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Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

Golden Dawn Time Line

1887   Westcott decodes the Cipher Manuscript. He asks Mathers and Woodman
to join him in setting up the new Order.

March 1, 1888 Isis-Urania Temple #3 is chartered. Westcott, Woodman, and
Mathers are the Three Chiefs. Mina Bergson (Moina Mathers) is the 1st initiate. (The numbering system marks the mythical Anna Sprengel’s temple in Germany, Licht, Liebe und Leben as #1. Hermanoubis Temple #2 in London, was supposedly chartered but never active.)

1888 Osiris Temple # 4 at Weston-Super-Mare is chartered. All members are Masons.

1888 Horus Temple # 5 at Bradford is chartered.

Fall, 1891 The R.R. et A.C. is established.

December 1891 Dr. Woodman dies. No one is appointed to take his place.

Dec. 7, 1891 Annie Horniman is the first initiate into the R.R. et A.C.

May 21, 1892 The Matherses move to Paris.

1893 Amen-Ra Temple #6 is chartered in Edinburgh. Members included J.W. Brodie-Innes and Dr. Felkin.

1893 Westcott’s resigns as Praemonstrator. Florence Farr takes on the position. Annie Horniman is made Sub-Praemonstrator.

January, 1894 Mather’s Ahathoor Temple #7 is consecrated in Paris. Famous French occultist Papus (Dr. Gerard Encausse) is a member.

1895 Thme Temple #8 is established in Boston, Mass. Themis Temple #9 is established in Philadelphia, PA. Thoth-Hermes Temple #10 is established in Chicago, Ill. Paul Foster Case was a member. (None of these temples lasted very long.)

1896Florence Farr begins the "Sphere Group," a secret group of skryers within the Golden Dawn.

Spring, 1896 Annie Horniman and MacGregor Mathers have a falling out.

Oct. 29, 1896 Mathers issues manifesto demanding written submission of Second Order members to his authority.

Dec. 3, 1896 Annie Horniman is expelled from the Golden Dawn for insubordination.

Spring, 1897 Westcott’s association with the Order is made public. He resigns from office in the Golden Dawn and the R.R. et A.C.  Florence Farr takes over his position as head of the Order in England.

Jan. 16, 1900 Mathers initiates Aleister Crowley into the 5=6 Grade in Paris after London Adepts refuse to initiate him. The London Adepts refuse to recognize Crowley’s initiation.

January, 1900 Florence Farr writes to Mathers. He accuses her of attempting to bring back Westcott as head of the Order. She resigns.

February, 1900 Mathers introduces Madame Horos as Anna Sprengel at Ahathoor.

Feb. 16, 1900 Mathers refuses Ms. Farr’s resignation. He accuses Westcott of forging the Anna Sprengel letters.

March, 1900 Second Order committee members in London investigate charges of fraud and expel MacGregor and Moina Mathers. Annie Horniman is reinstated.

April, 1900 Schism. Mathers annuls Second Order committee and sends Aleister Crowley to take control of R.R. et A.C.’s property in London. The take-over fails.

1900 Isis Temple #11 is created by Dr. Berridge in London. It remains loyal to Mathers. (This temple is also called Alpha et Omega 1)

1901 Internal battles over Florence Farr’s "Sphere Group." Horos Trials and unwanted publicity.

January, 1902 Florence Farr resigns from the Golden Dawn, which changes its name to the Hermetic Society of the Morgenrothe.

1902 Horus Temple at Bradford gradually pulls away from G.D. teachings. Eventually turns from G.D. to SRIA ideals, and accepts only Master Masons.

Spring, 1903 Schism. Brodie-Innes, Felkin, and the magically-inclined members form the Stella Matutina. Their Mother temple is called Amoun. Waite, Blackden, Rev. Ayton, and the more mystically-inclined members take over the remnants of Isis-Urania #3. Waite forms the Independent and Rectified Rite of the Golden Dawn (and the later Fellowship of the Rosy Cross in 1916). Temples loyal to Mathers take on the name Alpha et Omega.

1912 Alpha et Omega 2 (temple) is formed in Edinburgh as a daughter temple to Amen-Ra.
Brodie-Innes is its chief, (after having made peace with Mathers and broken off with Felkin).

1912 Felkin establishes Smaragdum Thalasses Temple of the Stella Matutina in Havelock North, New Zealand. The Order in New Zealand became known by the Maori name of Whare Ra or "The House of the Sun."

1913 Amen-Ra also sires a spin-off hybrid called Cromlech Temple or the Solar Order??"a collaboration between Alpha et Omega 2 and Anglican clergymen. Brodie-Innes, establishes an A.O. temple in London as a southern branch of his revived Amen-Ra Temple in Edinburgh. (It functions separately from Moina Mathers’s Alpha et Omega 3.)

1916 Felkin establishes the following temples of the Stella Matutina: Hermes Lodge in Bristol, The Secret College in London (open only to SRIA members), and Merlin Lodge in London. Felkin establishes another Order, the Guild of St. Raphael ??" a guild of the Anglican Church.

1919 Moina Mathers returns to London after MacGregor’s death and establishes the Alpha
et Omega 3
. Dion Fortune joins Broddie-Innes’ A.O. temple in London.

1920 The Amoun Temple of the Stella Matutina in London is closed down due to the paranoid behavior of its chief (Mrs. Stoddart).

1922 Moina expels Paul Foster Case from the Golden Dawn. Case goes on to create his
own Order, the Builders of the Adytum or BOTA.

1922   Dion Fortune leaves the Alpha et Omega Lodge to form the Fraternity of the Inner
. [Spinoff groups from the Fraternity of the Inner Light included The Guild of the Master Jesus (London - 1925) Helios (Gareth Knight??"Toddington??"1956), the Enochian
Temple (London 1969) and the Servants of the Light (W.E. Butler).]

1923 The Stella Matutina is close to collapse. Yeats resigns.

1933 Israel Regardie into the Hermes Temple of the Stella Matutina in Bristol.

1937 Israel Regardie begins to publish the Order’s teachings as The Golden Dawn.

1939 Most temples of the A.O. and the Stella Matutina become dormant (with the exception
of the Hermes Temple in Bristol which worked sporadically until 1970 and the Whare Ra temple in New Zealand which lasted into the late 1970’s).

1982 Regardie consecrates the Vault of the Adepti in Columbus, Georgia, and initiates two people into the 5=6 grade, re-establishing the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in America. A couple in New Zealand (Pat and Chris Zalewski) found a Golden Dawn temple there.

2000 Now, more people than ever have access to Golden Dawn teachings. Numerous individuals now actively refer to themselves as practicing Golden Dawn magicians.
See also:  Golden Dawn
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