Posted Under Paganism & Witchcraft

A Little Piece of Sandpaper

Pagan Objects

You've seen it in old movies: A safecracker takes out a small piece of sandpaper and roughs up the skin of his fingertips so he can more easily detect the movement of the tumblers in the lock. The goal is to open the safe and get some form of treasure.

In this column I'm going to be a piece of sandpaper. I'd like to open a lock that might lead you to some treasures you don't know about and that are more than worth your efforts.

The Best Visual Introduction to Witchcraft
The first one is an absolutely amazing DVD by Raymond Buckland called Witchcraft: Rebirth of the Old Religion. There is nobody living in America who could be a better historian of the Craft than Ray. Gerald Gardner reintroduced Witchcraft to the world, and it was Ray who introduced it to the US. Without him the growth of Wicca, Witchcraft, and Paganism in America (and through his books, the world) would not have developed as quickly as has happened.

This DVD is a digitally remastered and expanded version of his video documentary on the history of Witchcraft. It traces the ancient and modern history of the religion and shows the practices of what many believe is the fastest-growing faith in the world. It makes a great introduction to Witchcraft for your own use, for sharing with a coven, or even for giving information to friends and relatives who may wonder what you do.

This DVD also features an actual coven of Witches performing rituals. You'll have a chance to see a real Self-Dedication Ritual being performed.

There have been additions to the DVD. It now includes behind-the-scenes footage, a photo gallery, a new video commentary, a biographical page, deleted scenes, and more! Originally, this was like attending a workshop with the master himself. Now, it's even better!

Scott and Donald—Together Again
Some of you may know that Scott Cunningham and I were good friends. We shared a two-bedroom apartment in San Diego for several years. He died on my birthday in 1993. But what you may not know is that we actually worked together on a project. Well, sort of. I wrote and performed some of the music on his videotape Herb Magic.

If you are interested in working magic with herbs, this video is a must. It is like getting a private set of lessons from one of the most beloved figures in the history of Wicca. On the tape Scott demonstrates how to harvest and cure herbs. He shows how to prepare magical incenses, sachets, and talismans. You'll learn how to create pure herbal essences and tinctures.

On the video Scott takes you to an herb farm. You'll see how easy it is to identify common and rare herbs. Scott also shares secret recipes that can help you to magically change your life.

It's one thing to read his books, or for that matter, any books on herb magic. It's another thing entirely to actually be taught by a master of magical herbalism. If you want to learn herb magic, or if you just want a chance to see and hear one of the great teachers of Wicca and magic, you need to get this videotape.

About Donald Michael Kraig

Donald Michael Kraig graduated from UCLA with a degree in philosophy. He also studied public speaking and music (traditional and experimental) on the university level. After a decade of personal study and practice, he began ...

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