Posted Under Tarot

Creating Tarot Talismans

Tarot Cards

Not only an excellent and accurate tool for divination, Tarot cards are also a successful means to magically attract positive energies into your life. By using specific cards as luck-bringing talismans, you can increase your well being, develop a greater affinity with the Tarot, and also give yourself another reason to buy some of the wonderful new decks that are out on the market.

Simply choose an appropriate card, empower it with your intent, and carry it with you to act as a magnetic charm, drawing to you exactly what you seek. For example, if you wish to acquire more wealth, you might select the Ace of Pentacles. This card can signify money, stability, strength, the earth or protection, so you will need to highlight the desired aspect of the card by empowering it to best suit your purpose. Hold the card in your hands and visualize yourself in a shower of wealth, freely giving and receiving. Think of the abundance you already have in your life and conjure a feeling of gratitude, comfort and generosity. When this energy is at its height, send it through your fingertips and into the card, transforming it into a magical talisman. Carry the card with you and you will soon find financial opportunities pouring in from all directions.

Likewise, you could choose the Two of Cups or The Lovers card, empower it with loving energy, and use it as a talisman to attract new romance or to strengthen a current relationship. If you fancy more elaborate magic, you can try using a combination of cards to form your talisman. A job interview, for instance, could best be affected with multiple Tarots put into action at different times. When you're going for an interview, the King of Wands concealed on your person will increase your eloquence and give you an air of responsibility, while the High Priestess card will leave your potential employer with a clear impression that you are the ideal candidate. After the interview, you could replace these talismans with the Five of Wands covered up with the card that best signifies yourself, symbolically showing that you will triumph over your competitors.

Let your own creativity be your guide. Especially with the more contemporary Tarot decks, your personal feelings about each card should be the primary point of reference in selecting the talisman. Just look through your cards and choose the one you believe is most in tune with your magical goal. An important exception, however, is to never carry with you a "negative" card such as the Ten of Swords or The Tower, as doing so will attract trouble. Keep in mind that talismans are for positive magic, and don't be tempted into ill intentions. Trust your intuition, and you will find choosing the right cards to be quite a fast and simple process.

Tarot talismans are most powerful when used as temporary charms, and they should be returned to your deck within a few weeks. Once the talisman has done its work, remove the stale magic from the card by shaking it, blowing on it, or wiping it with a dry cloth. Shuffle it back into your deck and the card will return to its natural state, ready for the next magical opportunity that comes your way.

Easy and very effective, using Tarot cards as talismans is likely to become a frequently employed bit of magic, and as such, it is necessary and beneficial to own more than one set of cards. You don't want to find yourself in urgent need of a Tarot reading when The Star card is stuck in your pocket busily making your dreams come true. It's wise to reserve one Tarot deck solely for divination, and to acquire any other sets that appeal to you to use as talismans and for other magical work. With more than one deck, you will always be prepared for traditional fortune telling while being free to use the cards to their full magical capacity.

The Tarot is truly a treasure of the worldwide magical community, and by using the cards in creative ways, we are maximizing the potential of our traditions as well as our spirits. Making the most out of the tools we can obtain is a basic and essential element of magic, and by simply adding Tarot talismans to your bag of tricks, you will expand your skills, increase your understanding and charm your way to love, wealth, happiness and a better life.

About Melanie Marquis

Melanie Marquis is an award-winning author of many books including Llewellyn's Little Book of Moon Spells, Carl Llewellyn Weschcke: Pioneer and Publisher of Body, Mind, and Spirit (IPPY Gold Medal winner for Best Biography), ...

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