1. A ten-card
Tarot spread developed in the 1890s by a member or associate of the
Golden Dawn. Taught to first-level
initiates of the Golden Dawn and widely used after publication by Arthur E. Waite in his
Pictorial Key to the Tarot.
Card 1. The main question on your mind
Card 2. A challenge within the situation
Card 3. The foundation of the question, subconscious issues
Card 4. The recent past
Card 5. Conscious goals, what you think you can achieve
Card 6. The near future
Card 6. What you are bringing to the situation
Card 8. How others affect the situation
Card 9. Your hopes and fears
Card 10. The outcome
SOURCE: Designing Your Own Tarot Spreads, Teresa Michelsen
2. A cross (sometimes with equal arms, sometimes where the horizontal bar is shorter and above the center of the vertical bar) with a circle around the intersection of the horizontal and vertical bars.
SOURCE: Donald Michael Kraig