Posted Under Ghosts & Hauntings

Crossing Wires With Alice: Deciding Which Psychic to Choose

Ghostly Figure

Spooks? That is what I call my guides. Others may call them souls, guides, entities, spirits, guardian angels, or channels. I prefer just plain "Spooks," and apparently they don't mind. It's just a friendly, intimate nickname.

I'm a psychic and have been doing readings in person or by telephone from my home in California for the past thirty-five years. I've been doing this since long before 900 numbers and psychic advertising existed. During this time, I have read for thousands of people from all over this country, including Alaska, Hawaii, and the Bermuda Islands. Many have been clients for years. I have reassured them during the difficult times and shared their pleasure over good fortune or when predicted events come to pass. They know I won't reveal anything we discuss during a reading without their permission. Some have become my friends, others have visited my home and a few are now seriously involved in the field of parapsychology. I've even taught some to read cards using the same method I do.

Who is crazy enough to call me? You'd be surprised. I get calls from people from all walks of life, at all levels of education and in all professions—possibly even your boss or neighbor. I don't advertise or solicit calls; my name and phone number are passed only by word of mouth. I am constantly surprised by how far and fast that word can spread. All I ask is the person's first name, then I shuffle my deck of plain old poker cards and the Spooks do the rest. Yes, I do give the Spooks full credit for the accuracy of the readings. I don't do it; they do. I'm just a grandma, with a favorite hobby of getting muddy in my garden with my grandchildren.

Find the Right Psychic
The choice is yours in finding a psychic. Be open to the process and be honest. Don't expect someone to tell you that you will be rich, beautiful and famous, guaranteed. If it's too good to be true, it probably isn't true. Once in a while I come up with something that sounds like a typical gypsy fortune teller: "You will meet a dark, handsome, rich man, and be married in two weeks." If there is no alternative way to say what the Spooks are giving me, I will admit that it sounds too pat to me too, but that is what I'm getting. My own sister-in-law told me that she really hadn't believed it when the Spooks told me who she would meet and marry after my brother died. Her exact statement was, "I thought she was full of s---, until it happened" exactly as predicted.

Some people are convinced they were George Washington or Cleopatra in a past life because some other psychic gave them that impression. Funny, people never want to know if they were Jack the Ripper. Who you were means nothing. It's what you learned and what you did that matters. If everyone who wanted to be a specific famous person actually had lived in that person's era, the world would have been very crowded!

Come to either a reading or a healer with an open mind, then, to receive the best care and the most accurate information.

Try to find a reader or healer who is recommended by another person you respect who has been to see them. You often check with friends for the name of an attorney, doctor and counselor or other professional when you need help. You'd be surprised at how many of those professionals also call me, so don't be afraid to ask around. If you just pick someone out of the telephone directory it will be the "luck of the draw." I usually only do readings for people who are being referred by one of my current clients. There is one small town in the Midwest where I have probably read for more than half of the citizens, but most people don't even know it, unless they talk to each other.

You will benefit from the psychic help, either in a reading or through alternative medicine, and probably get some answers that have been troubling you all of your life. Not long ago, I was amazed and pleased to find out the Spooks gave security and direction to a twelve-year-old boy who was convinced he was going to die when he was fourteen, so "why bother?" The Spooks were able to help him realize that this was a soul memory from a previous life, but not part of the plan he had made for his current life. Now he is busy making plans for college, football, and a career in sports medicine—all of the things he really wanted to do, but thought he would not be able to accomplish. He has a busy life planned and great goals! And, he will succeed. His mother and grandfather both say his attitude has changed so much that it is like having a new person in the house!