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Psychic Self Defense

What is your chance of being psychically attacked at some point in your life?

It is fairly high, the evidence suggests. That does not necessarily mean that you will be victimized in a dramatic, life-threatening way, but it is distinctly possible that at some time or another you will incur the wrath of someone whose anger at you will find paranormal expression, whether your attacker realizes it or not. (If he does realize it and knows exactly what he is doing, you could be in for a very harrowing time.) But fierce, concentrated anger can trigger malevolent psychokinesis or bring an evil elemental into the picture, even if the human agent doesn’t know that such things are possible.

Ours is an intensely stressful, violent, competitive age. There is much negative energy polluting our psychic environment, and growing numbers of people are turning to the occult. Most of them, fortunately, are doing it with the best of motives??"to enhance their own spiritual development and to play their own small parts in the evolutionary betterment of the human race. As in any human endeavor, however, there are those who use their powers for destructive ends. The occasional press accounts of ritual killings of people and animals represent only the tip of the iceberg. Much of the negative occultism is not occurring on a physical level. In a society that officially rejects the "psychic" as superstitious foolishness, practitioners of occult evil have virtually free rein to prey on helpless persons who have no idea how to protect themselves.

Most of all, remember: You don’t have to be a victim. You have the power. It is in your aura. All you have to do is to recognize and tap it. You will be astonished at what happens to you. You will be able to draw on two worlds: the material world and the spiritual world??"and you will never be the same again. Protection from psychic attack is merely the first step on the path to new worlds of adventure and enlightenment. Are you ready for the journey?

While psychic self-defense is just one element of a total program of psychic well-being that involves daily exercises to channel spiritual energies and strengthen your aura, there is no reason that you should remain without psychic protection … starting right now!

Take an object that you can wear or keep with you at all times. A ring or wrist watch will do, but a bracelet, necklace, or waist-chain is better. Clean the chosen object in some way: the feeling that it is really clean should culminate what you’ve done. Seat yourself comfortably, preferably with your back straight, your feet together, and the chosen object held loosely in your strongest hand.

Close your eyes and physically relax your body. Breathe slowly and evenly. With each in-breath feel a flow of energy rise from your feet to the top of your head, and with each out-breath feel that energy flow from the top of your head to your feet. Feel yourself calmly growing in strength as the energy flows through your body. After ten or more breaths, when you feel strong and alert, visualize a sphere of pure white light just above your head and know that this is your own Highest Self??"free of all fear and pain, pure in the Divine Force that is everywhere.

Visualize that sphere forming an egg-shape of intense blue light all around you, and know that this is your psychic shield that will protect you from harm as it grows in strength. Continue breathing gently and evenly, feeling the strength in your body while holding this image.

Grasp the chosen object tightly in your hand, and feel that strength suddenly surge into your hand and into the object. Hold that object, hold that feeling, and hold the image of your psychic shield all around you. Project that fully charged battery, constantly energizing your psychic shield. You are protected!

But psychic well-being depends on a daily program. Start that as soon as possible so that you grow in strength and spiritual resources.

See also:  Psychic Protection
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