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Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

Psychic Healing

Over the past several years, the idea of spiritual and psychic healing has become very popular. There are three very important laws about healing you should know.

Law One: Only a licensed Medical Doctor can legally practice medicine.

Law Two: Only a licensed Medical Doctor can legally diagnose a medical problem. Although in some states people in other medical professions may diagnose to the limit of their particular profession (acupuncturists may be able to diagnose from a point of view of traditional oriental medicine), if somebody with no legal authority says, for example, that you have a "kidney problem," that person is practicing medicine without a license. That is against the law.

Law Three: The only person who can truly heal you is you. This is a law of nature, not of men. Your wonderful, divinely given body is totally capable of healing itself. In certain situations the body needs help in this process. If your arm is broken, a doctor can set the break. Perhaps surgery will be necessary. In the future, new medical breakthroughs may help with broken bones. But you are not "healed" until the fracture has mended, and only your miraculous body is capable of doing that.

In the same way, a psychic healer can help your body in its own healing processes. Not only that, but many methods of alternative, non-traditional medicine can detect imbalances in the body’s natural flow which have not yet manifested as a physical problem. Balance can be restored before disease manifests.

Because there are so many forms of alternative healing it will be impossible to comment upon them all. However, in seeking out a psychic healer, here are some ideas to keep in mind:

- Avoid anyone who promises that you will be healed. M.D.s are not always successful. Neither are psychic healers.

- Avoid anyone who has the same one treatment for any and all problems. There is no universal remedy for all problems. An arm cast won’t help with the flu, nor will penicillin mend a broken arm.

- Avoid anyone who is the only person who has a special technique for healing which no one else knows and which he will not share with other people. This is usually a sign of fraud.

- Avoid anyone who insists that you buy a healing device which only he or she makes and sells. This is a sure sign of fraud.

- Avoid anyone who seems to be charging you outrageous sums of money.

- If you are not getting positive results with one healer, seek out another.

- Find a healer who is anxious to lose you as a patient. This means finding someone who doesn’t want you coming back to his or her office every week from now on. They should seek to cure you (of course this does not apply when you have a chronic disease which is currently incurable and you are going to a regular M.D. for treatment).

- Seek a healer who places a major focus on education. Your healer should teach you how you can avoid your problem in the future as well as giving remedies for the problem as it now exists.

A prime rule of the occult and of metaphysics is that we have free will and must use it or lose it. We are responsible for everything we do. We are responsible for ourselves. We are responsible for our own health.

There are two basic forms of non-traditional healing: the ones that affect you from the outside, and those that affect you from the inside. As of this writing, there are very few internal therapies. Herbal Remedies, Homeopathy and Bach Flower Remedies seem to head the list.

There are many more therapies which affect you from the outside. Here there are two categories, the soft and the hard. The soft therapies either do not touch you directly or touch you only lightly. This can include such things as the Laying on of Hands, Crystal Healing, Jin Shin Jitsu, Chakra Balancing and aura manipulation. Harder forms include Shiatzu, Acupuncture, Reflexology, Deep Tissue Therapy and Rolfing. Some people would include Chiropractic in this area, but it is very rapidly losing its reputation as being non-traditional. In some instances, there may be slight amounts of pain associated with some of the hard techniques.

There are also methods of non-traditional psychological therapies which can aid mental and physical problems. This includes Reichian and Neo-Reichian therapies, Primal Scream therapy, Rebirthing, Past Life Regression therapy, and forms of guided meditation. There are also mixtures of all of the above forms of non-traditional healing. Any or none of these techniques may provide an answer to a health problem you have been having.

That there is psychic healing going on everyday is undeniable. Even the most staunch supporters of only using standard western medical techniques recognize the fact that spontaneous remission of disease does occur. The history of sudden and miraculous healing could fill thousands of thick volumes.

But there is one so-called healing system which everyone should beware of. It is most popular in the Phillippines, Mexico and South America. It is called "psychic surgery."

There are, in fact, two types of psychic surgery. One is simply another name for psychic healing and involves none of the fake hocus-pocus of the other. The fake "psychic surgery’’ begins when the so-called "surgeon" draws a line on the body of the client where a problem such as a cancerous tumor has been diagnosed. Immediately blood flows, and the "surgeon" pulls out from amid the blood some material which is described as the tumor. The area of the body is wiped clean and there is no trace of an incision. There has been no pain.

This type of psychic surgery is accomplished by sleight-of-hand and what conjurers call "misdirection," directing people’s attention away from where the "dirty work" is going on. This type of psychic surgery is a total, ruthless, con-game played on those who hope for a cure which cannot be promised by anyone. In the few cases where there have been cures as a result of this "therapy," it is only because there has either been a misdiagnosis or the client has spontaneously healed himself or herself. Or worse, successful cases of such "healings" may be attempts at collusion for the pulse of fraud.

If you have received either some relief or total remission of a problem as a result of a psychic healing, it is imperative that you return to a qualified M.D. so that you can be re-diagnosed as being better or cured. Many diseases have phases where you feel better, but have really not improved.
See also:  Psychic Powers
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