Posted Under Spells

Rainbow Moon Spells

Triple Moon Goddess

In my latest book in the Hedgewitch's Little Library, I discuss our Lady of the night herself, the beautiful moon. In The Hedgewitch's Little Book of Lunar Magic, all the wonderous phases of the moon are discussed, including all the colors of the moon.

It is hard to believe, but our moon has a veritable rainbow of colors attached to it. These colors come with an array of correspondences that can be harnessed and used within magic. We often think of the moon as just white, but there are red, pink, orange, yellow, and blue moons, as well. While the moon may not literally shine that color, it is the name given to the moon during different seasons and different times. (For example, blue moons refer to the second of two full moons that occur within the same month, and occur roughly every two years.) I wanted to use this opportunity to show how the rainbow moon can be used in magic, and the types of spells and intentions we can cast upon our most magnificent free resource.

We begin with the red moon and all its power. The red moon correspondences can be vervain, mugwort, patchouli, dragon’s blood, musk, red flowers, red candles, and teas.

Red Moon Desire Spell
Desire can be interpreted in many ways; it refers not to just the physical desire we feel for someone but also the desire we have for success or to make our dreams a reality. Desire is a yearning to do something, and usually it's for the benefit of ourselves. It is a desire to live somewhere else or to learn something new. Desire is a wish and want combined, and falls into every part of our lives.

On the night of a Red Moon, write in your moon journal your ultimate desire, no matter how wild, no matter how impossible. Light a red candle and whisper into it these words:
Red Moon of eternal desire.
This is my wish I give to you.
(Whisper your desire into the flame) …
No matter how long it takes please make it come true.

Then, blow out the candle and watch the rising smoke carry your wish up to the universe and the Red Moon. Be patient; magic works in its own time and at its own pace.

The Pink Moon usually occurs in the month of April in the Northern hemisphere, and is so called for the flowers that are in bloom. The Pink Moon correspondences are those that contain light energies and yet are very powerful, such as rosemary, meadowsweet, lilac, honeysuckle, and rose. Pink candles and fragrant flower teas are also very aromatic and sensual correspondences.

Pink Moon Friendship Spell
Due to our busy lives, we can quickly and easily lose touch with our friends. Friendships that last require a regular input, and friends are so important to our lives. Here is a quick and easy spell to reconnect.

On the night of the pink moon, light a pink candle, make a pot of coffee, and sprinkle some moon salt on the table. Trace the initials of the friend you haven't spoken with for a while in the salt. As you do, say these words:
I am thinking of you. Are you thinking of me? We haven't seen each other lately. Let's get together and have a coffee.

Slowly sip the coffee and watch the flickering candle. Think of your friend and all the fun times you had. When you are ready, blow out the candle and watch the rising smoke take your thoughts and wishes to the moon. Within twenty-four hours, your friend will have gotten in touch.

Orange moons can occur at any time during the year but are usually seen in the early evening when the sun has set and the full moon is appearing on the horizon. Orange moons are a fantastic sight to see, especially if you are lucky enough to be out on the ocean or live near the sea. Orange moons are full of energy and creativity, and they are especially powerful if you have an enterprising business activity in mind. Their correspondences are saffron, lemongrass, bronze fennel, orange, nutmeg, allspice, ginger, and cinnamon.


Orange Moon Enterprise Spell
Being enterprising is not all about becoming the next billionaire; you can be enterprising in your job, in your home, or in your family life. An enterprise is usually a project or activity that is difficult and often risky. Expressing your enterprising activity means being resourceful and having the initiative to recognize that there are different way of doing something. In the home it can mean developing a time-saving way of doing something, and at work it could be thinking outside the box for a task. However, not all of us can see a different way to do things and we might be frightened of new ways. That said, try to embrace them, as an enterprise activity might be very beneficial to you. If you see an orange moon forming, this is literally a sign from the universe to begin your enterprise.

On the night of the Full Moon, go outside and standing barefoot on the ground, raise your hands, forming a Y shape, and say:
Open my eyes to what I can see.
Show me the enterprise surrounding me.
The new technique or project complete.
Orange Moon power reveal the new reality.

Look out into the darkness of the night and look at the stars. Imagine all those stars as different enterprises, a whole universe of achieving the same result but just doing things differently in a way that saves you time and money. You have all the power to be resourceful and to see things in a different way. Embrace your enterprising self and find solutions to problems.

Yellow Moons are one of my favourite type of moons, as they are full of zest and vitality. When I see a yellow moon, I take it as a sign to reconnect with my body. The correspondences for the yellow moon are feverfew, catnip, bergamot, sunflower, sandalwood, citrus, ylang-ylang, and jasmine.

Yellow Moon Body Communication Spell
The yellow moon is a great opportunity to get in touch with your body and reconnect with the energies that pulsate throughout your whole self, especially if you have been feeling weak or lacking in strength. You may not know, but you can communicate with your body and ask it questions, and it will answer. It is called the sway method, and this is how you perform it.

On the night of the yellow moon, stand in front of your altar or anywhere inside your home and with legs slightly apart and arms by your sides. Take several deep breaths. Breathe in through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Visualize your body covered in yellow moonlight. Then say,
Body, I need to talk to you on this special night.
Yellow Moon, guiding light,
Help me to communicate with my body.
Swaying forward and backward to what is right.

Close your eyes and ask, "Body, affirm yes." Your body will react to your question, and you will feel a pull to go forward. This is your body answering you. Then ask, "Body, affirm no." You will feel as though you are being pushed back. Once you have this line of communication with your body, you can begin asking yes-no questions pertaining to your strength and what you can do to heal yourself to gain more strength. If I am feeling weak and lacking in strength, I will ask my body what I need to take. For example, I will say, "Body, I am lacking in strength; do I need to take iron supplements?" My body will respond by pulling forward or pushing backward for a yes-no answer.

Now that you have opened the channel for communication with your body, this can continue throughout the rest of the year, and if at any time you feel the discussion has stopped, reaffirm it by lighting a yellow candle and using the visualisation technique and spell for the yellow moon.

Although we have no Green Moon (which is a shame), there was an old myth concerning the moon that believed the moon was made with green cheese. It was a popular proverb from the sixteenth century, and I discuss it in The Hedgewitch's Little Book of Lunar Magic. However, I would like to take this opportunity to use a bit of creative license here and utilize this old proverb for a spell for the earth.

Green Moon Planting Bless the Soil Spell
The Waxing, Full, or new moon is ideal to perform a blessing for the soil spell, which will ensure a good crop of flowers for the spring and summer. If you have no garden, try to buy a little pot with a crocus or snowdrops at this time, which will represent the earth in general.

At midnight go outside and perform this spell. Take with some used coffee grounds and your moon salt and moon water. In the place where you will plant your favorite flowers (or perhaps a spot in your garden where nothing grows), pour the coffee grounds on to the soil and say:
Blessings to the Mother Earth.
Green Moon brings much mirth.
Upon this midnight toil.
I ask for blessings upon this soil.
Coffee and salt of Earth,
Water of the Moon's birth.
Grant all that blooms within.
With abundant growth therein.

Then pour your moon water over the coffee grounds and sprinkle three pinches of the moon salt over it. Rake the mixture over in the soil and pat down. Wait until the earth warms up some more planting any seeds or plants.

The final color of our Rainbow Moon journey is probably one of the most common phases during which to work magic. The Blue Moon does not actually appear blue; rather, it is but is the second full moon in any one month. The correspondences of the blue moon are lavender, chicory, chamomile, parsley, marjoram, echinacea, thyme, and my personal favourite, juniper.

Blue Moon Education Spell
It's never too late to learn, and all of us can gain something returning to school. Learning just for you in an area you are intrigued by is so fulfilling. It can be absolutely anything and everything, and not just to benefit your work or career. You might be intrigued by a particular part in history, the ancient world, or Medieval Europe; whatever it is, embark on the journey and embrace the education.

If you are unsure what to learn because you have such a wide variety of interests, then ask a Blue Moon in your decision of what to study. Look through magazines or scour the internet of pictures that interest you, such as pictures of places, temples, Greek Gods, ancient Egypt, cookery, books, anything at all, and either cut or print them out.

Then, on the night of the Blue Moon, lay them all out on a table or in front of your altar, and light a blue candle. Close your eyes and breathe deeply for a few moments, steadying your mind and thoughts. Then open your eyes and say:
I want to learn and go back to school.
I realize education does rule.
The university of life I have been a student of.
Applying everything I've learnt into a good job.
Learning, learning, learning for me.
Maths, Law, Literature and History.
Bring it all on, so mote it be.

After, close your eyes once again and then holding both hands out, slowly move your hands over the pictures but do not touch them. Take your time and let the thoughts of learning flow into your mind. As you move your hands over the picture become aware if the palms of your hands start to get warm or hot, or your fingertips start to tingle; any strange sensation in your hands or fingers over a picture is an indication that that is the path you should take. Open your eyes and see which picture you have chosen; give thanks to the Blue Moon and blow out the candle and watch the rising smoke carry your gratitude and spell up to the moon herself.

There you go! These are the wonderful colors of the moon. I just want to share with you one more very important thing we can do with our moon at any time, and that is a gratitude ritual.

White Moon Gratitude Ritual
At times we are so concerned with getting what we want that we can overlook what we already have. It is important to take a moment to just stop and look at what you have here and give thanks. Reflect on those things you have and say thank you to the universe and moon for having them.

On the first night of the full moon, light a white candle and with your moon journal in hand write down all the things for which you are grateful. It can for health, your blue eyes, your knowledge, your ability to read and write, the fact that you have a job (even if you hate it). After, place both hands on your moon journal and say:
I am grateful for who I am and everything I own.
For the love of friends and family.
To the knowledge of thee.
Gracious Moon I implore.
Thank you for all my gifts and more.

Feel the warmth in heart flowing into your hands and fingers. After, give them a shake, releasing all that energy. Throughout the year repeat the ritual, as it helps to take stock of everything you truly have and to realize how lucky you really are.

About Tudorbeth

Tudorbeth is the principal of the British College of Witchcraft and Wizardry and teaches courses on witchcraft. She is the author of numerous books, including The Hedgewitch's Little Book of Spells, Charms & Brews and A ...

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