Posted Under Paranormal Phenomena

Spirits to the Rescue

Dark Haunted Forest

Spirit Rescue is in a different league from all other books on earthbound spirits. A sweeping statement, yes, but this handbook speaks for itself, as it contains practical information that is backed by facts. Whether you are new to the spiritual pathway or are looking to explore another avenue, you will find Spirit Rescue an invaluable source of teaching, as it is written to create awareness and open the mind to a wide spectrum of spiritually-related subjects.

Why did I feel the need to write this guidebook? For many years I have taught healing, dowsing and spirit release, and have worked in the field of metaphysics. I have become aware of the great need for a simple handbook that will teach the basic facts and enable the reader to explore some of the many facets of this enormous subject. When you first become interested in learning about spiritual or new age subjects, it’s often difficult to track down a reliable source of information where you can find easy-to-understand explanations, so this book was born to help open a whole new world to those searching for guidance and answers.

So many people are interested in spiritual subjects and are hungry for further information on a practical level, so Spirit Rescue will take the mystique out of this entire subject and bring it within everyone’s reach.

Ghosts and earthbound spirits are a mystery to many of us, and stories have often become exaggerated as they were handed down from previous centuries of strange happenings in old buildings, but many of these have a simple explanation, and it’s usually a case of a sad spirit who has become lost and needs help to find their way home. So why do some spirits get trapped in the energy band between worlds? We are all born with free will, and on death we retain this free will. Therefore, we can decide whether we want to move on, or stay in this between-worlds area. Usually the spirit has a personal reason for remaining in this area; perhaps they can’t bear to leave a loved one, while others may be concerned about changes being made to their home, or have unfinished business.

In the chapter dealing with reasons, you will find details of some of the many reasons spirits remain earthbound, and how to speak to them to help move them on their journey. Although most of us do not see or hear spirits, they can see us and hear our thoughts. Earthbound spirits are usually friendly, so there’s no need to be afraid of their presence, but dealing with a poltergeist is a very different matter from speaking to a lost spirit. Death is not the end of life, since the soul lives on. And life is a never ending cycle, so anyone keen to explore the controversial subjects of reincarnation, near death experiences or astral travel will find thought provoking facts and will be reassured by the information, as these subjects are very real and not simply imagination. Here you will find facts that will take the mystery out of past-life regression and will perhaps inspire you to explore this subject to find explanations and answers to problems in your life today.

Learning about these subjects is exciting, but when you start to open up to the spirit world and attend workshops or learn to develop your skills, the first lesson—and by far the most important one—is the use of protection. So whom do you need protection from? Psychic protection is necessary to protect your aura from negative energy that can cling to your aura, from people who are energy vultures and from negative spirits. There are many different forms of protection, and in this chapter you’ll find a selection so that you can choose. The power of intent is very powerful, so whichever method you choose will give you protection.

As well as placing protection around your body, you’ll learn about the aura, which is the body’s energy field, and simple methods to cleanse it each day. Also in this section are tips about the importance of being well earthed. We all have an invisible link with the earth that can be cut accidentally, so being well earthed is a must.

What happens at a development circle? These small groups are a good starting point where you will learn how to open and close your chakras, give healing, contact spirits, see colors, feel energy, meet your spirit guides, and learn to dowse. Spirit Rescue reveals many of the basic lessons necessary to travel further on your spiritual pathway. So whether you are a beginner or an experienced traveler on this route, you will find that this book becomes an trusted friend.

Author's Note: Dark forces have tried hard to discourage me from writing Spirit Rescue. The sabotage has included seventy pages vanishing from one chapter; another chapter was totally corrupt and unsalvageable as red lines had been drawn through print, headings had been moved, words duplicated, and contents changed. Word count figures were changed from bold print to normal and a summary had been moved to another chapter. Also, end notes had been moved so references were not applicable to that chapter, and this New Worlds article had to be sent multiple times because the editorial staff didn’t receive it. When I say that writing this book has felt like being in an obstacle race, it is an understatement. And yet, through it all, the book is now available to you. The spirits have rescued Spirit Rescue.

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