Posted Under Spirit Communication

Never Say Goodbye to Your Loved Ones in Spirit

Light at the End

Being a medium and connecting people with their loved ones in spirit, I am often asked if those in Heaven are truly aware of what goes on here. Be it a birthday, a wedding, the birth of a baby, or a holiday, people want to know if spirits are conscious of events that take place in their everyday lives. The answer is most definitely yes.

Though most people do believe in an afterlife, they feel Heaven is far away. And why shouldn't they? Throughout history, Heaven has been depicted as being in the sky, above the clouds, beyond the stars, or somewhere in the distance. And as it is perceived as such, people are naturally going to feel as if it is out of reach and that their passed loved ones are off in some distant place. Even the term "passed away" mentally gives the picture of a soul leaving to go to an isolated location.

The one thing I help people understand is that Heaven, and their loved ones in spirit, are much closer than they could ever imagine.

My work has also shown me that one of the biggest misconceptions out there is the belief that someone has to let go of a loved one after a passing. They feel, or are told, the spirit needs to move on. Move on? Move on where? News flash: once a person passes they're already there! Besides, think about it. How wonderful would Heaven—the Other Side, or however you wish to refer to it—be if a soul couldn't continue to have contact and a connection with those whom they love here? An example of this would be if someone were to offer a person a trip to paradise. They would be able to go to the most beautiful place imaginable and never have to worry about everyday things, such as bills or car troubles. They would also enjoy being in a perfect state of health. But not so fast…there's one stipulation. They would not be allowed to be in contact with their loved ones ever again.

Doesn't sound much like paradise now, does it?

The Best of Both Worlds
Plain and simply, loved ones in spirit have the best of both worlds. They enjoy all that Heaven has to offer, along with being able to continue to partake in their loved ones' lives here as well.

When someone has a reading with me, often loved ones in spirit will bring up many different ways they have helped this person. They may also tell of the various signs they give of their continuous presence, which are usually confirmed by this individual during the session. Once confirmed and recognized, people find that these signs become more abundant and easier to notice.

This is why it seems extremely strange to me when I hear other mediums and psychics tell the public that they need to say "a last goodbye," and they will help them to have "a final connection" with a loved one in spirit. Not only is this untrue, it is absolutely ridiculous. This is why I had to write Never Say Goodbye. Not only do I want to help everyone understand that those in spirit do have a continuing relationship with them, but I want to show people how they too can learn to understand and appreciate the many connections that exist.

While growing up, I never would have imagined in my wildest dreams that this is what I would be doing for a living. I have to tell you, I had my life set on one course but found out Heaven had it set for another—thank God! It is really exciting and rewarding for me when I am able to help others discover that there really is an afterlife and that everyone can depend on their loved ones' continuing love.

About Patrick Mathews

As a medium, lecturer, teacher and author, Patrick Mathews has helped countless people around the world with his gift of communicating with those in spirit. Mathews has appeared on numerous national television and radio ...

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