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Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

Going to a Psychic Reader

NervouslNuy, you approach. "I’m a fool," you think. You know that psychics and readers are just a bunch of hokum. And yet. . . maybe . . . maybe . . .

You’re not crazy, you know that. But there are so many problems in your life right now, and you have a friend who did have good luck after going to a psychic. You enter the psychic’s office.

At this point, one of two things could happen. You may get no help or guidance. You may get knowledge or advice which can help you through a difficult time or with a seemingly insoluble problem.

There are far too many types of psychics to list here. Each will have his or her own method for giving a reading. Some may hold your hands, close their eyes and talk. Some may tell you what their "spirit guides" are saying about you. Others may read Tarot cards, use a crystal ball, read your palm or feel the "vibrations" from an object of yours held by the reader (psychometry). Others read tea leaves, the smoke from a candle, melted wax drippings, the bumps on your head, etc. No matter what system the psychic uses, the system is primarily a way for the psychic to turn inward??"it allows the reader to contact his or her higher self where the mysteries of the universe are revealed. No matter what method is used, your reading will only be as good as your reader.

Some methods of giving reading do have a far less subjective and more scientific nature. These include astrology, palmistry and others. But even though these can be taught by scientific formulae, there is still a level of art to these readings. Two people with the same training and experience may may have differing abilities to answer the client’s needs.

Real psychic readers want to help you. When you go to a reader for help, don’t test him or her-help the reader to help you. If they question you, answer honestly and openly. Be patient if the reader is silent, in concentration.

Real psychics are not like electric lights. They cannot turn their abilities on and off at will on all occasions. It may happen that a reader is "off," when you come for your reading. If they are honorable, they will tell you that they are not able to get anything and will refund your money, perhaps asking you to come back at another time. Please consider returning, as chances are good that at that time you will get an excellent reading and help from this person.

If your reader is "on," this is the kind of information you can expect to receive:

- Some basic information about your past. Usually broad time periods are mentioned, not exact dates. Chances are you can’t remember the exact dates of many events in your past, anyway. Some of this information may be very precise.

- Information about your current situation and problem(s). Just as physical diseases can have mental causes, so, too, can your problem have a cause which seems unrelated to the way your problem manifests. Be open and listen. If it seems the reader is not talking about your problems and current situations, say so! It may be that the reader is not explaining in a way that you understand.

- Information about your future. The reader you visit should be able to give you some advice on how to overcome your current problems and what to be aware of in the future to avoid serious difficulties. If, on the other hand, your reader tells you there is no way to escape or ameliorate your "fate," get out of there as fast as you can!

You are a free and independent individual. You have free will and independence of action. There are always answers to problems. A good psychic can tell you what will probably happen if you take a particular action, but cannot say what must happen. How could the psychic do this not knowing what action you are going to take? If a psychic says, "in two weeks you are going to be on an ocean liner that is going to sink," what is to stop you from not getting on an ocean liner? Any psychic who tells you that on a certain date something must occur is either self-delusive or a fraud.

The past is like a tunnel. It is a path already taken and cannot be changed. The present is like a large circular room with thousands of doors:

Your most likely path is out of door 1 directly along your path as it leads from the past It is possible that you might go through doors 2a or 2b as directions for the future. For that matter, you could go through any of the doors leading from the present to the future. Any change from door 1 will change the outside influences in play upon you. A psychic can judge what will probably happen if you take a particular door, a particular path for the future, but cannot make you select any particular path. Nor should you expect the psychic to choose the path you should take. In astrology it is said that the stars impel, they don’t compel. likewise, a psychic can give suggestions, but you must be responsible for yourself. You must decide your future. A reader can only help you in this process.

In a sense, a psychic reader is like a banker, accountant, or doctor. Any of them can give you advice based on knowledge which you do not have. But it is you who must decide whether or not to have the surgery the doctor advises, make the investment the banker advises, take the tax write-off your accountant advises, or accept the advice of the psychic.
See also:  Psychic Powers
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