Posted Under Astrology

Holiday Gift-Giving by Venus Sign

Astrological Clock

Each year around this time, as we approach the holiday season, I am reminded of the hope that is a part of every philosophical and religious tradition. For everyone born north of the Equator, the winter solstice and its associated festivals center on the faith that the Sun will return to bring its life-giving warmth, and that new life will begin and grow very soon.

I like to think of the gifts we exchange as a symbol of that hope. The earth may not be giving us crops and the Sun may not be so warm, but our hearts are warm, we share that feeling with the people around us, and gifts are just one form of sharing.

I've noticed that gift giving can become a rather dull exercise. What do you want this year, honey? Oh, just pick something you think I will like. Even after years together, this is easier said than done. I thought you might like a bit of sizzle in those personal gifts this year, so I consulted Anne Massey's new book Venus for some advice. Her book includes everything you ever needed to know about the planet Venus, so I am only just sticking my toe into the pool of information about this alluring planet. And allure may be the perfect word to describe the best gifts for your special someone!

Holiday hint: Be sure to give this article to your partner, with your Venus sign circled for easy reference! Anne Massey supplied the Venus information. The gift ideas are all mine.

Llewellyn Gifts for Any Sign

  • Cosmic Trends: We live in confusing, sometimes dangerous times. You can use this book to help find the forward-looking gifts for anyone on your list. Or give it to others so they can understand cosmic patterns of change and develop their intuition.
  • Mapping Your Birthchart, Mapping Your Money, Mapping Your Family Relationships: These books come with a CD-ROM that makes it easy for anyone to calculate charts and print interpretations. They keep on giving too!
  • Aspects: A book to deepen your astrological interpretations. This book challenges conventional notions about the aspects and explains why they are so important.
  • The Llewellyn Tarot: Not astrology, this deck is filled with some of the greatest art you will ever see. Based on Welsh legends, this is a must for collectors. It comes with a book and pouch.

For the Signs

  • Aries
    For Her:
    Venus in Aries is hunting Mars—a rebellious, non-conforming "go-getter;" someone strong, quick to act, a tomboy. Go ahead, give her the sports equipment she has been yearning for.
    For Him: A Venus in Aries man loves his sports; the thrill of speed, if it has an engine, he's in love already. If you have the money, buy him a sports car. If not, buy him one of those new remote control airplanes.
  • Taurus
    For Her:
    Venus in Taurus yearns for someone to grow old with in comfort—she can be sensible in love. She loves the courting, craves security. This lady should receive chocolates and stock certificates.
    For Him: Taurus is the sign of foreplay. Venus in Taurus men know how to treat a woman, so you women have to show him you know how to treat him too. Give him a gift that keeps on giving—perhaps massage oil?
  • Gemini
    For Her:
    Once a friend, always a friend, even if the romance fades away. She is like Peter Pan; doesn't want to age and likes her flights of fancy. Give her tickets for that trip to Disneyland.
    For Him: Unlike many men, Venus in Gemini chats, gossips, and knows both trivia and facts. You can have things in common—freshness keeps it lively. Boost his Internet connection, or get his and hers cell phones.
  • Cancer
    For Her:
    Love is completely illogical; she knows that. Her affections grow stronger with each passing year. This lady will swoon over a gift that will still be around twenty years from now—a beautiful crystal vase, or an oriental rug.
    For Him: Love is familial—moonlit nights cast such a romantic spell. Traditions and family values are important to him. If he asked for a new tool or piece of garden equipment, shop for the best and give him that.
  • Leo
    For Her:
    The golden goddess of drama makes a grand entrance; she can't tolerate a cold shoulder. She is alluring, generous, full of praise, and rather high-maintenance. Jewelry will be a hit year after year.
    For Him: The creative Venus in Leo man adores women who know how to look great. If he wants you to look good, he wants to look good too. Take him to the men's shop and get him to try on something just a bit upscale.
  • Virgo
    For Her:
    She craves someone who is her intellectual equal. She charms with her wisdom, but don't think she is unromantic enough to appreciate a gift credit card from the bookstore. Go get the book she mentioned a few weeks ago!
    For Him: Venus in Virgo can readily fall in love with a calling or opt for a working relationship. Whatever they ingest needs to be pure. Get him a new cookbook, or better yet, imported treats—including a few heart-shaped chocolates.
  • Libra
    For Her:
    To the ethereal, divine, perfect goddess of charm, love is sacred. She will shower you with gifts—tokens of her affection. You can stick to tried and true stuff—a subscription to the flowers of the month club would work.
    For Him: Men with Venus in Libra know the rules of courtship. They are brave enough to go after Aphrodite herself. Purchase this man a star of his very own—you can find a resource on the Internet, and they come with a certificate, too!
  • Scorpio
    For Her:
    She may keep her secrets, but you won't get to hold onto yours. She is tempestuous, possessive, and her emotions range from fiery love to icy-cold hate. Get her something that you will never, ever show to anyone else!
    For Him: He is scouting for a strong woman, someone who understands his passions, desires, and devotion. He won't unleash those until he can trust you. Be bold with your gift, but stay within your own comfort zone.
  • Sagittarius
    For Her:
    Venus in Sagittarius is the seeker searching for fun, philosophy, and adventure. She is captivating, somehow larger than life. Go for the fun with the gift. A new camera for your spring vacation would be good.
    For Him: This man is attracted to a woman who stands out in the crowd, an adventurous spirit with a passion for life. He may play the field. Let him know you plan to stay by giving him a gift that is actually for both of you.
  • Capricorn
    For Her:
    Venus in Capricorn is traditional and appreciates societal values. She is ardent and sensual. You can get away with a terry cloth robe, but only if it has her monogram and is extra, extra plush.
    For Him: Men with Venus in Capricorn desire a classic beauty, someone traditional who can play the part of the "corporate wife." Give him a really classy object for his office—possibly an antique from Egypt.
  • Aquarius
    For Her:
    Venus in Aquarius is full of startling contrasts. She is looking for unique and reliable. She is an original, someone brilliant and different. Have you been listening? Get her tickets to the vacation spot she keeps mentioning.
    For Him: He wants a unique, somewhat unconventional woman with brilliant intellect. The way to his heart is through his mind. Give him an offbeat, yet intriguing new book, and insert a note for his eyes only.
  • Pisces
    For Her:
    Venus in Pisces likes to rescue and to provide unwavering support. Some are victims and some are saviors. How about a gorgeous scarf—wrapped around a small box containing a matching jewel necklace?
    For Him: A man with Venus in Pisces can be in love with the image of the "mermaid." He is most sensitive and caring; he almost cares too much. Give him tasty delicacies, and include crystal dishes or goblets.
About Stephanie Clement

A professional astrologer for over twenty-five years, Stephanie Jean Clement, Ph.D., was a board member of the American Federation of Astrologers and a faculty member of Kepler College and NORWAC. Her Ph.D. in Transpersonal ...