
Psychic Vampires: What Are They?

Colorful Psychic Representation

Psychic vampirism is alive and flourishing in the world today. It exacts a heavy toll—it demands life-force energy and in some instances, it literally destroys lives. At a personal level, it wastes our energies, dampens the immune system, and undermines the body's natural defenses against illness. At a global level, it can literally drain the earth of its survival resources and interrupt its harmony and balance. It follows that finding ways of preventing psychic vampirism, or successfully counteracting it, must be among our top priorities.

There are several forms of psychic vampirism, each of which demands a host victim.

One-on-one Attacks
In the one-on-one vampire encounter, the psychic vampire taps into the energy system of a selected host victim for the express purpose of extracting energy. Typical one-on-one psychic vampires are not agents of evil bent on the destruction of their victims. Furthermore, they possess none of the supernatural powers attributed to folklore vampires. They function instead from a position of profound weakness. Deficient in energy, and with their own energy system usually impaired, they seek other energy options-the energy system of a host victim.

Almost everyone has experienced the common vampire interaction that left them both mentally and physically fatigued. Unfortunately, the psychic vampire's energy system is only temporarily replenished, thus requiring repeated attacks. For the host victim of recurring attacks, the consequences can be extremely harmful.

In the group setting, psychic vampirisrn can involve multiple vampires and victims. It can occur within groups and between groups, with power, wealth, and control being among its major goals. Highly competitive groups whose goal is to subdue or defeat the opposition, along with heated political campaigns, seem particularly vulnerable to group psychic vampirism. In its most dangerous form, it can include the organized activities of predator gangs, criminal groups, and drug trafficking networks.

Welcome to Castle Enron
Even major corporations have been known to stoop to psychic vampirism. Any organization that exploits human beings has clear fingerprints of psychic vampirism. Big Tobacco with its long history of predatory marketing practices, some of which targeted children. Enron Corporation's vampirization of its beleaguered employees are examples of corporate psychic vampirism on an alarming scale.

The globe itself is vulnerable to psychic vampirism that recklessly exhausts its natural resources, pollutes its environment, threatens its species, and erodes its potential for progress. Psychic vampirism's consequences can span centuries. It can affect everyone and in some instances, it literally puts the future of the planet at risk.

An internal form of vampirism, parasitic vampires are twice the victim-they are both vampire and host. Examples are phobias, obsessions, compulsions, and an array of self-defeating stress reactions—each of which is like a blood-sucking vampire with a demonic appetite. The more they devour, the more they demand. By attacking from the inside, they drain their host of essential energy, and eventually grid down the energy system itself.

What Is a Vampire?
Anyone who preys upon others can be seen as a psychic vampire. A person who exploits or ruins a lover is a psychic vampire. On a global scale, ageism, sexism, racism, abuse of human rights, international terrorism, and so-called "ethnic cleansing" are among the many faces of psychic vampirism.

Fortunately, we now know enough about psychic vampirism to halt it in its track. Step-by-step strategies specifically designed to confront and overcome the threat of psychic vampirism are now available to everyone. Psychic Vampires: Protection from Energy Predators & Parasites details scores of totally new strategies and psychic tools, each laboratory tested, that can effectively empower the potential victim of psychic vampirism. We can prevent a one-on-one psychic vampire attack or promptly end it. Groups can effectively inoculate themselves against the onslaught of psychic vampirism. We can effectively counteract parasitic vampirism and break its vicious cycle by unblocking corroded internal energy channels and opening up new ones. We can act decisively to erase the effects global vampirism and protect the earth from future harm.

Understanding psychic vampirism is critical in our quest to realize our growth potentials and achieve our highest level of personal and global actualization.

About Joe H. Slate PhD

Joe H. Slate was a Licensed Psychologist in private practice with a PhD from the University of Alabama and postdoctoral studies in hypnosis and psychosomatic medicine at the University of California. He was Emeritus ...

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