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Tarot Spread for the Month of May

Woman Reading Tarot

Although it seemed the enduring, frigid winter would never end, the longer, warmer days have heralded in springtime. Because the days are so much more pleasant,

The astrological sign of Taurus is in effect through two-thirds of this month, and is therefore its ruling sign. Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac and indicates wealth and abundance in our lives. It is a fixed quality and an earth element, making it perhaps the most stable sign of the twelve.

Because it is fixed, Taurus is steadfast and does not waver from resolutions. Once it has made its mind up about something it will not alter unless strong evidence to the contrary is presented. Because Taurus is of the earth element, it is practical and stable.

Taurus's sense of solidity and methodical persistence can lead other less-balanced souls to believe that it is boring, but that is simply not the case. What others perceive as dull is merely the Taurean desire to keep affairs in meticulous order. Only on the rarest of occasions will you find a Taurean at the center of controversy, because these beings simply refuse to allow themselves to be caught up in the muddled affairs of others.

The Evening Light
Taurus is ruled by the second planet from the Sun, Venus—also known as the morning or evening star because it is the first celestial object to be viewed at dusk and the last one to be seen at dawn. Venus governs music, the arts, and all that is pleasant. It also rules partnerships, and for that reason it is considered the planet of love and marriage. The negative side of Venus is that it is extremely jealous and does not tolerate competition of any kind. So ardent is Venus in the pursuit of a competitor-free existence that it is not above using sabotage to remove any obstacles that are unlucky enough to cross its path.

A Crown of Stars
The tarot archetype that corresponds with Venus, the ruler of Taurus, is the Empress. The Empress represents the fertile mother goddess worshiped throughout the ancient world. One of the Empress's most enduring symbols is the "Madonna Lily," whose starry shape reflects the fact that many of her names meant "star," such as Astarte, Ishtar, and Eostre (Easter). It is because of this stellar influence that the Empress is depicted crowned with stars.

Venus influences the Empress by revealing her earthy, sensual face. The Taurean Venus is concerned with the earth: its special smell after rain has fallen, its beautiful overflowing gardens, and its luscious ripe fruits. Sensuality is expressed through a healthy appetite for food and sex, a love of tactile fabrics such as velvet and silk, massage with perfumed oils, and rich colors in clothes and furnishings.

On a physical level, the Empress often foretells a pregnancy or birth. She is fertile and highly receptive, and harmonious relationships are indicated with special emphasis on the physical expression of love and affection.

It is important to realize that we are all physical beings, and therefore reliant on earthly attributes to exist in this world. If our material needs are lacking, we will endeavor to focus solely on satisfying them until they are met. We cannot aspire to a more spiritual way of thinking until our physical well-being is assured. Taurus, Venus, and the Empress represent this need for physical fulfillment, encouraging us to pay attention to all aspects of our lives.


The New Moon
This spread is ideal for bringing to light the issues, situations, and energies that you will deal with during the next lunar cycle. It can also be adapted to check the growth and development of creative or business projects. The spread should be performed on the date of the New Moon each month. Each card represents a week in the lunar cycle, from one aspect of the Moon to the next.

  1. New Moon – beginnings
  2. Second Quarter – progress
  3. Full Moon – manifestation
  4. Fourth Quarter – reflection
  5. New Moon – completion; new beginnings

From Llewellyn's 2001 Tarot Calendar. For more Llewellyn tarot books and decks, click here.