Posted Under Tarot

Spell To Gain a Job Interview With a Potential Employer

Tarot Cards

Perform this spell if you've put in applications or sent résumés to a number of potential employers that look promising. You may not yet know which one you'd like to work for—but you would like to get interviews so you'll know your options.


In this layout, the Eight of Pentacles symbolizes your desire to work in a certain field (if you can find a Tarot card that more clearly suggests the type of work you want to do, you can substitute that card for the Eight of Pentacles). The Emperor represents the companies or institutions that you've applied to, as well as the individual persons who will have the power to hire you. The Page of Wands is used here to represent a call to come in for an interview, as one of its traditional meanings is that of messages pertaining to employment.

As accessories for this spell, have materials pertaining to your job hunt, such as want ads, copies of cover letters, applications, résumés, etc., near your card layout. You can also include objects that symbolize or are used in the job you intend to perform as accessories to have on hand. If you wish to use other accessories, use candles, flowers, crystals and gemstones, and cloth to lay the cards upon, in shades or combinations of shades of gold or silver for attraction and prosperity, or white to represent pure psychic energy.

Perform this spell once you've begun the process of submitting résumés and applications. To perform this spell, you may improvise a ritual of your own or simply proceed by laying out the cards and doing the following meditation, visualization, and affirmation.

Meditation and Visualization
When ready, set the Eight of Pentacles in place. Think about the line of work you intend to get into and the actions you have been taking to look for a job. Set down the emperor while visualizing generalized images of the types of companies you'd like to work for. Go over the names of the specific companies that have received or are about to receive your applications.

Finally, set the Page of Wands in place while visualizing yourself being swamped with phone calls and letters requesting interviews, giving you all the options and opportunities you want.

After you have finished meditating on the cards and visualizations, take up any accessories you have that pertain to you job hunt while warming them with your hands you carefully, and with as much feeling as you can recite the following affirmation.


"As I set forth these patters of cards
I create patterns of magic.
Magic channels are open for me.
I have made myself know
to those from whom I seek interviews.
Many calls and many letters come to me.
I have many invitations
to many interviews.
I look forward to all the opportunities
that are here for me.
As I will, so it is
and so it shall be!

You may consider the spell closed at this point, or you many close it as desired.

Excerpted from Tarot Spells by Janina Renée

About Janina Renée

Janina Renée is a scholar of folklore, psychology, medical anthropology, the material culture of magic, ritual studies, history, and literature. Her books include Tarot Spells, Tarot Your Everyday Guide (winner ...

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