Posted Under Paganism & Witchcraft

For a Magical Summer, Have Fun With the Sun

hands toward the sun

Although technically the days are already growing shorter, July and August are undoubtedly the most summery months of year, when the weather gets really sweltering and people crave cool drinks, barbecue, playful games and sports, and lounging outside watching the stars on balmy nights. As long as the sun is shining, use it! This is the growing season for both plants and many kinds of animals, who use the strong rays of the sun to develop and thrive. Soak it in while it's here and you too will find an abundance of positive energy you can apply to any aspect of your life. It's also a great time to socialize and party.

Tap into real sun magic with Dorothy Morrison; she's written a whole book on it! When the sun is in Leo (July 23-Aug. 22), she writes in Everyday Sun Magic,

"It's time to go out and play, and the Leo Sun begs us to do just that. It doesn't have to twist our arms, though, since we know it's time for a break. We've worked hard, and we deserve a little fun. But Leo beckons us way beyond that. It brings on the urge to entertain—to take center stage—and to throw one hell of a party. That being the case, we find ourselves turning outward once again, meeting new people, visiting with the neighbors and socializing more. We look up old friends and reestablish those relationships as well. It's all about fun, festivities and impromptu celebration—and nothing achieves that better than the golden warmth of the joyful Leo Sun."

Obviously, you're going to need a lot of stamina to make the most of this glorious season, and what better source of extra fuel than the sun? Use a spell for physical energy from Everyday Sun Magic below.

Quartz Crystal Re-Energizing Charm
Materials: 1 clear quartz crystal

Place the stone where it can catch the first rays of Sunrise, then place your hands over it and enchant it by saying something like:

Rays of Sun, now add Your power
To this stone with every hour
'Til it's saturated with Your light
Your energy, and all Your might

Leave the stone there until noon, then hold it in both hands and see yourself easily moving through the day without being tired. Enchant the stone further by saying something like:

Clearest energizing stone
I ask your powers to me loan
When energy begins to sway
Revitalize me through the day
Re-energize as necessary
Muscle, bone, flesh and capillary
So I may easily adjust
To handle all the things I must
Exude at once, your energy
As I will, so mote it be

Carry the stone with you.

Excerpt is from Everyday Sun Magic by Dorothy Morrison

To create a special mood for any outdoor summer gathering, especially right around Lammas on August 1, try Lammas Incense from Timothy Roderick's Wicca: A Year and A Day. It can be sprinkled over the coals of whatever is left of your summer bonfire, or in an appropriate censer outdoors.

Lammas Incense

  • 1/2 handful of oak (wood), either powdered or chips
  • 1/2 handful of powdered sandalwood
  • 2 teaspoons frankincense
  • 1 teaspoon dried oats (such as rolled oats for oatmeal)
  • Vegetable glycerin
  • 5 drops patchouli essential oil
  • 2 drops rosemary oil

In a medium-sized bowl, place your powdered sandalwood. Stir in about two tablespoons of the vegetable glycerin. Add the glycerin one tablespoon at a time and then mix with a metal whisk or a fork. You simply want to create a soft, fluffy compound. Do not add the second tablespoon of glycerin if it feels like it would be too much, causing the incense to be too wet.

Now add your essential oils and whisk. Add your other dried herbs and mix thoroughly. Wait for at least a day for the compound to settle before you sprinkle it on hot coals.

Excerpt is from Wicca: A Year and A Day by Timothy Roderick

Next on the menu for summer fun is … the menu! While we all love "outdoor foods" like grilled veggies, saucy barbecues, and crisp salads on hot days, there are also many recipes out there especially appropriate to Lammas that you might like to try out for a change. These can be found in specialty Pagan or Wiccan cookbooks. Whatever you decide to prepare, remember that Lammas is a time of abundance, and it celebrates the grain and grape harvests. This means that beer and wine are perfectly acceptable libations, and foods can include corn, wheat, grapes, and anything else that says "cornucopia" to you. So don't skimp on the good stuff—be abundant under the sun and make merry!

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