Posted Under Chakras & Energy Work

Muladhara Meditation


Each chakra controls a certain range of frequencies of energy flowing into and out of it from either the physical or one or more of the subtle bodies. It isn't enough to understand this phenomenon intellectually or even experience it on the unconscious level. It is important to consciously experience and consciously be able to regulate the energy as it radiates into, through, and out of each particular chakra. I've created a series of meditations designed to help you consciously experience, regulate, and integrate the functions of the chakras with each other and with the other organs of the subtle energy system. In the Muladhara meditation I want you to feel the energy flowing through the first chakra. Then get in touch with that center of consciousness that is your earth-like nature and become that consciousness to the exclusion of everything else.

To begin the Muladhara meditation, it is first necessary to get in touch with the energy of the Muladhara center and increase it. By increasing the level of energy it will be easier to experience the energy in the chakra, and then the consciousness that is a manifestation of the sub-field created by the chakra. To start, find a comfortable position, preferably with your back straight, close your eyes, and begin the Yogic Breath. Breathe deeply through your nose without separation between inhalation and exhalation, and feel yourself relaxing. Take your time and let yourself become conscious of your body. This is easiest to do if you pay attention to your breathing for about five minutes, allowing it to get deeper and more rhythmic with each breath. After about five minutes bring your attention to your first chakra at the base of your spine. It's all right if you don't know exactly where it is. Bring your attention to where you think it is. Then begin breathing in and out from your first chakra.

I want you to feel that on every inhalation the breath does not stop at the bottom of your lungs but that it continues flowing down all the way to the base of your spine. Without separation between inhalation and exhalation, breathe out naturally through your nose. On each exhalation, feel as if the energy at the base of your spine is growing stronger. You will feel the energy as a heat and intensity that will become more powerful with each exhalation. As it grows stronger, visualize the energy there as a ball of fiery, red energy. Continue both experiencing and visualizing the energy growing brighter for two or three minutes. Let your consciousness, which for most people is centered somewhere around the shoulders and neck, move downward until it reaches the base of your spine and becomes centered in the ball of energy. Become the ball of energy and feel yourself being drawn downward into the Earth.

As this happens, pay attention to how you feel physically, emotionally, and mentally. For some of you there will be profound changes on each level. Some of you will experience imagery associated with the Earth, imagery associated with the cycles of life, death, and rebirth. Some students report experiencing feelings of continuity and rapport with other life forms or feelings of security, partnership, and belonging associated with Nature and Mother Earth.

By doing this exercise repeatedly, you will learn about different aspects of your earth-like nature and your connection and interdependent relationship with the Earth. I would suggest that you take at least ten minutes for this part of the meditation. After ten minutes or when you are satisfied, take a deep breath through your nose, and as you exhale mentally repeat, "Every time I come to this level of consciousness I learn to use more of my mind creatively." Next let your breathing return to normal, release the ball of energy at the base of your spine and the imagery associated with the first chakra. Then mentally return to the room and relax. After a few moments, begin to count mentally from one to five and when you reach the number five, open your eyes. You will feel wide awake, perfectly relaxed, and better than you did before.

Excerpted from Chakra Therapy, by Keith Sherwood

About Keith Sherwood

Keith Sherwood is a master of the four classical Yogas and the author of nine books on energy work, healing, and transcendent relationships. The exercises, mudras, and meditations that he has developed are used throughout ...

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