we are.
    • This chakra is blue, like the color of the sky, or stone turquoise.
    • Stones for the throat center are celestite, amazonite, and aquamarine.
    • Essential oils like eucalyptus, Auntie M's Anti, or tea tree are beneficial to open the throat chakra and clear congestion.
    • The Gem Spot Affirmation is: "I am impeccable with my word. My words are spoken with love and kindness."
  6. The sixth chakra is the Third Eye Center, located in the center of our forehead. This is the location of our ability to see the unseen, know the unknown, and hear what is not being said. It is the place of intuition, knowing, and dreaming.
    • This chakra is indigo blue.
    • A stone for the third eye is lapis lazuli.
    • My favorite essential oil for the third eye center is frankincense; it’s a perfect scent for meditation and centering.
    • The Gem Spot Affirmation is: "I am focused. I follow my intuition. It is easy for me to meditate. I receive messages all the time and follow my internal guidance system."
  7. The seventh chakra is the Crown Chakra. This is the place of higher intuition, channeling, and the connection with Divine Consciousness. This is the place where our connection to miracles resides.
    • The color associated with the crown ranges from golden white light to a violet flame.
    • Some gemstones for the crown chakra are selenite, amethyst, and clear quartz.
    • Sandalwood and helichrysum, along with frankincense, are aromatic favorites to activate your divine connection.
    • The Gem Spot Affirmation is: "My intuition is strong. I trust the signs and messages the Universe sends me to guide me easily through life."

Making conscious connection with the chakras with the intention of balancing and aligning them with each other provides an avenue for balancing various aspects of your life. It is beneficial to meditate on each of the chakras using visualization to spin off what you no longer need and replace that with goodness, love, and well-being. Using guided meditation CDs and place gemstones on each of these chakras will bring peace and balance to your life.

About Margaret Ann Lembo

Margaret Ann Lembo is the author of Chakra Awakening; The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals and Stones; The Angels & Gemstone Guardians Cards; Color Your Life with Crystals; and Animal Totems and the Gemstone ...

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